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Traveling To DC?...How to Inaugurate an Impostor

Traveling To DC?...How to Inaugurate an Impostor

Old Jan 28th, 2001, 02:35 PM
such pious repubs
Posts: n/a
Blah blah blah Abe. As if there hadn't been White House sex shenanigans in the past.
The glue in locks and missing w's illustrate how much people dislike DDumbya. His dad's staffers disabled computers and took out hard drives when Clinton moved in. Nothing new.
Old Jan 28th, 2001, 02:57 PM
Posts: n/a
An alleged scandal in which office supplies are damaged is slightly less important than a scandal in which millions of innocent people are deliberately cheated by a corrupt politician on behalf of his wealthy campaign contributors. But how could the media define a scandal as a situation in which the privileged few benefit at the expense of the average citizen without having to conclude that the raison d’etre of the Republican Party is inherently scandalous? Could it be the corporate media fails to recognize corruption when they see it?
In a sane world, the Congress would now be preparing for the impeachment, trial, conviction, and removal from office of President George W. Bush for blatantly prostituting the Oval Office in a way that has tangibly damaged more Americans in one week than were hurt by all of President Clinton’s fiendish diabolical deeds in eight years.
Of course, in a sane world, Americans would get their news from reporters who could distinguish between trivia and concocted scandals, in which case there never would have been a President George W. Bush.
Well, back to the game, go Ravens!
Old Jan 29th, 2001, 12:35 AM
What Matters
Posts: n/a
Who cares about the 100 of thousands of poor women in other countries who will die because they can't get birth control
anymore (because Bush cut off funding to any clinic that mentions abortion at all) and die in childbirth or back alley abortions? And who cares about all the destruction of a pristine wilderness in Alaska when there is 3-6 months (total) of oil to drill for there? And no one cares about the violations of civil rights, women's rights, gay rights, gun laws etc that will be abandoned when Ashcroft gets to be attorney general and set things *right* in this country. The important thing is some "w"s are missing from some computers. No one had any documented evidence of this, but Drudge and Rush say it's true so it's gotta be.
And so what if the Air Force says there wasn't anything missing on Airforce One (some 6 broken glasses is all they found amiss)? The Air Force must be lying cause Rush says its true and Rush never ever lies.
Old Jan 29th, 2001, 06:20 AM
Posts: n/a
It is more than a couple of missing "w's" from the West Wing typewriters. garbage strewn about, cut phone lines, nasty graffiti written on walls and doors. This is criminal acts people! I forgot you DEMORATS don't believe in accepting personal responsibility for anything. Blame it on someone or something else or put a spin on it to make it look like it is not as bad as it is!

As for Bush cutting funding for birth control overseas, I applaud his decision! I am sick and tired of my tax dollars being funneled overseas when we have enough in this country to worry about! And, I seriously doubt Ashcroft is going to do anything to your precious right to choose. If people actually used birth control correctly and abstained, abortion would be a non-issue. IMO, you feminists have your head up your ass!
Old Jan 29th, 2001, 06:41 AM
Posts: n/a
If they can't punch a ballot properly how can they be expected to use birth control?

Looks like latest reports from Fla. showed most of the tossed ballots for Gore were double punched in more places than one. Looks like Dumb Democrats were responsible for electing a Dumb President???
Old Jan 29th, 2001, 08:39 AM
Posts: n/a
A note to all Democrats... we should stop whining about what is done, and face the fact that the American Revolution was all for nothing and we are now living in a monarchy. We are going to have an Attorney General who is anti _BIRTH CONTROL.. not just abortion, but BIRTH CONTROL, and who is very....very.... pro NRA..(he must really like MOVING targets) we have a new cabinet of robber barons, millionaires all, who's interests in oil, big business and insurance are similar to big land owners of the middle ages, who put their own interests far, FAR ahead of the well being of the people, or the "dirty masses of peasants" as they described them. Our new tax money is going... OPENLY to support the radical right, (keep smiling Pat Buchanan!) so... rather then bitch and whine about what has happened we should accept that we are moving into a new "dark ages" and I suggest any woman who wants to have control over her reproductive freedom to have their tubes tied immediately... better have your daughters tubes tied as well, since when they get raped by a lunatic they'll have to carry the baby full term. We should all join a Christian fundamentalist church... since they trains will start rolling any day now.. heaven help those who aren't following the "state religion" .. we should all travel to Alaska and the national parks to take photos, it may be your last chance!
Old Jan 29th, 2001, 12:16 PM
Posts: n/a
If you stupid feminists would quit screwing around and behaving like whores--you wouldn't have to suck your unwanted babies into a sink!!!!
Old Jan 29th, 2001, 12:33 PM
Posts: n/a
Case and point xxx... interestingly, in the middle ages, before there were femanists....before there was birth control, people used to suffocate unwanted babies.... so I guess he who forgets the past is doomed to repeat it. PS xxx, sorry you are frigid.
Old Jan 29th, 2001, 01:12 PM
Posts: n/a
It's been a kick to come by these political threads here on Fodor's and see the fury and rage of the ultra right wingers. It's very entertaining to "see" them foam at the mouth. On occasion I have been channel flipping and stopped briefly at the Rush Limbaugh show and gotten quite a few laughs from all the sound and fury (signifying nothing) he and his dittoheads put out. They love to scream and shout and call people names...just like the right wingers on these threads do. They call everyone else foul names, say ridiculous things like "get a job" or "leave the US" and claim they will have the power now to rule the world for the next 8+ years. Well, Hitler said the Nazi's would rule the world for 1000 years and he fell rather short of that. So will these right wingers...wait till 2002. He who laughs last laughs best.

All this rage and fury and spite and nastiness these GOP right wingers put out all the time is for sure to do a big number on their own health. Heart attack and stroke city plus more. The bile you let lose in the world always affects one inside too. My Mom has been in a retirement home for some years now and I visit her almost every day. In those years I have talked at some length to many hundreds of older residents there. Almost all of them are women and I have yet to meet ONE who is a right winger. And this is not some religious or unusual retirement home...it's just a regular retirement home in a conservative Mid West city. Why are there no elderly right wingers? Well, it's because they don't LIVE to be 80+ years old so they never make it to these retirement homes. Just as you don't see obese elderly people you don't see fury filled right wingers live to that age. So that is one comfort to the rest of us...these nasty hate fillled right wingers die off in their 50s, 60s and sometimes 70s. And then they get to rant and rave at Lucifer for all eternity.
Old Jan 29th, 2001, 01:38 PM
Posts: n/a
Dan-And your point is????
Old Jan 29th, 2001, 08:46 PM
Posts: n/a
Sorry Abe. As it has played out over the last few days, we now know that Drudge and Rush were just spinning it out forDubya. As if it were some kind of patriotic duty to lie for your *resident*.

There's nothing unprecedented about the old administration pranking the new administration, as subsequent reports indicated. When Clinton-Gore staffers showed up for work in 1993, they found offices in disarray, computers disabled, and office furniture helpfully decorated with numerous Bush-Quayle bumper stickers.
It appears that in this transition, the White House press corps took a similar situation and hyped it into a full-bore scandal without requiring one White House staffer to go on the record about specific vandalism or to provide any physical evidence.

In the absence of proof, why did the White House press corps advance the sabotage claims? 1) The Bushies insist on talking on a not-for-attribution basis if they talk at all, and this allowed them to embellish the scope of Prankgate's "destruction" without suffering any blowback. 2) For all the pomp and pageantry of inauguration week, there wasn't much news for the press corps to report. So, mindful of who their masters will be for the next four years, they accepted the Bushies' blind accounts. 3) Reporters are suckers for stories that conform to their prejudices: It stood to reason that the Clinton crew would make a graceless exit and that the grown-ups from Texas would rise above it. 4) By Jan. 20 the ultra-efficient Clinton spin machine had been unplugged and there was nobody to provide an alternative account.

The story here wasn't Clintonite shenanigans. It was the new White House's smearing of their predecessors and Fleischer's refusal to put up or shut up when it came time to start giving details.

By the way Abe, how's your blood pressure?
Old Jan 30th, 2001, 07:01 AM
Posts: n/a
Dear Dan,
All these hags in retirement homes you talk about are part of the mis-named "Greatest Generation" as Tommy Brokaw so fancifully calls them. The "Greatest Generation" hasn't done much right since 1945. They're the first generation in American history to spend their life with their hand out asking for "free" goodies from the government. "Don't touch my (free) Medicare and Social Security," they whine in these homes even though they are ROBBING their children, grandkids and great grandkids. They also sent their less wealthy kids to Vietnam in the 60s where 55,000 kids died. They also spent hundreds of billions of dollars to send a person to the moon on the boast of a serial adulturer. Not much to brag about.
These hags tend to call Brian Lamb on CSPAN and make total fools of themselves, entertaining millions with their blundering lack of intelligence.
Old Jan 30th, 2001, 07:16 AM
Posts: n/a
Wow, Joe, judging from your posting, it's not hard to see what a REALLY deep thinker you are.
Old Jan 30th, 2001, 07:45 AM
Posts: n/a
Geez Joe-Have you thought about getting some therapy to help you deal with your misplaced anger?
Old Jan 30th, 2001, 08:39 AM
Posts: n/a
Maybe Joe's mom should have sucked him down a sink like the slut she obviously was.
Old Jan 31st, 2001, 04:12 AM
Posts: n/a
Maybe Joe could shit down X's mouth. As for Dan's boast about right-wingers dying young and, by implication, leaving the world for the left-wingers, I'd respond that 95% of the aborted in this country would grow up to be Democrats. It is ironic that Democrats are the most steadfast in defending abortion rights when it is their future voters that they are killing. Furthermore, it is those horrible religious Republican families that are having large families and not the more pagan, feminist Democratic families.
Old Jan 31st, 2001, 04:58 AM
Posts: n/a
Oooh, looks like we've got another deep thinking philosopher here.
Old Jan 31st, 2001, 07:11 AM
Posts: n/a
Funny how we have "deep thinking philosophers" on both sides?
Old Jan 31st, 2001, 07:59 AM
Posts: n/a
What does not kill me makes me stronger, bro'. By the way, my favorite footballer of all time was Ray Nitschke of the old Packers.
Old Jan 31st, 2001, 08:06 AM
Posts: n/a
I am the greatest philosopher since Aristotle. Greenspan tells me so. Don't you like the way I spell my first name. About as stupid as some of the spellings of inner city first Christian names. Oh yeah. I'm an atheist. The term Christian is utterly false and I disassociate myself from any living being who believes in such nonsense as Christ as god.

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