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me Aug 16th, 2000 04:41 AM

am i the only one who finds everyone trying to sneak on huge suitcases as carry on bags on aeroplanes???
ok,ok, does anyone else find people trying to carry on huge suitcases (esp. business men and women in business class)? i am annoyed - it leaves little room for everyone else, and can even slow up processes with getting on and off the plane. plus, when someone slams one into your shin they really hurt. <BR> <BR>i did have a laugh though on a recent swissair flight from heathrow to zurich, when the check in attendants let other people in business class get away with taking on board anything, but when it came to boarding, any bag that was deemed too big was taken off them and put straight into the hold just as they were about to get on the plane. their bags were also last off the other end! hahahahaha! i checked my bag in first and it came out first with a priority sticker on, and i whizzed off. lol. the moral of the by the rules, folks!! <BR> <BR>please reply :-)

Linda Aug 27th, 2000 08:16 AM

I just read this post and I can't believe that no one else has replied yet. <BR> <BR>I've been a regular flyer for over 40 years and I've noticed that more and more people (especially business travellers) want to make a quick get-away at destination and consequently cram everthing for a 4 day business trip into the biggest hold-all they own to carry on board. <BR> <BR>Years ago, if memory serves, flight attendants used to insist that carry-on baggage MUST fit under the seat in front of you. Overhead bins were reserved for coats, hats, light bags and airline blankets and pillows. I often heard attendants explaining that heavy items in overhead bins were dangerous if they tumbled out in turbulence. That seems to have gone by the wayside. I've had hats crushed beyond recognition. And don't you just love it when they have to drag that monster out a dozen times on a long flight to retrieve business documents etc.??? <BR> <BR>Maybe now that the airlines only carry those postage stamp sized paper pillows and kleenex-thick blankets (enough for 10 passengers) they figure there's more room for big heavy luggage? <BR> <BR>Am I losing it in my dotage and actually imagining a better time that didn't really exist?

Maggie Aug 28th, 2000 10:21 AM

Actually, this is my big travel peeve! While I totally understand why most folks don't want to check luggage these days, let's be reasonable, please. When your "carry on bag" is a small suitcase and takes up half the overhead space - it's TOO BIG! And good luck getting to your seat or getting off the plane while one of these jokers trys to lift it into/out of the bin. The last time I flew, there was a woman who needed two other people to help her. Sometimes they can barely get them down the aisle. <BR> <BR>However, I also blame the airlines. If the flight attendants actually made them check these things once in a while, folks would think twice about boarding with the kitchen sink. <BR> <BR>

k Aug 31st, 2000 04:59 PM

Oh, Big, Huge Pet Peeve!!!! <BR> <BR>It annoys me to no end when someone puts a big, heavy carry on bag in the overhead compartment that crushes everything else. <BR>I also don't like it when the fellow traveler or the flight attendant rearranges bags and actually puts someone's bags in another compartment in order to accomodate the person with the huge carry on! The person with the bag that has been moved has to then look for their carry on! <BR> <BR>Kittie

ohboy Sep 1st, 2000 06:27 AM

I actually got into a heated argument with someone with a HUGE duffel bag who insisted on shoving it in front of the shopping bag I had gingerly placed in the overhead bin. I had Belleek China in it.. This Jerk insisted that I remove it and place in my lap "if I was so concerned about it" After some time the flight attendant came over, apologized and ended up removing this bag to the hold where it should have gone before. I heard the flight attendant giving the ones that were at the door a talking to and she stated the obvious Why didn't you stop this person at the door??? Needless to say, I was upset all the way home but was glad the way Aer Lingus handled it.

Loafer Sep 5th, 2000 01:27 PM

I agree with all of you. But I also certainly can see why people just don't want to check bags these days: theft, loss, damage, etc. I get nervous thinking I might have to go on a cruise, for instance, with nothing but the outfit I have on!

Louise Sep 7th, 2000 08:14 AM

My husband and I get so annoyed I don't even want to talk about it!!!

me too Sep 7th, 2000 10:31 AM

I feel the same way and like Louise I can't evn talk about it. Those who say their suitcaces may be lost should pack two suitcases and have enough clothes for a few days just in case if one get lost. My husband and I took 42 trips so far and only once our stuff was delayed for two days. If someone is affraid of what may happen why won't you just stay home? We may get killed in Manhattan, raped in Baltimore, mugged in Barcelona and on and on. Those things do happen, don't they? I also don't know what to do with people who try to rearange my bag with expensive cameras. Once when I complained to a guy he said "What a bitch" and suddenly I became a bad guy. I feel hopless and helpless. Thank you "me" for posting this question

Loafer Sep 7th, 2000 12:51 PM

There is a difference between being afraid of getting raped in Baltimore (a chance thing you can't do anything to prevent) and having your bag lost. There is something I can do about that - keep it with me! I'm not really condoning this, especially since it's a case where if everyone does it, there wouldn't be room for any passengers on the plane. I'm just saying I can understand people's reluctance to let their bags leave their sight. I normally don't take a big bag as a carry on, but I admit I *did* do it on my honeymoon because not having my "stuff" would have put a huge damper on the whole trip, as I didn't have any extra money to buy new "stuff."

Jelly Sep 8th, 2000 05:13 AM

I get such a pleasurable chuckle when I see a stack of bags at the jetway door to be gate-checked because they're oversized -- and a big thank you to the gate attendants who catch these. I'm sorry, Loafer, but the people who think they are entitled to be an exception are the problem, exactly. And I hope you had more on your mind for your honeymoon than your suitcased "stuff."

Jeanette Sep 18th, 2000 11:29 AM

This is definitely my biggest peeve in airline travel. The airlines should had not let this happen. I too remember the days when it had to fit under the seat in front of you. They should all be piled in the gateway as poster just said and added to luggage in baggage hold compartments. Have seen a piece of luggage hit a gentleman in the head and <BR>nearly knock him out. It's absolutely dangerous to have this size stuff overhead.

Jimc Sep 29th, 2000 11:11 AM

As a frequent busienss travler, they will have to pry my carry on out of my cold dead hands. Nothing like showing up in a stange city at 11:00 PM, waiting 45 minutes for the last bag to come off the carousel, finding a luggage agent spending, 30 minutes filing out the form then trying to figure out how to be presentable for a meeting the next day at 9:00. <BR> <BR>The size restrictions are reasonable, & I, with the help of the local dry cleaner can pack for a five day trip in a 9X13X21 bag. <BR> <BR>If the airlines could figure out how to reasonably assure me that the bags will not misconnect, and that the baggage would be availabl;e within 15 or 20 minutes, I might consider checking my bag. Won't Happen

bigbag Sep 29th, 2000 12:27 PM

I am a bag lady and because I have no home I travel with everything I own. I don't want the baggage handlers getting their grubby hands on my valuables so I carry everything with me on the plane. If you people don't like it you can either walk or kiss my big fat ass.

marilyn Oct 5th, 2000 01:48 PM

Having been hit in the head once by a flying bag from an overhead that come open during the flight, I have a less-than-charitable feeling about people who want to bring huge amounts of stuff on board. I mean, can't we be reasonable here? Yes, I know it is hard to have to wait for bags, but if you have to bring more than will comfortably fit in a sensibly sized carry-on, I think you ought to bite the bullet.

baglady Oct 5th, 2000 10:38 PM

hahaha, you got hit on the head with a bag? That's really funny. Were you ok?

lets put Jan 1st, 2001 11:29 AM


martha Jan 2nd, 2001 08:03 AM

God forbid I say that I keep an eye on people with large bags. I'll be called Emperor Bitch of the industry. And yes, I enforce the rules.

lets put Jan 3rd, 2001 04:18 AM

he he. oh martha, martha, martha, why not just be kind and let someone carry on a big bag cos they don't trust your airline. <BR>you keep an eye on me on my next northwest flight and i'll rip both yours out and crush them with the sheer weight of my louis vuitton case. <BR>do you enforce the rules with a whip, perchance?? <BR>oh, wait a minute, does anyone care, uummmmmm NO!

lets put Jan 3rd, 2001 08:31 AM

Lets put, <BR> <BR> Um, you'd go to jail. Besides IDIOT, what makes you say Northwest? If you'd be a little more observant, I used us,aa,tw,co MORON! <BR> <BR> Read my confession on another thread, blind I think, laughs on you BITCH!

lets put Jan 3rd, 2001 01:56 PM

oooooo, touchy...i don't know why people think you're so horrible.

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