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Group taking a van across country to protest the 'inauguration' later this month needs travel advise

Group taking a van across country to protest the 'inauguration' later this month needs travel advise

Old Jan 6th, 2001, 06:04 PM
Posts: n/a
Hello out there.....Bush did not win the popular vote..the electoral vote was STOLEN in Florida.. I LIVE in a State where the Governor is praying to get a job in the Republican Party in Washington...you will deserve this man...he is never in the state , never done a hard days work and I'm ashamed to be in the same area he comes from..We Americans have a right to protest..that is our right..and we shall...Every vote should count in this country..and our right was taken away..
Old Jan 6th, 2001, 06:57 PM
Posts: n/a
Aloha Nando:

Although still not offering much in the way of travel advice, I just wanted to relay how VERY pleased I was to see that OUR Congresswoman Patsy Mink joined in the symbolic walk-out by the Black Caucus this afternoon. I still can't understand where our venerable liberal Senators were...I guess they all got caught up in the 50-50 bi-partisan dealmaking going on Senate-side. Alas, the realities of the political game.

Well, it sure sounds like a great trip. Brings back memories of 30 years ago, when I surely would have been joining in with other freedom marchers. On second thought, maybe I'll check into a quick trip to DC myself...could be fun. Not only is this a historical event, but there's the museums and great restaurants in Georgetown! (Spoken like a true burgeois yuppie, huh?) Happy trails, and safe driving!
Old Jan 6th, 2001, 06:59 PM
Alan Greenspan
Posts: n/a
Tell Mommy and Daddy your going to protest and I'm sure they will send you a dime bag for your efforts. On the road avoid major cities where people work hard to suppoort there families and earn there way to a better life and take the back roads and stop at Injun reservations and half-way houses to crash. Remember when you get to DC to stop by the Starbucks in G-town for a Cappa what ever to get the caffine buzz to voice your anti-american opinions loud and clear. Stop by Blair House to help Al & Tipper pack and remember to take your trash home with you. We are trying to clean up D.C. after the last 8 years.
Old Jan 6th, 2001, 07:07 PM
oh, alan
Posts: n/a
I know that's not you.
Old Jan 6th, 2001, 07:38 PM
Posts: n/a
Awsome Bertie. Thanks for being another withess for the truth, and for using an actual email address.

This "selection" debacle will eventually be seen as an example of the mainstream media catching on too late. I hope by the time that happens we'll still have a few constitutional guarantees left!

Palante, Nando!
Old Jan 7th, 2001, 05:30 AM
Posts: n/a
anyone know where we can get information on the protests?
Old Jan 7th, 2001, 05:58 AM
Posts: n/a
Go to mapsonus.com or one of the others and get them to plot the trip. It will also give you driving hours.

The egroup (egroups.com ??) Trust The People (TTP) has created a forum for this protest and others (both consertive and liberal and wierd). What took years to create was created in 1 week using the Internet. During the chad count, the e-group organized demonstrations in 116+ cities (both for, against Bush and neutral) - and is now filled with Innaugration protest information.

Young people in America are waiting for something to protest about (IMHO after Seattle and the recent Presidential election) - and egroups.com and the Internet will accellerate and organize the venom just waiting for a cause to burst out.... (sorry for the soap box)
Old Jan 7th, 2001, 06:22 AM
Posts: n/a
When I saw the gentlemanly good humor and grace displayed by outgoing Vice President Gore during the counting of the electoral votes yesterday, I knew this surely was a most difficult moment for him. Too bad, Nando, that you and your sympathizers are not as constructive and thoughtful.
Old Jan 7th, 2001, 07:30 AM
Posts: n/a
Nando and his merry band of dead heads travel around in an old VW Van looking for Jerry Garcia!
Old Jan 7th, 2001, 12:24 PM
Posts: n/a
I just returned from church awhile ago and saw this message. At our service today the minister talked about what happened yesterday at the Congress and he asked us all to pray for this country. I have been praying and will continue to do so and I will also pray for you Nando and your group in your long trip. May God keep you safe and may God have mercy on this nation in its dire years of crisis ahead.
Old Jan 7th, 2001, 02:22 PM
Posts: n/a
That's a good one Karen-A minister and a Church supporting the liberals! What kind of whacko Church do you belong to? Don't bother praying for me Karen-I will pray that you get some common sense!
Old Jan 7th, 2001, 02:36 PM
Posts: n/a
So, XX, what proof can you offer us that God is a republican?
Old Jan 7th, 2001, 03:30 PM
Martha's Back
Posts: n/a
This has to be a troll. If not, Nando, you were a fool to explain the purpose of your trip. Next time, just post queries about crossing the country at this time of year and leave out why you're going.

The rest of you pontificators and pious blowhards can all go soak your heads.
Old Jan 7th, 2001, 04:32 PM
Posts: n/a
Don't you just love these compassionate conservatives?

It's simple. If you don't like the thread, don't bother to post. We'll stay out of yours.
Old Jan 7th, 2001, 05:19 PM
Posts: n/a
Go Nando, go Nando, go Nando, go Nando!
With ya all the way, show those greedy corporate bastards that although they may own the politicians and political process in this country, they do not YET own the people! Give 'em a few more years though, and they might! They already own their Third World slaves (whoops, "employees") and would love to do the same here!

If you'd like more information on the upcoming marches (which the Washington Post estimates will attract upwards of 750,000 protesters) visit and click through the links here:


If you'd like to play a fun little game called "B*tch Slap the Supreme Court Jesters", click here:


Hail to the Thief!!!
Old Jan 7th, 2001, 05:44 PM
Posts: n/a
Thanks to kalena, Linda, Henry, Music Man, Bertie, Texas, Wendy, Karen and Re-Elect for your advise or words of encouragement here. We appreciate it. Especially thanks for the URLs for the
protest groups. We're in contact with them now and that helps a lot as they can give us good information. We're sticking to the major highways so all should go well they tell us in the physical driving. Thanks again to the open minded/hearted people for your input (not to the tiny minded fascists though who also posted here).
Old Jan 7th, 2001, 06:24 PM
Posts: n/a
You know, I really was going to rise above all of this drivel but you people are irritating me to no end and I can't help myself. Guess I'll add my tiny-minded fascist two-cents. Nando, personally I could give a royal rip if you want to crawl to Washington to protest George Bush's inauguration. I myself would love to be there to ENJOY the whole thing but guess what? I have a real life which includes a husband, two kids, a demanding job (sorry I make money--I know that is offensive to some of you)and volunteer work in my community. Not holier-than-thou; just stating a fact. Furthermore, my views (conservative trash though they may be) are every bit as valid as those you left-wingers love to force upon the rest of world. Move on people--move on. W is the man, whether you like it or not. Could he REALLY be any worse than the pot-smoking, draft-dodging, screwing
around bozo we've been forced to endure for way too long?
Old Jan 7th, 2001, 06:53 PM
Posts: n/a
TinyMind, If you ask any of the plants and animals that W. is going to destroy to the greed wants of humans. they'll probably say yes.

Human greed, hurray.
Old Jan 7th, 2001, 07:06 PM
Posts: n/a
Okay, I'm not calling myself tiny mind any longer. I live in Nebraska where we love and value plants, all living creatures and the wide-open spaces. We don't just talk the talk--we live it every single day. Do you liberals really and truly think you have a lock on compassion and true love of mankind? I don't think so and one of my abiding images of Algore will be the one of him sitting in a canoe for a tv shot after they had DRAINED THE RIVER to make the shot look better. Yep, he is Mr. Earth. Oh yeah, if you're so concerned about the environment, why are you driving a stinky, pollution-causing van all the way across the country. Here's a tip--avoid I-80 and my clean state. Besides, W carried our state with total ease which proves we're all evil capitalists and not worthy of you.
Old Jan 7th, 2001, 07:22 PM
Posts: n/a
Need travel advice? --- DON'T GO!!!!
George W Bush IS yor president, face it!! And he'll be much better than the JOKE we've had the last 8 years!! Save the fuel, save the environment--STAY HOME!

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