9 Best Sights in Nevis, St. Kitts and Nevis

Malcolm Guishard Recreational Park

Fodor's choice

A collaboration between Nevis and Taiwan, this 11-acre sustainable park is dedicated in memory of the former minister of tourism of Nevis. It features an open-air amphitheater, playgrounds, a basketball court, LED-lit splash-pad fountains, a jogging path, and a boardwalk. Those looking to cool off can pop inside the on-site game arcade, and families are encouraged to stop by on the weekends for movies in the park.

Alexander Hamilton Birthplace

The Alexander Hamilton Birthplace, which contains the Hamilton Museum, sits on the waterfront. This bougainvillea-draped Georgian-style house is a reconstruction of what is believed to have been the American patriot's original home, built in 1680 and likely destroyed during a mid-19th-century earthquake. Born here in 1755, Hamilton moved to St. Croix when he was about 12. He moved to the American colonies to continue his education at 17; he became George Washington's Secretary of the Treasury and died in a duel with political rival Aaron Burr in 1804. The Nevis House of Assembly occupies the second floor; the museum contains Hamilton memorabilia, documents pertaining to the island's history, and displays on island geology, politics, architecture, culture, and cuisine. The gift shop is a wonderful source for historic maps, crafts, and books on Nevis.

Eden Brown Estate

This government-owned mansion, built around 1740, is known as Nevis's haunted house, or haunted ruins. In 1822 a Miss Julia Huggins was to marry a fellow named Maynard. However, come wedding day, the groom and his best man killed each other in a duel. The bride-to-be became a recluse, and the mansion was closed down. Locals claim they can feel the presence of "someone" whenever they go near the eerie old house with its shroud of weeds and wildflowers. Though memorable more for the story than the hike or ruins, it's always open, and it's free.

East Coast Rd., between Lime Kiln and Mannings, St. Kitts and Nevis

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Fothergills Nevisian Heritage Village

On the grounds of a former sugar plantation–cotton ginnery, this ambitious, ever-expanding project traces the evolution of Nevisian social history, from the Caribs to the present, through vernacular dwellings that re-create living conditions over the centuries. The Carib chief's thatched hut includes actual relics such as weapons, calabash bowls, clay pots, and cassava squeezers. Wattle-and-daub structures reproduce slave quarters; implements on display include coal pots and sea fans (used as sieves). A post-emancipation gingerbread chattel house holds patchwork quilts and flour-bag dresses. There's a typical sharecropper's garden explaining herbal medicinal folklore and blacksmith's shop. Docents are quite earnest and go on at great (mostly fascinating) length. If you're lucky, one of the ladies might have brought in home-baked bread or goat water.

Fothergills Estate, St. Kitts and Nevis
Sight Details
Rate Includes: $4, Closed Sun.; Sat. by appointment only

Ft. Ashby

Overgrown with tropical vegetation, this site overlooks the place where the settlement of Jamestown fell into the sea after a tidal wave hit the coast in 1680. Needless to say, this is a favorite scuba-diving site.

Nevis Hot Springs

The Caribbean's first lodging, the Bath Hotel (built by businessman John Huggins in 1778), was so popular in the 19th century that visitors, who included Samuel Taylor Coleridge, traveled months by ship to "take the waters" in the property's hot springs. It suffered extensive hurricane and earthquake damage over the years and long languished in disrepair. Local volunteers have cleaned up the spring and built stone pools and steps to enter the waters, though signs still caution that you bathe at your own risk, especially if you have heart problems. The development houses the Nevis Island Administration offices; there's still talk of adding massage huts, changing rooms, a restaurant, and a culture and history center on the original hotel property.

Newcastle Beach

This broad swath of soft ecru sand shaded by coconut palms and patrolled by pelicans is near Nisbet Plantation, on the channel between St. Kitts and Nevis. It's popular with snorkelers, but beware stony sections and occasional strong currents that kick up seaweed and roil the sandy bottom. Amenities: food and drink. Best for: snorkeling.

Newcastle, St. Kitts and Nevis

St. John's Figtree Church

Among the records of this church built in 1680 is a tattered, prominently displayed marriage certificate that reads "Horatio Nelson, Esquire, to Frances Nisbet, Widow, on March 11, 1787."

St. Thomas Anglican Church

The island's oldest church was built in 1643 and has been altered many times over the years. The gravestones in the old churchyard have stories to tell, and the church itself contains poignant embedded crypts and memorials to Nevis's early settlers. The prospects over the sea are so lovely that this site has become an unexpected if somewhat macabre picnic spot.