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Old Mar 30th, 2005, 09:39 AM
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10 seconds is a lot...just ask ray if he wish he had an extra 10 seconds in the sprint last night.

it's a competition. and since when do competitors (in any forum) not take advantage of another competitors misfortune/weakness. the other teams made a token gesture...rob/amber didn't.
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Old Mar 30th, 2005, 09:42 AM
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Too bad they didn't make the pitstop the orphanage itself, or somewhere close by. Then the racers could have spent a little more time with the kids (which probably would have meant something to the kids and the racers), instead of just waving at them as they ran through the courtyard.
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Old Mar 30th, 2005, 09:47 AM
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Ray looks and acts like he was on steroids. How could he not grind that flour faster? He got what he deserved. Next is Rob and Amber. Although they have a distinct advantage because of their celebrity status. I am now rooting for the two brothers.
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Old Mar 30th, 2005, 09:47 AM
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Before last night, I was kind of enjoying Rob's "evil genius" vibe, but no longer. Between his hypocrisy with the cab situation and his smirking about not even slowing down to see if the brothers were OK, I've seen enough.

I adore the brothers, and I was practically jumping up and down when they beat Ray and Deanna. And I am SO glad that they got eliminated before Meredith and Gretchen!

Speaking of the older couple, I've been rooting for them all along, but they earned some extra respect from me last night. Gretchen especially seems to have a great attitude, and she's had some great soundbites, too. And I was dying over how everyone kept referring to Meredith as the woman.

I also really like Joyce and Uchenna more and more with each episode!
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Old Mar 30th, 2005, 11:44 AM
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<i>&quot;Can someone report how Ray acted on the Early Show? I sure hope Deana has wised up by now.&quot;</i>

Nope, she didn't wise up - they got engaged at Christmas time. He was actually better behaved on the Early Show this morning. He even apologized for being mean to Meredith and Gretchen. He wasn't quote so horrible.

About the corn - they said their lady was harder judge than the others had. They had to keep re-grinding it because it wasn't good enough. I can't believe more of the teams didn't pick the water challenge. That looked way easier!
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Old Mar 30th, 2005, 12:44 PM
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It just couldn't have happened to a nicer couple...not!!! Ray got what he deserved and this morning on GMA, he gushed how he really likes the older couple and, of course, Deana said &quot;he really isn't like that.&quot; Seems to me she could use some counseling on putting up with abuse.
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Old Mar 30th, 2005, 12:56 PM
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When all of America has watched you be an asshole for umpteen weeks on tv, isn't it a bit absurd to say &quot;I'm not really like that?&quot; (Yes, I know all about editing, but you do have to say the words for them to include the footage.)
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Old Mar 30th, 2005, 01:14 PM
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Part of his being an ass is not thinking he's an ass.

I wouldn't want my 27 year old daughter marrying a 44 year old control freak.
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Old Mar 30th, 2005, 03:35 PM
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I've just discovered this thread, and have reviewed perhaps a third of the 250+(!) comments, so am going to weigh in myself.

First off, Rob and Amber (hereinafter, &quot;Team Romber&quot. I've watched them on all Survivors and knew going in that Rob was, well, &quot;devious.&quot; This is what makes him such a successful TV &quot;sell.&quot; Yes, he dropped a few notches in everybody's book when he neglected to make even a perfunctory query about the brothers' accident situation. I mean GUY – you at LEAST have to stick your head out the window and ask, &quot;Is everybody OK?&quot; Sorry, the &quot;game&quot; takes a back seat for those few minutes then. At that one point these young men are humans and NOT rivals. The BEST line Rob said and fairly much is a microcosm of &quot;Being Rob,&quot; was after he cajoled several teams into taking the infamous MBP (Meat Break Penalty). When at the end checkpoint, an incredulous Phil asked Rob how he maneuvered to have Team Romber take the penalty and still come out ahead – how he manages to DO it – he &quot;smirked&quot; and deadpanned, &quot;Phil, sometimes I don't even know myself.&quot; hehehehe In reality, he should have his OWN show (it doesn't matter the premise). It could only make CBS MORE money...

Regarding Ray and Deana – the embryonic embodiment of Jonathan and Victoria, it is wholly correct that it was universally agreed that Ray HAD to go (albeit maybe unfairly to Deana's demise, who was much LESS the &quot;victim&quot; that Victoria was). But getting to where the rubber hits the road, and I don't mean to seem vindictive, but I was happy enough to tolerate Ray UNTIL he made some monumentally rude comment on the river about how he refused to remain in the same league with the older couple who outlived their usefulness in life, or words to that effect. Er, do you KNOW you're on TV and there's cameras and microphones all around you – HELLOOOOOO! Goodbye and good riddance Rayp (that was not a misspelling).

Who to Win? Ultimately, I'd like to see Team Romber take it all just because I like that story line and I'm not adverse to seeing the gay couple stew in their own juices – they've just obsessed about TR WAY too much and frankly I'm getting tired of it. However, IF the brothers win – and I think they are interesting, virtuous, and humorous – I would be the first to raise a toast to them. What can I say, it feels GOOD to root for them.

I also agree that the orphanage scene was a touch of class. Let's face it, we're all watching this meaningless CRAP, yet with this segment there is a rescuing and the show strives for a higher plain which gives it some semblance of redeeming value. When has THAT happened in Jerry Springer et al.?!?

OK, so THAT was cathartic! I apologize, I'm still hopped up after seeing TWO episodes. I think we're getting the dreaded &quot;compilation&quot; episode next (yawn!). As the hungry lions said, &quot;We want FRESH meat, we want FRESH meat!&quot; You didn't hear that? Editing.

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Old Mar 30th, 2005, 06:20 PM
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&quot;Would you have the government force me to have sensitivity training? Just wondering&quot;

No, just a personal preference.

Mbresso, are you a regular over at Twop? That's how R&amp;A are referred to there (Romber).
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Old Mar 30th, 2005, 06:53 PM
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I may have missed something DVR'ing ffwd, but did they ever say how the injured man was? (Cameraman or &quot;security guide&quot; or whatever he was). I'm kind of struck none of US has mentioned that.

I don't know why anyone considers Rob's various despicable and gratuitously unpleasant antics &quot;cute&quot; or even &quot;just playing the game.&quot; Is it the dimples? The smarmy winks? His true colors came out when he started whining about being shut out of the cab -- does anyone doubt for a nansecond that he would have done the same thing AND laughed/winked about it?

I do wish the producers had thought about a penalty for them for not stopping, and it would not have hurt the game in the least -- to the contrary: it would set up an added bit of uncertainty and a bit of suspense if teams know penalties can happen for &quot;bad sportsmanship.&quot;

But KUDOS (and Ho-Hos and Twinkies and SnoBalls) to the producers for the best 2 episodes yet -- with interesting, varied tasks that really show off something about the country they're in. And the orphanage idea was brilliant! (But cynically she adds, any chance we'll hear that someone went back after the race to see about adoption?)

Old Mar 30th, 2005, 06:59 PM
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The host guy (can never remember his name) mentioned when the brothers finished that the camera man was going to be OK.
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Old Mar 30th, 2005, 07:52 PM
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SusanM: Re your quote: &quot;Mbresso, are you a regular over at Twop? That's how R&amp;A are referred to there (Romber).&quot;

No -- I don't know what &quot;Twop&quot; is. I heard that name from my better half who got it from or said it was heavily used at some internet site. I just glommed on here because we've got our honeymoon in Europe in May and I happened to see Amaz. Race 7 as a thread subject and got interested (we're Survivor and TAR fans). But can I still &quot;join&quot; here?

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Old Mar 30th, 2005, 09:44 PM
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Mike, twop = television without pity. Scathing summaries of your favorite shows, episode by episode, blow by blow. My life has been so much richer since I discovered them.

Welcome! If you've registered, you've joined. Nothing more necessary.
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Old Mar 30th, 2005, 10:05 PM
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Television without pity? OK - thanks Marilyn. I belong to a Survivor pool at work and the organizer emails us excerpts from this website that totally trashes it; maybe that's the one... Anyway, off topic I know. I apologize. Thanks for the welcome. Looking forward to more of everybody's fine insights and/or 2-cent opinions. My LORD what did we DO before the internet?! Oh yeah, productive lives.
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Old Mar 31st, 2005, 05:02 AM
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Mbresso, if you're a fan of Survivor and TAR, do check out Television Without Pity. All of today's most-watched shows are recapped each week, including these two and another favorite of mine, Lost, but the best part of the site is the boards. It can get a little...obsessive (and I'm hooked!).

Marilyn, do you post there, as well? I use my other screen name, the one I couldn't get here; Squidgie.
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Old Mar 31st, 2005, 06:03 AM
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I think that the latest show(s) was(were) the best so far this season. I loved seeing the country. I dislike Romber, and hope that they lose. What really me bothered, however, was the obvious spread of American television. When was the last time that you saw a South African program on our television screens. The world seems to know so much about us (and, thinking of Romber, not in our best light), and we know so little about the rest of the world. Though the village seemed like it might have been the equivalent of Busch Gardens in Williamsburg, VA, it was a still interesting. I thought that the water storage (ostrich eggs) was really fascinating. Learning about why the kids were in the orphanage (AIDS, civil war, whatever)would have also shed light on another's culture. Next task, clean out the toilets in an orphanage, make meals at a prison, visit with the elderly, whatever. We should see how other places treat those who have the greatest needs, maybe we could learn something.
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Old Mar 31st, 2005, 07:51 AM
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I don't remember the term they use when the teams have to choose between two different tasks, such as the flour versus the water this week. But I have been struck by how it seems that often 80% of the teams pick one task, 20% the other. The less popular task seems to usually be the easier. The genius of Rob and Amber is their intelligence or talent to make the right decisions. This week, they were way behind because of their excursion to the water tower, but they made up for it by being the only couple to choose the water over the flour (until the brothers at the last). Rob and Amber just play the game at a higher level, obnoxious or not.
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Old Mar 31st, 2005, 08:43 AM
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They are also known as Romber at:
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Old Mar 31st, 2005, 08:57 AM
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SusanM, I often read the summaries at twop, even if I've seen the episode, because I have a weakness for scathing humor. I've never even read the message boards, let alone posted on them. One internet addiction is about all I can handle, if I am to live any sort of real life as well.

Although now that you have intrigued me . . .

cheapalice, I love those ideas. Detours and roadblocks like that would show us a LOT more of the local culture and do some good in the world as well. In particular I'd love to have seen Kendra scrubbing out toilets somewhere.
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