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Stand and Be Counted


Stand and Be Counted

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Old May 2nd, 1999, 02:21 PM
Posts: n/a
Stand and Be Counted

I'm am fascinated by the participation level in this forum - I work in the industry (whatever that means these days) and am constantly trying to convince clients of the advantages of the internet - beyond the obvious "put your brochure on the web site and that's enough" [sigh]. Plus, I think it would be interesting to know how many of us there are. <BR> <BR>If you check Fodor's web site once a week or more please post a response (Fodors may hate the volume on their server but in the end they probably want to know the answer as well). Why do you come to the site? Has it changed your impression of Fodors/influenced a purchase/recommendation (I promise I don't work for Fodors!) <BR> <BR>I'll admit it - I check the site 2-3 times a day - I work at home and it's a fun connection to subject I love - travel. I recognize names and mourn the loss the Dr/Mr Abate travel debate. I'm excited by the fact that several people plan to meet in Paris because they met (?) on this site, and I live vicariously through others travel plans. <BR> <BR>So, how many of us are there? <BR> <BR>Stand and be counted! <BR> <BR>
Old May 2nd, 1999, 02:54 PM
Posts: n/a
Count one in! I check the site. at least twice a day. I am very appreciative of the effors Fodor's staff in maintaining this open forum and, to show my appreciation, I buy the Fodor's Guide for every country my husband & I visit. As far as influencing our travel plans, that applies mostly to hotels and cities to visit. <BR> <BR>One thing I would not like to see is people in the industry influencing this forum in any way or direction, i.e. tours vs independent travel, etc... I rather have unbiased, independent opinions.
Old May 2nd, 1999, 03:11 PM
Posts: n/a
elizabeth--I'm not in your industry but I do love to travel. Since this is my first trip to Europe--I stumbled onto this site after I purchased my Fodors for Italy. I now check it at least once a day and find the first hand advice from travelers all over the world incredibly valuable in planning a trip that will allow me not only to see the country but experience its people and culture.
Old May 2nd, 1999, 06:28 PM
Posts: n/a
I used to until recently check in daily. I didn't know what a "Fodor's"was until I found this site, and now I look for it in every bookstore/library I go to. <BR>I was addicted, but have in the past 4 weeks started searching family history. Now if you want addiction.....that is one way!!! I still check in here very second night. Next trip overseas, I intend to hunt out some of my ancestor's records etc. Another reason to travel. Denise -Australia <BR>
Old May 2nd, 1999, 07:36 PM
Posts: n/a
You can count both my boyfriend and I in. The main reason we check multiple times daily is that we are planning a trip in May, but I think even once we get back we will be addicted. I love everything about Europe and like to see what other people like/dislike. To be honest we usually don't buy fodor's books (we did once), i think the reason is that we usually can't afford any of the accomodations or restaurants. I think it was all great advice, and in 5 years we might be able to follow it a little more. But for now we gather bits and pieces from all sorts of books (we love the UpClose guides) as we sip coffee at our local Barnes and Noble. We are undoubtedly thankful for this forum and for the advice we have gotten!
Old May 2nd, 1999, 07:51 PM
Carol Lehrman
Posts: n/a
Elizabeth: <BR> <BR>I started visiting this forum in preparation for our upcoming trip to Europe - (it's been about 15 years since we've been to Europe) - and I know things have changed, so of course, I wanted more information (which I adjunct with books). <BR> <BR>My husband and I both find the internet an incredible source of information as well as an important tool in today's society (we both design websites, and he is a computer network engineer). Even if we didn't have the "awareness" that we have, I would say (in support of your belief) that it is a very timely tool for any company wishing to expand its business. <BR> <BR>I never knew about this site before I started planning this trip, however I knew about Fodors, and had used their books in the past. To find the website, I just typed in www.fodors.com (having done the same with frommers, I figured there was probably a website for fodors), and sure enough, I was right. <BR> <BR>This has proven to be an invaluable tool, and I wish I had know about it sooner. <BR> <BR>The internet is incredible and has changed the way people think and interact with one another.
Old May 2nd, 1999, 08:31 PM
Posts: n/a
I became addicted about 16 months ago when I was planning a trip to Germany and Austria. Most of the hotels, routes, etc. we used came about because of this forum's advice. When I returned home, I could hardly stand to read the forum for a few months because I was so saddened by the realization that I wasn't going on another big trip anytime soon. About a month ago, however, I became a daily addict again. In the intervening months I would just casually monitor its contents perhaps once a week. In fact, tonight I mentioned to my husband that I'm "yearning to wander" again since I've been reading all the posts so carefully. This is a great forum, and I thank Fodor's for it. I too buy the Fodor's travel books because of it... <BR>
Old May 3rd, 1999, 12:27 AM
Posts: n/a
I found the site by chance a couple of months ago and I log in every day. I'm totally addicted. Mostly, becasue I'm not planning anything I want to offer advice and information. I'm a fixer by profession and inclination. I also love my country (geographically rather than nationalistically) and I think you will all be better peple when you've moved to live here! <BR> <BR>Quite a number of people have e-mailed me direct ofr specificinfo about Scotland, which I've been happy to try to help with. <BR> <BR>I did know Fodors before, although with a house full of guids I only have one of theirs. I think it's ecasue the style is very much for the US market and the upper end at that. <BR> <BR>I have a husband who is addicted to pakged travel, but I think without that I would never take another packaged trip in my life thanks to the web.
Old May 3rd, 1999, 04:43 AM
A Vernon
Posts: n/a
Have been buying Fodor's books for over five years. Found the web site about a year ago. Used to check occasionally, but as more people take interest, I now check every morning. THANKS, EVERYONE, for sharing information! <BR> <BR>Love it for places I've been, places I'll probably be, and places I'll never be. <BR> <BR>Since things have been speeded up, my biggest problem is people posting in the wrong category (or "less correct" category). This topic, too -- why is it in the Europe posting? Things like walking shoes, cameras, packing tips would probably receive more response somewhere else. <BR>
Old May 3rd, 1999, 04:48 AM
Neal Sanders
Posts: n/a
Elizabeth, I have exactly one non-business-related bookmark, and this is it. <BR> <BR>I found the site just over two years ago while reading a computer magazine in my doctor's office. I was planning a trip to Greece and having trouble with some arcane points of the ferries on the Gulf of Corinth. I posted a note on this site and had, in a matter of hours, what no amount of reading and calling had been able to provide: first-hand, detailed knowledge (and accurate as it turned out). <BR> <BR>Has it changed my impression of Fodors? Yes. After using their guides in my early travels, I had given up on them as being hopelessly middle class. Starting with that trip to Greece, I came back to them and found they had changed. There is now half a shelf of Fodors guides in my library attesting to the ability of the 'net to influence the sale of a product.
Old May 3rd, 1999, 06:27 AM
Posts: n/a
Although I've purchased Fodors' guides for my previous trips to Europe, I just discovered the website in February, before my March trip to Paris with husband & two teens, and became instantly addicted. The information I found here was helpful in planning many aspects of that trip and, since our return, I enjoy sharing what I found with others planning a similar trip. I've shared the site with another friend who's now in Spain,and she also found it very useful for the kinds of details you can't find elsewhere -- first-hand, I-just-got-back-and-I-KNOW! kinds of info. I'm sad that I don't have another trip booked, but I figure I'm always in the planning-the-next-trip mode, and will continue to look here for ideas -- even when I don't know where we'll head next!
Old May 3rd, 1999, 06:28 AM
Posts: n/a
Elizabeth, <BR> <BR>Right now I check this site frequently throughout the day because I am going to London next week and I'm not a veteran traveller and need all the help this site has to offer. Like Judy, once I'm back from my trip, I will not check in nearly so often at first because it will make me sad that it will be a while before I can go back. <BR> <BR>This site has brought an awreness to me of Fodor's books and I will definitely check those out before my next trip.
Old May 3rd, 1999, 07:30 AM
Posts: n/a
I checked and I think my first post here was April 18, 1997. When did this forum start? Does anyone know? Since then I've become hopelessly addicted. I enjoy reading about people's experiences and have been happy to share mine, and to weigh in on general issues! The Europe forum is the only web board I participate in regularly. I think it's because we've become a community. We get cranky sometimes, but for the most part this forum attracts and holds people who are thinking travellers, and who take pleasure in other people's experiences! You've all made me think and laugh. [occasionally at the same time!] <BR> <BR>I've purchased Fodor's books in the past, but not so much recently for the reasons people have given: on the whole I can't afford the hotels etc... they recommend. I do prefer their maps to Frommer's however.
Old May 3rd, 1999, 07:47 AM
Cheryl Z.
Posts: n/a
<BR>More can be found about us addicts by typing in "where are you", and "addiction" in the above search box.
Old May 3rd, 1999, 08:20 AM
Posts: n/a
Hi <BR> <BR>I found this web site using one of Netscape's pre programmed bookmarks! <BR> <BR>I was looking mainly because I am planning a holiday this summer and wanted the kind of advice not laways found in guide books. <BR> <BR>I think that this site is perfect as a supplement to a good guide books. <BR> <BR>Years ago I used to be an avid member of the various travel newsgroups, such as rec.travel which I think has now been split into various regional newsgroups. It is great to see web sites now offering that same speedy service with the added advantage of powerful search engines to find archived threads. <BR> <BR>At the moment I log on about once every 2 days or more but this may tail off a little... I am sure I will remain a frequent visitor even after my trip. <BR> <BR>Lastly regarding Fodor's guides - I had come across them before, and own one, but have found they are generally aimed at American travellers and, as other posters have said, aimed at travellers better off than myself. I do pop into them at the library now and then but prefer those guides which have more pictures (for me the saying a picture speaks a thousand words is certainly true). I also love those guides which include many essays on history, culture and people rather than just lists of sights. <BR>
Old May 3rd, 1999, 10:21 AM
Posts: n/a
I check this site about twice a week. If someone is coming to my part of the world I try and help. I have also looked for help on this site when I'm travelling. <BR>
Old May 3rd, 1999, 10:32 AM
Posts: n/a
I stumbled into this Forum when I was looking for information about Seville. I think I just got disgusted with the information I was getting, so I put in a general term (TRAVEL) and saw the FODOR'S name. The rest is history. I am hooked. I check in every day ( usually not weekends). I have received useful information from so many people and I have sent information to many that I hope was helpful. I usually use KAREN BROWN and I think she is published by FODOR'S. <BR> <BR> <BR> <BR> <BR>
Old May 3rd, 1999, 10:50 AM
Posts: n/a
Just wrote a long reply that has vanished! Hope it doesn't post along with this one! <BR>I check the forum an average of 3 times a day (another addict!!). <BR>Why? To glean from the terrific personal recommendations of others about affordable and great places to stay and eat, "don't miss" sights to find, or off-the-beaten-path favorites in places we visit often, and to share our own discoveries of the same. <BR>I've used Fodor's as a reference for many years, but lean more toward the "charming but affordable" genre for planning. I do like the walking tours included in the books, and the "Fodor's Favorites" lists. The new series, such as the Tuscany offering highlighted in last months hosted forum, are great, and I also like the "niche" series, such as B & B's or Inns of character and charm which Fodor's now publishes. <BR> <BR>
Old May 3rd, 1999, 11:17 AM
Posts: n/a
Count me in too, I check at least once or twice a day. I am addicted to travel and great websites like fodors and eurotrip make my addiction even worse!! I now tend to plan at least two trips ahead. Right now, it's Eastern Europe for August and, if I can get a week off this fall, I'll go to the Domincan Republic. I will have already used up all of my vacation days for the year, so I'll have to take it unpaid. Most people would be satisfied with one big trip every few years, so far I'm up to two this year and hoping for three!
Old May 3rd, 1999, 11:26 AM
Posts: n/a
I forgot to mention that I tend to choose hotels based on the recommendations of people at this site. I prefer to do Europe on my own by train, but the information here is invaluable!

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