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"Virtual Strip-Search" The new airport security device?


"Virtual Strip-Search" The new airport security device?

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Old Mar 19th, 2002, 03:53 PM
Posts: n/a
I saw the Today show too. They made the point that only males will screen males and females screen females. Now we are all used to wandering about swimming pool changing rooms in company with naked people of the same sex as ourselves. So what is the problem?? I am all for anything which makes flying safer.
Old Mar 20th, 2002, 07:22 AM
Posts: n/a
does everyone have mushrooms growing in their empty heads????
how about this: cameras are installed in every room of your house and wired into BigBrothers master console....just in case you beat your child or smoking something you shouldn't. hey, as long as you aren't doing something illegal you shouldn't care if you're being watched...right??
Old Mar 20th, 2002, 07:56 AM
Posts: n/a
All of you frightened little people are a joke!! Tens of thousands of people die every year in auto crashes, why not use stricter standards for driving?
I know people who have had over 4 DUIs and still enjoy the privilege of driving.

You anti-ACLU nuts are the best example of the typical American rube. The government LOVES you! You are so ignorant and bliss, and easy to control.
Why not seize the cars of people who prove time and again that they can't handle driving a vehicle?? Maybe if 3000 people died at once in a car crash, then you would all get your panties in a bunch and look at the situations logically.

Please do us all a favor, don't vote, don't breed, and call Dr. Kervorkian asap!!!
Old Mar 20th, 2002, 08:33 AM
Posts: n/a
Don't worry little ones, I will take care of you. I will make sure you are all good little boys and girls, make sure you are good little citizens.
The ACLU is just a bunch of kooks, crying about human rights! What garbage!
Human rights are what I determine them to be, not you silly little people.

Just keep numbing yourselves with your television and fast food. Keep popping those pills for depression, we can medicate you out of your funk. You don't need to read the Constitution, it's old and irrelevant anyway. Forget all those soldiers that died for the rights that you don't care about today, that was a different time. Before I was here to make sure you're safe and snug in your cubicles of denial.

I love you, my faithful little minions, you are so trusting and unaware. You're the perfect citizen: Naive, doomed to repeat history with your forgetful ways, blind to the power of myself. You are my favorite children.

Now go to bed, little ones. Do as your told and obey me, for I know what's best for you!!
Old Mar 20th, 2002, 08:40 AM
Posts: n/a
I think men should be more afaid than women, now all those lies you tell about your "manhood" will be revealed!!
Talk about little ones!!!
Old Mar 20th, 2002, 08:42 AM
Posts: n/a
Unless you're smuggling something where the sun doesn't shine, I can't see why anyone would have a problem with it. I don't think that the image will be on display for everyone to see, only the security person.

I'd be more concerned with the fact that some people actually view this as "getting naked". I saw the show too, and believe me, it hardly qualifies as explicit material. Perhaps some people have something to hide? I imagine after the first dozen or so padded bras or other "body shapers", the staff would be pretty bored and nonchalant. Big Bro you wouldn't be partial to cross dressing now would you? I could see how these x-rays would present a problem for you then.
Old Mar 20th, 2002, 08:49 AM
Posts: n/a
Nina, why you are just the good little girl I was talking about. Stupid as the day is long. I can just see you there at the airport, with your foolish grin, maybe hoping to turn someone on with your old saggy body. No wonder it doesn't bother you, how else are you going to get someone to look at you without your clothes on??

I'm sorry honey, Big Bro doesn't mean to be cruel, I know you won't hold it against me because you are trusting and blind to my evil ways. Oh my sweet dear madame, what a world you will leave for generations to come! Imagine the future, cameras recording every move you make, after all you have nothing to hide right?? Naive Nina, that's your new name. Now be a good little imp and start spying on your co-workers.
Old Mar 20th, 2002, 09:07 AM
Posts: n/a
You're funny BigBro! If you're too ignorant to know the difference between someone invading the privacy of one's home with camera's and screening people momentarily who will be riding on public transportation to protect other passengers then I'm not surprised. I suppose you object to having your bags searched and x-rayed as well? There is no difference.

And if you weren't the naive one you'd realize that your co-workers are already spying on you.

Keep talking, you're stupidity keeps becoming more and more apparent that way.
Old Mar 20th, 2002, 09:17 AM
Posts: n/a
Poor little Naive Nina, all upset and squealing at her big bro! Bad little girl!!
Why not have screeners at the bus depot and train station do the same? I would be for it. You never know, that little old lady may use her knitting needles to stab the driver, it's happened before. I think we need a police state, maybe we can learn a thing or two from the Taliban. They understood that taking away rights creates numb and scared little creatures like our old Naive Nina. I can just see her, in her gas-guzzeling SUV, providing a nutritious Happy Meal for her kiddies before she drops them off at the local germ infested daycare and heads to her yoga class, where she believes she is a free butterfly, fluttering about like some demented insect on acid. Oh, what a site to see, Naive Nina.
Old Mar 20th, 2002, 09:23 AM
Posts: n/a
Thank you for exhibit B Bigbro. I rest my case.
Old Mar 20th, 2002, 09:42 AM
Posts: n/a
Jeez Nina it's just a joke don't take it so personally, I think he got you but good.
Old Mar 20th, 2002, 10:01 AM
Posts: n/a
You think x? I don't know about that, I believe there is a difference of perception in who got whom.

And Bigbro is a "she" not a "he". See, big brother really is watching. OK, I'm bored now, I suppose I should go to the gym in anticipation of my next flight. I wouldn't want to show off this saggy body!
Old Mar 20th, 2002, 10:03 AM
Posts: n/a
Some of you people seem to think that the ACLU is against everything.

The truth is..the ACLU is for civil rights. Quite frankly, I don't see how any would be against supporting the rights guaranteed in the US Constitution.

It is the ACLU that would go to court to guarantee your right to criticize them.
Old Mar 20th, 2002, 10:13 AM
Posts: n/a
John my boy, you don't know how right you are. People like Naive Nina will be the downfall of this great country.
Her reactions to the truth proves my point. She's silly and quite frankly a waste of human flesh. Let's pray she doesn't have any kids, the stupidity they would inherit will crush them in life.
Old Mar 20th, 2002, 10:32 AM
Posts: n/a
What I want to know is this:

If this device is like a virtual strip-search, and you can pretty much see everything on a person...how well are they (airlines, security, whoever "they" is) going to screen the employees who are running these machines? "Sex Offenders need not apply?"

Airlines and security companies still have a problem hiring convicted felons to be "security agents"...how are they going to screen/profile an appropriate employee to do this job?

Old Mar 20th, 2002, 10:35 AM
Posts: n/a
Big Brother, What is "the truth" to which you are referring? Do you mean that x-raying passengers prior to flights to uncover concealed weapons is a violation of Civil rights? What about the rights of innocent passengers to travel safely? Please explain, I'm fascinated.
Old Mar 20th, 2002, 10:45 AM
Posts: n/a
Or John Hancock are you referring to the constitutional right to bear arms? Is this what you have an objection to?

If some of you object to this x-ray as somehow being in violation of your "rights", I suggest you hire a private charter. This way you won't be subjected to the security measures that protect the rest of us who are more concerned with traveling safely than with the fact that a screener will glimpse our x-rays. Big deal.

Big Bro, do tell how screening for security will lead to the downfall of our great country? I too am fascinated. Clearly you have superior insight into this startling revelation. It's so interesting how you came to this conclusion that I can hardly move until I hear from you. We're waiting.
Old Mar 20th, 2002, 10:59 AM
Posts: n/a
Well? Having difficulty forming that hypothesis?
Old Mar 20th, 2002, 11:17 AM
Posts: n/a

Please explain how you drew this conclusion to my comments.

"Or John Hancock are you referring to the constitutional right to bear arms? Is this what you have an objection to?"

Huh?? I object to people misunderstanding what the ACLU stands for.

Just curious, can the "nude" image on the screen be saved. If that's a possibility...you can be sure security people will be saving some of those images. You might even wind up on the net. And don't tell me there will be rules against doing that,,,it's common knowledge that meany photo processors already make up extra pics for themselves.
Old Mar 20th, 2002, 11:31 AM
Posts: n/a
Sorry if I misconstrued your statements John.

I really think if people saw these images, they would realize that they are getting upset over nothing. They really look like X-rays, with nothing more than outlines around the form and body parts.

I think most would feel silly even anticipating the sale of these images. A 5th grade science book is more erotic. Really. Much ado about nothing.

If (and that's a big IF) these images ended up on the internet, you would have no idea who you were looking at. You couldn't define anyone's face, etc. Everyone should reserve judgement until they've actually seen the images.

Believe me, if my x-ray image ended up on the net, not only wouldn't I know (nor would anyone else), I wouldn't care. Can you imagine anyone running to an internet site full of outlined x-rays? You'd generate more interest from National Geographic.

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