2 Best Restaurants in Chorio, Rhodes and the Dodecanese

Georgio and Maria's Taverna


Meals at this simple taverna, as popular with locals as it is with tourists, are served in a high-ceilinged, whitewashed dining room or on a terrace that is partially shaded by a grape arbor and affords wonderful views over the sea and surrounding hills. Fish is a specialty, and simply prepared mezedes (small dishes), such as roasted peppers topped with feta cheese and fried zucchini, are a great start to a meal here.

Chorio, 85600, Greece
Known For
  • Local favorite
  • Sea views
  • Best place to eat in Chorio
Restaurant Details
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Zoe's Taverna

The steep climb up to Zoe's all but guarantees a spectacular view, though it's worth booking ahead to secure a table with front-row seats. The food is equally breathtaking, with a strong adherence to traditional Symiot cuisine: think jugged hare, dolomades (stuffed vine leaves) the way granny used to make them, and five-hour slow-cooked lamb and potatoes. Many of the ingredients used come from the owner's own farm.
Kali Strata, Chorio, 85600, Greece
Known For
  • Fantastic views out over the coast
  • Traditional Symiot cooking
  • Friendly owner and service