Worst bathroom experience?

Old Mar 26th, 2002, 05:53 AM
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World's filthiest bathroom- the one at the Roman Forum. Hasn't been cleaned since Caesar used it!
Old Mar 26th, 2002, 06:03 AM
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My story has to do with old plumbing - not cleanliness. This past Saturday, my husband & I ate lunch in a 'burb outside of Chicago in an OLD building. The restaurant is in the basement of an apartment building & its age is part of its charm.
The front area was unusually crowded, so we sat alone in the back room, just outside of the two restrooms. As soon as we were seated, nature called - and as my mother referred to it when we were kids, I had to go "seriously". I flushed & knew I was in trouble when the water just sort of swirled around, with nothing disappearing. I poked my head out & whispered to my husband that the toilet wasn't working. He, of course, pretended not to know me - even though there was no one else in the room at the time. I resorted to the old standby - jiggling the handle - which started the water to leak out of the bowl onto the floor. I knew I had to get rid of the "evidence", before an employee came on the scene, so I used paper towels & toilet paper to scoop up the poop (this took several attempts - ewww) & put it in the trash can. All the while the water is gushing out of the bowl, running onto the floor and out into the dining area. Hubby then went out front to alert an employee, who came with a mop and bucket. It was then that my dear darling realized that he could use the shut-off valve to stop the waterfall.
The employee left the garbage can in the bathroom & put a note on the closed door that it was broken. There was no way I was going to tell her what was in that can. I wonder if it is still there.
Old Mar 26th, 2002, 12:45 PM
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Boss man: You are a RIOT!!!!!!!
Old Mar 26th, 2002, 01:40 PM
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I am crying with laughter at these stories. I'm ashamed to admit that I've run out on an overflowing toilet with the "evidence" still floating. What's worse is this was at a party at my future in-laws' house. I used the bathroom upstairs and when things got messy I snuck down the back stairs. There were about 100 people in attendance so I figured blame would go elsewhere.
No one ever found out but the marriage didn't happen -- guess the bad karma caught up with me.
Old Mar 26th, 2002, 02:23 PM
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I have visited many pretty appalling bathrooms but the funniest one was in Montana some years ago.

We were on our motorcycles coming back from the Sturgis fun week. We had stopped at "Katie's Wildlife Sanctuary" (the name says it all, a place that everyone with a sense of humor and an urge for a beer should visit) in Bynum, Montana, on our way to the Canadian border. I wish I could remember the name of the town.

So, four couples set up our picnic but then the "ladies" had to visit the loo.

It of course, was an outside loo. We went in and lo and behold, there was a plank with 5 holes cut in it over a trough. It was a companionable situation.

We took our places, had a few laughs at the same time and have related the story ever since.

But we decided to picnic at the fairgrounds.
Old Mar 26th, 2002, 02:39 PM
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While in a Chinese park I was not willing to do the hole in the ground bathroom. I spotted a McDonalds and thought Id found heaven. As I entered the modern toilet stall, I noticed two footprints planted squarely on the toilet seat!!!
Old Mar 26th, 2002, 05:57 PM
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Stayed at a B&B in the west of Ireland where the loo down the hall was situated directly over the kitchen. There was a hole in the floor right below the rim of the turlet bowl (between one's legs, so to speak) where you could look right down onto the grill where the bangers and bacon were being prepared for your full Irish breakfast. Not that you planned to eat it by now.
Old Mar 26th, 2002, 07:17 PM
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If you've visited and toured the White Tower within the Tower of London, there is an old Norman toilet. You sit down, and it falls directly onto the ground, three stories below. Guess people knew which side of the building to walk on!
Old Mar 26th, 2002, 07:31 PM
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The one at the end of the San Francisco bridge. Which end I couldn't tell you. It was so disgusting. People had actually used the corners in the handicapped john and squatted. I will never forget that experience.
Old Mar 27th, 2002, 07:15 AM
Posts: n/a
this is a truly funny thread.

There is a bar called the Beacon Hill Pub in Boston. It's filled with hundreds of people eveyr night, jam packed. It's very smokey, collegiate, and people drink a ton of cheap beer.

The toilet is not in a walled off part of the bathroom, rather it just sits there next to the urinal. To even comprehend taking a poo is unfathomable. But occasionally you'll find one.

Once we saw one that had completely missed the toilet, then got sick. Yuck
Old Mar 27th, 2002, 07:22 AM
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Old Mar 27th, 2002, 01:10 PM
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The Seattle Amtrak station. You can't tell which area is the janitor's closet or the bathroom. And the stall doors are locked shut from the homeless people camping out. It also smells like overcooked peanuts, with a rancid "dead opossum on the railroad tracks" undertone.
Old Mar 27th, 2002, 04:57 PM
come on
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I want to see this reach 100 postings! These are hilarious!
Old Mar 27th, 2002, 08:32 PM
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Train station in Italy. My sister and I were traveling and I had to GO, as did she. We each went in to a stall.

I was mortified. The toilet was a filthy hole in the ground with two slightly raised foot pads to stand on as you did your business. Well, I thought, when in Rome...I carefully removed one pant leg and wrapped the cloth around my neck and well, you get the visual.

I left the stall to find my sister waiting. "My Lord" I cried, "that was horrible!" and went on to share my tale with her. "Wasn't that awful?"

My sister looked at me perplexed, then doubled over and said "What the hell are you talking about? My toilet was normal!"
Old Mar 27th, 2002, 10:02 PM
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I was at the Cairo, Egypt airport 30 years ago, and as someone said above, an attendant was handing out little squares of "toilet paper", But back then they were actually cut up squares from magazines! Imagine using that glossy finish!

On the airplane home, my mother went to the bathroom and came back literally in tears with laughter. She was in line to use the bathroom, and a man was in the airplane's bathroom and hadn't locked the door properly. The plane hit some turbulance and he came tumbling out on the floor with his pants around his ankles in frnot of the passengers waiting in line! He tumbled hard because that he had been squatting on the seat with his feet on the rim where us westerners sit!
Old Mar 28th, 2002, 07:49 AM
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John - If I had witnessed the guy falling out of the bathroom on the plane I probably would have been laughing so hard that I would have also popped out of my airplane seat into the aisle!
Old Mar 28th, 2002, 11:49 AM
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Top it sistah
Old Mar 28th, 2002, 03:57 PM
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Eighteen days in Thailand forced me to learn how to use a squatty-potty. One day we pulled off the road to use a rest stop (I REALLY had to pee). I went in the stall, pulled down my pants and squatted. But I had to pee slowly, as I soon noticed that the bottom of the potty was curved the wrong way, causing all the pee to bounce out onto my legs - ugh - who the heck designed this thing? I literally *soaked* the bottom half of my pants. There was no way around it. Thank God they were quick-dry.

Also we stopped at a gas station once to use the rest rooms. There were signs posted everywhere at the entrance, all in Thai. Our guide translated them for us. One read, "Fine for throwing up in the sink - 500 baht".
Old Apr 3rd, 2002, 11:27 AM
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Old Apr 3rd, 2002, 03:31 PM
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