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Have you personally experienced road rage? What have you done to avoid conflict and did it work.


Have you personally experienced road rage? What have you done to avoid conflict and did it work.

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Old Oct 3rd, 2002, 12:19 PM
Posts: n/a
Drive really slow if someone is after you with road rage. They can't stand driving slow. Stop your car when they pass you. It worked for me.
Old Oct 3rd, 2002, 12:21 PM
Posts: n/a
I like the slurpee idea.
Old Oct 3rd, 2002, 02:08 PM
Posts: n/a
People do have the right to be mad when someone cuts them off, but they do not have the right to let that anger turn them into terrorists.

Old Oct 3rd, 2002, 02:09 PM
Posts: n/a
People do have the right to be mad when someone cuts them off, but they do not have the right to let that anger turn them into terrorists.

Old Oct 3rd, 2002, 04:15 PM
Posts: n/a
a couple weeks ago i honked at a guy who had run a red light. i wasn't surprised that he flipped me off as he turned right in front of me. but i was surprised that a cop pulled me over and gave me a road rage warning. what's with that?
Old Oct 3rd, 2002, 05:25 PM
Posts: n/a
victimornot--but what did the cop do to the guy who ran the light?
Old Oct 3rd, 2002, 05:58 PM
Posts: n/a
Some evasive measures for you:

If you ever want to bang some jerk, make sure you do it with the corner of your car. This is the strongest area. If you hit someone head-on, your car's bonnet will crumple as it is designed to. If you hit someone's side, his door will absorb your car and you'd be stuck.

If you ever encounter jerks trying to road block you, use the corner of your car (either head lamps) and ram the other car's side front or side back.(never side doors) This will cause his car to spin and do least damage to yours.

It helps if your car is bigger (and thus stiffer)than his: preferably an SUV.In which case you can just trample over his car and flatten his roof with him inside.
Old Oct 3rd, 2002, 06:26 PM
good advice
Posts: n/a
Thanks, Michael - now there's some practical advice to keep in mind! Again, thanks...
Old Oct 4th, 2002, 04:42 AM
Posts: n/a
Two thoughts:

When you do something dumb while driving, simply mouthing the word "sorry" can do a long way in disarming someone's anger.

The number of people who suggested calling 911 when there is no actual emergency surprised me. No wonder it can take so long for a response to a real emergency.
Old Oct 4th, 2002, 04:55 AM
dan woodlief
Posts: n/a
I am with you victimornot. I sometimes honk at people who run lights too if it is blatant. Someone needs to get their attention, and I have seen cops just sit there and do nothing as they run them. Driving is getting crazier and crazier. So many run lights, use the emergency lane in minor traffic jams (kind of like jumping in front of someone at the store in my opinion), and all kinds of things because they are in too much of a hurry and don't have enough consideration for other drivers. There are all too many people also who will sit in the left lane of traffic and slow others down on purpose (and I am talking about those who are going too slow to be in that lane in the first place), and it seems nobody uses a turn signal now. I will admit that I am not the most patient driver around (I think that comes from driving 42 miles each way to work), but I won't run a light to get to work on time.
Old Oct 4th, 2002, 06:06 AM
Posts: n/a
Why is it not an emergency when some nutcase is trying to run you off the road and could have a gun? I think that's just what 911 is for.
Old Oct 4th, 2002, 07:13 AM
Posts: n/a
I'm in favor of retesting Seniors. Many of the problems or road rage are a function of the elderly's inability to drive as well as they used too. I saw a terrible accident a couple of weeks ago where side by side cars were moving along in moderate traffic at the speed limit. A senior was in the right hand lane of the divided two- lane highway and was going at least 15-20 mile under the speedlimit. The car that came up behind him had to brake aggressively, and the result was 4 cars smashed. We were able to clear the scene and soon encountered the elderly guy driving at 45 in a 65 totally unaware of his actions.

Test the Seniors! they are so much more dangerous than a SUV!
Old Oct 4th, 2002, 07:20 AM
Posts: n/a
Regarding calling 911,
1. being run off the road is one thing. On that matter I concur with you.
2. but the quotes on this thread I was referring to stated, "And always call 911 whether it looks serious or not" and "Call 911 to verify it is an actual policeman." IMHO, neither of those situations constitutes an emergency.
Old Oct 4th, 2002, 07:21 AM
Posts: n/a
Notice that many of the perpetrators of road rage were in the right when the incident started.

I live in upstate NY and drive 77 miles one way to work in Brooklyn. Here are a few thoughts.

- If you can't handle the speed get out of the left lane. The NY State Thruway goes like this in the early AM when I leave...right lane for those getting on and off...center lane 75 MPH...left lane unlimited speed move when someone else quicker comes along...left lane frequently gets to be 95mph.
- NY has an automatic toll collection system, EZ Pass. If you are an idiot and go into an EZ Pass lane without a tag you deserve the existing stiff fine and points on your license.
- If you have a crappy unmaintained car stay out of the left lane. The US is unique. Poor people can afford private cars. These people tend to have unmaintained, uninsured cars. They also tend to have no valid licenses. Their accident rate is extremely high.
- I live where there is alot of snow. If you have a car that cannot handle snow stay off the roads when it does snow. I drive a Ford Excursion. Snow is not even a minor inconvenience for it. I am tired of waiting behind Hyundai's, Kea's etc... that are worthless in the snow.
- Senior citizens on the road piss me off. Before you say it...I am 39....when I get old, believe me, I'll retire to Mexico, Miami, Tahiti, and I will not drive. Senior citizens never are in a rush because other than church and doctors appointments they don't have to be anywhere at any given time. I leave for work at 0445. What are they doing on the road then.
- I propose that children are allowed to drive only if they pay for their car and its maintenance by themselves. Where I live the economy is too good. Check out the cars at the high school parking lot. I work and earn about 175K/year and I drive my Excursion. When I was ordering my truck I saw a snot-nosed kid with his parents there ordering a 2002 Thunderbird as his reward for making it through the 12th grade.

People out there should know their place on the road. Enforcers like myself will keep it that way
Old Oct 4th, 2002, 07:33 AM
Posts: n/a
This has worked for me in getting tailgaters off my rear, but it won't work for everyone.

While driving, I swerve from side to side, and if stuck at a light, I pump the brakes so the vehicle bounces up and down -- it attracts attention, and in the times I've been tailgated, either by someone not paying attention or being outright aggressive, it's gotten them off and away from me in a hurry.
Old Oct 4th, 2002, 07:39 AM
Posts: n/a
Unfortunately Austin, swerving from side to side can not only cause an accident, but will get you a ticket if a cop is around.
Old Oct 4th, 2002, 07:56 AM
Posts: n/a
Getting a cop's attention is the whole point, especially since I don't have a cell phone -- and I know it won't work for everyone. I know the roads here like the back of my hand, and I know exactly how to drive them. If you aren't fully familiar with the roads, this is an approach that won't work.
Old Oct 4th, 2002, 08:42 AM
Posts: n/a
If you are being tailgated, you are, like Jason, most likely the cause of it. I have seen it happen enough to other people. Drivers of big SUV's who think they own the road. You may think you are going fast enough, but if you are blocking somebody's way, then move. Let the cops take care of it, & laugh at them later on down the road as you pass them by on the side of the road getting a ticket. Going 45 mph on a 50mph road will get you tailgated. Going 65mph in the far left lane of the interstate in a 65mph zone will most likely get you tailgated. Or if you are making a left turn on green arrow only, & there are 20 cars waiting to get thru & you go thruat 5 mph - leaving a big gap between you & the car infront of you - you will be tailgaited - another 3 cars could get thru that light if you kept up with the traffic. If you can't deal with the speed or the traffic, you probably shouldn't be driving in the first place. The other thing with the drivers of big SUV's or trucks, when stopped at a red light in the dark & they have these big bright lights & pull right up on your bumper, so that their lights are completely shinning in your mirrors & half blinding you. I use my remote control mirrors & shine it right back at them so the get a taste of their own medicine.
Old Oct 4th, 2002, 09:09 AM
Posts: n/a
Back before the term "road rage" was coined, I was driving the 300 miles home from a visit with my parents. This jerk in a truck decided to mess with me. He'd get in front of me and slow down. I'd pass him and he'd tailgate me. So he'd pass me and slow down. Several times when he was tailgating me, I'd flash my brake lights at him. That worked the first time or 2. Then the pattern would repeat itself.

Finally, I was passing a tractor-trailor rig. I kept my right foot on the gas (it was a shitvette) and braked suddenly and hard with my left foot. It kept the momentum up, but slowed my speed FAST. Again he was right on my butt. He had to slam on the brakes to avoid rear-ending me. He couldn't change lanes because of the big rig next to him. It was funny to watch him fishtail all over the left lane of the interstate. As soon as that happened, I let off the brakes & because I still had my momentum going, I was able to quickly and easily pass the truck and pull over into the right lane again. He flew around us going about 100 MPH and stopped bothering me.
Old Oct 4th, 2002, 10:37 AM
Posts: n/a
My car does 0-60 mph in just over 4 seconds.
Less than 1% of cars on the road can touch it.
That's how I get away from problem drivers, road ragers, whatever.

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