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I'm looking for quality local female companionship in Paris, Bourges, and Lyon

I'm looking for quality local female companionship in Paris, Bourges, and Lyon

Old Jan 7th, 2001, 11:32 PM
Posts: n/a
Jeez, that last reply was a crusher. By that criteria apparently some of us have nothing going for us--and never will. Of course one shouldn't expect pity for being in such a laughable state, but the implication always seems to be that one should accept his fate and keep giving up the ladies to the same guys who have been crushing him in every meaningful aspect of life since he was five years old. Sometimes you reach a point where your just desserts aren't cutting it anymore, and surely the ladies can sympathize with that (having met few women who considered themselves worthy of any but the choicest men to be had in their social categories). But as has been proven many times, he or she who is not the hunted is stripped of his/her human qualities and deemed unfit for pleasure, education and romance. I do not deny that it is justly so, but it would be more becoming of those of you who are desirbale to be a little more magnanimous to us less-favored beings, it seems.
Old Jan 8th, 2001, 01:14 AM
Posts: n/a
can this bleak posting now die please
Old Jan 8th, 2001, 01:39 AM
Posts: n/a
From many of the replies here, it appears that many women are completely against people of the opposite sex interacting. <BR> <BR>I suppose that if you've got a computer you don't need anyone else do you??
Old Jan 8th, 2001, 03:01 PM
Posts: n/a
Excellent rely, Jurgen! Seems like the Guy guy just wants to cut through the time it takes blowing away your money buying drinks for the mediocre women who frequent singles bars. On a business trip, with jet lag, I can see his point. No way to sort out all the floozies to find someone that's on his par and capable of holding up her end of a conversation. <BR>This is no morale issue. If somebody seeing this decided to contact him, then checked him out, then arranged for his sister who's studying English or whatever in Bourges to meet him for dinner, trip to museum, dinner with the family... what can it hurt? I think the Europeans are more open-minded (and appropriately careful) than some of people, male and female and troll, that have posted here.
Old Jan 8th, 2001, 03:07 PM
Ted Bundy's
Posts: n/a
Yes. I'd be happy to set up my sister with a total stranger who tries to meet women through a travel discussion board. I'm sure nothing bad would happen.
Old Jan 8th, 2001, 03:19 PM
Posts: n/a
Ted, have you been reading? Have you missed the frequent references, direct and implied, of willingness to provide assurances? Or did you just want to make your clever statement?
Old Jan 8th, 2001, 04:05 PM
Posts: n/a
This thread keeps getting more and more inane. <BR>Well, at least the fact that RBD doesn't know who Ted Bundy is/was adds a bit of humor to the thread!
Old Jan 8th, 2001, 05:24 PM
Posts: n/a
Ladies and Gentlemen, I withdraw my question. I believe I have gotten what I wanted. Fools and provincials that most of you turned out to be, you nevertheless reminded me of my friend from Barcelona whom I contacted. My advice to a number of you is to get your minds out of the gutter and try to get beyond seeing every man as a predator and whoremonger. Good-bye and good riddance.
Old Jan 8th, 2001, 05:26 PM
Posts: n/a
And it ook me less than 3 days!
Old Jan 8th, 2001, 05:50 PM
Posts: n/a
"Guy," <BR> <BR>No one even bothered to explain why your request draws criticism, even from those who understand you are not asking for a prostitute. Let's begin with the fact that you weren't asking to meet people in general for companionship; you asked specifically for "female" companionship. <BR> <BR>If I were to ask you why you specify companionship from a "female," your answer would undoubtedly involve a number of generalizations about women. Generalizing about women is no less bigoted than generalizing about races or religions, even if it's something ostensibly positive like "women are better conversationalists" or "blacks can dance better," or even the ever-popular "I like women" -- which always sounds to me very similar to something like "I like donuts." <BR> <BR>Add to that your use of the word "quality," and you convey the sense of general attitude of superiority toward all but a select number of an entire gender. When you add "likes being with men," you are further implying an assumption about what an acceptable woman can do for you -- and overall, it sounds like you have filled out a requistion with several options on the checklist: "Please supply: one (1) companion, female, quality, French, conversationist, non-manhating." <BR> <BR>Why wouldn't this be offensive? Do you make male friends the same way, with an inventory based on assumptions because they are male?
Old Jan 8th, 2001, 10:27 PM
Posts: n/a
Poor Guy, don't you have any friends to travel with????? <BR>How do you know that we are fools? Just like you we expressed our opinion on your posting. We Win! <BR>try www.eurotrip.com I believe they have a posting site for people travelling alone. Your request was offensive, I showed it to some male friends and they all came up with the decision of what is your version of compatible....please tell
Old Jan 9th, 2001, 01:04 PM
Posts: n/a
Sounds like "Guy" needs to find an escort agency. I doesn't seem to me it's about "company." If it were you wouldn't be looking for "quality" women who enjoy men...I suppose "Guy" just didn't want to come out and say that he's hoping to get laid while in France...
Old Jan 9th, 2001, 02:24 PM
Posts: n/a
Folks, I've been following this string in bemusement. Just from reading the title I would be inclined to agree with the half of you that are really piling on Guy. I haven't counted, but it looks like he p.o'ed more men than women. That says something right there and I'll come back to that! <BR>But as I have read Guy's further comments it is clear, I think, that he would have been better off writing "a woman of quality" in the old-fashioned and admittedly sexist, but well-meaning sense; rather than "quality local female" which sounds like quality local ham or quality local apples. <BR>It's clear to me (I think!) that he's pragmatic, enjoys the company of women (How many women wish their men would talk to them more?), is not comfortable picking women up in bars, doesn't have the time to do so, and wants to recapture an experience from his youth. <BR>I also get the strong feeling that a few of those that are so critical are just spiteful and, dare I say, jealous for his overt, confident approach. In support of that view I notice that the ladies that responded here were not altogether unsympathetic to Guy. Hmmm! <BR>So I'm going to weigh in on Guy's side. I think he's a sophisticated person, appreciates intelligent women, and wants what he has apparently found, i.e., intelligent conversation with a European lady. <BR>What do you think???
Old Jan 9th, 2001, 02:31 PM
Posts: n/a
I think, Joel, you should look up "jealous" and "bemusement" in the dictionary.
Old Jan 9th, 2001, 03:06 PM
Posts: n/a
Why doesn't Joel go with Guy?
Old Jan 9th, 2001, 04:35 PM
Posts: n/a
Female here. <BR>Let me try to parse this for you 'sophisticated' people. <BR>The words/phrases used so far by the 'pro-Guy' faction: floozie, quality female, acceptable, 'likes men', 'limited time to meet 'acceptable female' etc. <BR> <BR>Do you honestly not see how this reduces women to the same status as a good meal and a show in the heirarchy of those things Guy wants during his trip? <BR> <BR>I refuse to believe the men and women of Europe as so clueless that they wouldn't be offended as much as a 'provincial' U.S. citizen. You are reducing half of the human race to a shopping list of stereotypes. <BR> <BR>In fairness, I think the fault lies more in peoples' inability to actually express themselves online than to real predjudice. <BR>
Old Jan 9th, 2001, 05:12 PM
Posts: n/a
Dearest Webster: Yo, Daniel, didn't know you were still kickin'. Must be pretty wrinkley 'bout now. So, dude. I've checked up on bemusement and jealous. First reaction is one of absolute relief that the language cops are out there, albeit I think they'd be better used working with our 5th and 6th graders. But then, who would keep me straight if not for you? And we do need left brained persons with the herding instincts of a sheep dog. But... the way I intended those words to be used (Eureka!) is in line with what that other Webster guy says. (The dead one) Leaves me nonplussed Mr/Ms Webster. (Should I look that up, do you think? After all, nonplussed is more than 6 letters...) Seriously, find the MLA website and dwell there.
Old Jan 9th, 2001, 05:20 PM
Posts: n/a
To SighHere, I can appreciate your point of view, but I think you might be selectively reading. The man wants to meet a woman on an intellectual basis, hence he has reconnected with an old friend from his time in Barcelona. He used some unfortunate language in his title. I suspect he respects women more than most American men. <BR>I see only a desire for intelligent company on the part of a man who did not know any way of finding that on his business trips. Seriously, is he being unreasonable? Considering his several additional messages, he seems to me to be on the level and respectful. I'm interested in your reply.
Old Jan 9th, 2001, 06:42 PM
Mike Murphy
Posts: n/a
It's interesting that the more seasoned travellers/contributers on this forum did not respond to this thread. Perhaps they could not provide an answer and wisely chose not to add their $0.02. <BR> <BR>On the other hand, a number of folks decided the poster's question needed to be dealt with swiftly and with prejudice. It is to those that I ask: <BR> <BR>If you could not provide some constructive advice for the poster, why did you think it was your responsibility to malign him and lower yourselves to name calling? <BR> <BR>And what happened to cause such a widespread loss of reading comprehension? <BR> <BR>At a bare minimum you could have asked for a clarification of his terms and then, if you found same offensive, chose either to not respond or politely express your indignation. <BR> <BR>Instead, most of what I've read in this thread is reminiscent of mob rule. What a pity. <BR>
Old Jan 9th, 2001, 07:16 PM
Posts: n/a
Okay, Mike, you called me (us - - the "veterans") - - out. <BR> <BR>I am a veteran, and you're right - - I have chosen not to post on this thread because it is 99% about heat and less than 1% about light. While I choose not to identify myself, many of you will know that it is me. <BR> <BR>I think that the header was so badly worded that the thread was doomed to degenerate into a cat fight. Ironically, those meaningless headers - - like "Could you help me with this?" would have been perfect for Guy's question. <BR> <BR>The information that Guy provided about some prior experience could have and should have been given in the initial posting. And he gives no idea why someone should befriend him in such a way. Many of us might like to "find" another traveler - - and yes, maybe of the opposite sex, even if entirely platonic - - to while away some after-business time in on a trip to France. <BR> <BR>Such liaisons undoubtedly do occur, and there is no reason why a person of one gender would have to treat the "other" person in any "user" kind of way. <BR> <BR>It seems far more likely that it would be someone else from out of town that would be willing to spend some time with Guy than a "local". How he, or any one else, will ever meet someone like this - - by PRIOR arrangement - - is totally beyond me. <BR> <BR>But I suspect that it IS an appealing idea to many other readers, whether veteran or not. <BR> <BR>And I rather imagine that they would know how to word it in such a way as to offend a lot fewer people than Guy has done. <BR> <BR>Best wishes, <BR> <BR>me

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