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am i the only one who finds everyone trying to sneak on huge suitcases as carry on bags on aeroplanes???

am i the only one who finds everyone trying to sneak on huge suitcases as carry on bags on aeroplanes???

Old Jan 19th, 2001, 01:26 PM
Posts: n/a
This has to be my big pet peeve as well. I have travelled a lot and always pack a change of clothes and necessary items in a small carryone that meets the requirements. On my last three trips, my luggage was lost (believe it or not, all three times). It annoys me to no end that almost all airlines have carry-on luggage testing racks but no one seems to use them and they just drag on anything from strollers and huge duffel bags to suitcases. Then when you try to stow your small carry on there is no place to put it. The airlines need to be more strict in enforcing their rules.
Old Feb 6th, 2001, 04:32 PM
Posts: n/a
I like to use a small soft bag with one change of clothing just in case my big bag is lost. Crush it all you like, nothing important in there. <BR>I think what worries many people and this has not been brought up is theft. It's a big problem on many airlines but a dirty little secret they keep quiet about. I've seen exposes on TV about this problem and the airlines always deny it. My family flys frequently and this has only happened once to my parents. We started using the rattiest luggage available and no problem since then.
Old Apr 16th, 2001, 11:32 PM
Posts: n/a
Amen! I agree with the carry-on nightmare! I have travelled extensively for many years and only once has my luggage been delayed. I always take a small carry-on that fits under the seat in front of me with all I would need for one day if baggage didn't make it. It's awful to wait for all the jerks to try to get all their crud from the overhead bins and I've had bags fall on my head. I sure hope the airlines change their carry-on policy. Maybe then more flights would leave on time!
Old Apr 24th, 2001, 09:11 AM
Posts: n/a
I am in TOTAL greement with everyone. The attendents should enforce the rules at the door if the passengers have managed to get by the check-in desk with too much or too heavy carry-on. On our last to flights I saw people hit with falling lugage. <BR>Even worse to my thinking are backpacks..for God's sake if they will fit in the overheads fine, but remove them from your back and carry them. The clutter up the aisles, delay boarding and are dangerous when on the back. Going to Paris a few years ago I was sitting , strapped in like a good passenger when the idiot across the aisle removed his pack, smacked me in the face and broke my new progressive lenses. I spent the whole trip changing from distance to reading glasses, which I fortunately had with me as spares. It was my first pair of progressives and i didn't have a spare of those and even though I went to 2 opticiaans in paris they didn't have the parts to repair them. The jerk didn't even say Sorry!I find this a problem on trains , the tube, buses also. They seem to forget with the pack on they are twice a big as normal and move as it they wee unencumbered with no regard to others.
Old Apr 24th, 2001, 01:02 PM
Posts: n/a
I recently had the worst flight of my life on US Airways because of the carry-on luggage problem. <BR> <BR>My companion and I each had small backpacks, having checked our 26" rolling suitcases as we were supposed to. When we arrived at our row, there was no overhead space because a man was cramming two enormous duffel bags into two compartments. Instead of saying something to him, the flight attendant said, "Just sit down and put your bags under the seat in front of you." I protested, saying that HE wasn't going to have any bags in front of him, and why should we suffer for it? She replied, "He can't fit those bags under his seat but you can fit yours. So do it!" I wish I hadn't been so shocked because otherwise I would have gotten her name and made an official complaint. But we simply spent the entire flight with our legs cramped up while the guy with the two big bags overhead was a lot more comfortable.
Old Apr 28th, 2001, 05:12 PM
Posts: n/a
You are certainly not alone, I hate them, they deserve to be thrown off the flight with their luggage. Give us all a huge break!
Old May 1st, 2001, 07:18 PM
Posts: n/a
I used to be one of those that would bring all my stuff on board with me, but not everyone did it back then, and I did have two occasions 20 and 15 years ago where my luggage didn't show up at its destination, which is why I started toting all the crap on board with me. <BR>\ However, I quit toting all my "crap" on board with me several years ago, preferring to cram it all into a much larger, roomier suitcase; check the suitcase through, and hope that it will show up. And you know what? It always has! I must say, it's such a free and airy feeling not to have to tote all the bags on anymore. i must say, I've been enjoying my newer approach in travel by not having to lug that lug-gage all over the airports, especially where there's a change of planes. <BR>And yes, I was extremely bothered last week when it seemed as if every single person carried on all the personal effects. I just couldn't believe it. Once girl actually had a backpack, a suitcase, was carrying a big box ( I swear it was almost as big as a computer monitor box -- okay a slight exaggeration, and I was behind her while she was trying to get her bearings and carry all that junk off with her! I couldn't believe that she was allowed to bring all that stuff on. <BR>If I was a flight attendant, oh, the rules that I would impose -- oo, just watch out. I think airlines are going to be forced to just allow one very small carry-on item in the near future; and that would also be a shame.
Old May 7th, 2001, 04:09 PM
Posts: n/a
<BR>Was airline employee for 20 years most of the carry on problems that passengers are experiencing today are do to goverment & airlines not enforcing rules. Unfortunitly <BR>all the public and the psgrs <BR>have suffered since deregulation. <BR>Only answer is to bring back <BR>"goverment regulation" of the airlines. Oh I remember that <BR>great day in 1979 when they said <BR>deregulation would be so great! <BR>You use to be able to purchase <BR>a decent seat/size/space for a <BR>specific price. I say bring back <BR>regulation. I am tired of people not being able to follow simple rules and be hit in the <BR>head with baggage. I will gladly pay for my "first class" or coach fare to get rid of all these "freeloaders" that should be on a bus in the first place. <BR>(they don't know how to act in <BR>public) The Best way to change <BR>things is to not purchase these <BR>airlines tickets and I won't "unless I don't have any other opitions!" Rich

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