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Tzarinna's Prague Trip Report 05/06/07-05/13/07


Tzarinna's Prague Trip Report 05/06/07-05/13/07

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Old May 16th, 2007, 06:34 PM
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Tzarinna's Prague Trip Report 05/06/07-05/13/07

I'm new to this and will more than likely just post direct excerpts from my journal. The pictures are taking forever to load on photobucket so they may not be up until tomorrow. I also have some video that I haven't edited yet.

Thanks for all the help and suggestions given.

Sunday,May 6th 11:34 p.m.

Such an interesting start so far. Julian (co-worker that runs a sedan service on the side with wife) picked me up,after I ran all of the ridiculous errands and gave my key to Connie ( my aunt) to watch the cats. I wish I had told him to pick me up sooner,I think I would've gotten a better seat on the plane. I was kind of looking forward to the airline food and movie,both sucked. Dinner was beef,tasted old. Breakfast came too soon,yogurt,muffin;I ate it all and paid the price. The layover at Heathrow was stressful,I see why they offer 24 hour layover,they can't get people to their flights on time. People were fighting through the lines. One couple was basically in tears and I so wanted to know why. Even though I got to Heathrow a 1/2 hour before my itinerary said I would I was still at the gate long after they began boarding. I got to Prague at 12:10 p.m. a whole 40 minutes after I was suppose to be. I was worried I'd miss my ride. Frank (manager of the apartment) was the one to be picking me up,nice,cute guy and very helpful.http://www.perfectplaces.com/vacation-rentals/16949.htm He had a map for me to look at and follow as he drove. One of my hair care products leaked all over some pretty important grooming stuff. I decide to take a bath and a 3 hour nap. Later I go to the grocery store (Tesco) and get what I thought at the time was yogurt but was actually pudding and also what I thought was orange juice but was actually a combination of OJ,yogurt and some other juice. I wasn't feeling very adventurous and left that yogurt/OJ alone. I also bought bread ( didn't eat),cereal,milk,deodorant (could've sworn I packed it) and soap(one of the things that got jacked up) Also I got a useless adapter,I'll-have to return it tomorrow. The apartment is not the one on line,well at least not the bedroom. I thought I was gong to be on the first floor instead I'm on the 3rd floor and I have to unlock and lock 3 doors to get to my apartment,lol. The stairs will be an issue with the luggage I have. Frank carried it up,good man. The building is from the 13th century. My knees are giving me grief and my ankles remain swollen. I'm trying to take it slow. Oh at the tesco shop I had Little Caesar's,nothing like at home,no ice with the coke but it was chilled. I went for a walk in search of Charles Bridge,never found it. I followed the crowd and some how ended up at what I think was Wenceslas Square. I saw the statue. I believe this is the Hot Spot!!!! I ate at Mustek Restaurant and had chicken with a mushroom cream sauce "orgasm",some cheesy potatoes and a large beer. So good. I'm not sure how I found the apartment again. Since I'm a bit blitzed and just got here today,I find it amazing I got back with out getting super lost again. It seems Prague loves music and aren't snobs about it,rock,funk,soul,jazz,big band,classical...am I home? I still can't get on line in the apartment,I guess his WiFi doesn't support my Mac. I went to a cafe and sent Frank an e-mail about it. I wanted to do some Yoga but I can't since I haven't an adaptor for the lap top,I guess I could improvise. Well,I need desperately to get into bed. 11:58 p.m.


I get so much better with all the drinking. I taper off a bit on my entries because I was too tired/drunk/sleepy.
I did censor a little. More tomorrow,hopefully photo bucket will cooperate.
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Old May 17th, 2007, 04:35 PM
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Monday,May 7th 11:32 p.m.

I woke up around 6 a.m.,I was wide awake but thought that was too early so I went back to bed. Next time I woke up at around 10:45 a.m. and felt bad/groggy. It was hard getting up. I slowly got myself together. Took a bath and found that Red,Hot and Blues had breakfast.http://www.czrb.cz/detail.asp?detail=9&code=129 I got so lost. Once I swallowed my pride and got out the map I still had trouble. I finally got there with the help of some kind dude after I bought an excursion to Kunta Hora from Martin's Tours. http://www.martintour.cz/ Well I was too late for breakfast and decided to just have a burger and a Stella Artois *yawn* I know but I was tired. I headed back to the apartment. Stopped to get some ice cream along the way,water and a few other things at the little convenience store across from the apartment. I took another nap,I'm not good with jet lag. When I wake up I'm determined to find Charles Bridge. Finally success!!!!!! The sun was going down but I think I got some good shots. I walked across the mildly crowded bridge with lots of bugs flying about. When I headed back I got some really good pictures of the Old Town Hall and the Astronomical Clock. I stopped for some chinese food,lemon chicken,not so good. I'm already in bed so until tomorrow. T. 11:47 p.m.

The pictures are loading which is more than what they did last night,so that's a good sign. I'll post them before I go to bed.
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Old May 17th, 2007, 04:51 PM
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tzarinna -I will be in Prague in October so I am anxiously awaiting the next installment. Thank you for the good report so far.
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Old May 20th, 2007, 09:57 AM
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Thanks,jdraper and sorry I've taken so long to get my next up. I wanted to wait until the pictures would go up but I'm still having issues. I hope you're able to make use of some of the info I've got jumbled in my drunken entries.

Tuesday,May 8th 11:02 p.m.

I shall attempt to gather my thoughts of today's events. I am very tipsy.
My morning started off super early,before 9 a.m. is all I remember. I bathed and got out the door before 10:30 a.m. I'm certain. My quest,Bohemia Bagel http://www.bohemiabagel.cz/bb_menu/index.html. Not so great after all. The menu is great but I didn't like all the oil/grease,I believe my pancakes were soaked in it. So if you go I'd suggest maybe a lighter fare. I think the egg was deep fried. The only good thing was the OJ and I was able to get on line after I ate. *addict* After that my goal was to locate an adaptor & find a birthday outfit for tomorrow. I discovered that the wonderful clothes are not for my figure. Folks working in the stores prefer to be innocent bystanders than aide or assist in the drama. I bought a shirt that I may or may not wear & destroyed a skirt while trying it on. I got super lost and pulled muscles in both my legs,around the shins and ankles. I got the adaptor at Tesco,which is like a Big K-Mart. http://www.tesco.com/
After getting back to familiar territory I went to see Spider-Man 3,it was a pretty rainy day and it was a perfect time to see it. ( I won't bore you with my review) When I got up from the movie I felt my muscles were extremely sore,all around my lower back. This was not good,it was a pain I've never felt before in this area as well as my thighs and hips. I was really worried and scared. I'm trying not to think about it and to shake it off. So I sat for a spell and then headed for Tesco,I loved that place. I stopped at Café & Restaurant Slavia http://www.cafeslavia.cz/?akce=resta...e=&lang=en across from the National Theater and had a beer,while watching some skate boarders. I left when it got dark enough,after 9 to take night pictures of Prague Castle in Charles Bridge. Some look really good. I searched for awhile for food,but I'm picky. The first place was beautiful decor but I didn't like the menu. The second had great music and I loved the attentive bartender,cute too. Caffe Del Sole,I had a Hemingway. On the same street as my apartment. I left there in a perfect mood. I went up 2 restaurants to U Vejvodu Pub & Beerhall Restaurant http://www.pragueexperience.com/places.asp?PlaceID=962 the downstairs is where it's at. This is a great place to have a drink,excellent pub atmosphere,just don't forget it's not the upstairs but down stairs. I ordered more food than I could handle,thanks waiter. Duck with dumplings,sauerkraut and red cabbage. I had to take the rest with me. It was really good,dry but good. I also had another beer. So if you're keeping track,that's two beers and a Hemingway and I'm a light weight.

I want to make note of the cigarette smoke here,it's a bit much. I'm crossing the street to avoid people that are smoking. I'm worried I might get sick because of it. Well,I'm sleepy I'm going to attempt to watch Adaptation http://www.sonypictures.com/homevide...ion/index.html on my PowerBook,damn good movie.

T. 11:24p.m.
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Old May 20th, 2007, 11:45 AM
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Thanks for posting. I'm enjoying your trip report. I've never been to Prague. The cigarette smoke sounds terrible. Is it everywhere? Are there "no smoking" sections in restaurants? Keep the report going.
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Old May 20th, 2007, 05:06 PM
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This is so funny I can hardly stand it. Nothing like a good drunken trip report for me. Keep up the good work. I will be in Prague in October and hope to maintain the same state of mind as you.
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Old May 20th, 2007, 05:39 PM
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I'll tell you, when I was there a couple years ago, the smoking was a big problem to me. There is NO no smoking...in restaurants at the next table they'll be smoking and eating simultaneously; in the lobby of my hotel you couldn't see through the haze. I hope OP doesn't get ill.
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Old May 22nd, 2007, 09:45 AM
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Where are you Tzarinna? I love this report.
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Old May 22nd, 2007, 05:43 PM
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Sorry,I was boozing and watching 24 last night.
Feeling good,so I must've done a pretty good job avoiding the smokers and not inhaling while they smoked during my meal.

I only saw one place that didn't only smoking,a little cafe in a hotel. There was only one place where I was close to requesting to be moved. I got through it.

Wednesday,May 9th 12:18 a.m.

I'll try to be quick,Absinthe is soaaring through my body. To begin, i slowly got ready this morning. Bathed very leisurly then went to breakfast at Caffe Del Solcrambled with bacon,toast,baked beans,juice(I don't know waht kind,maybe guava) & a specialty coffee. at first glance I wasn't interested in eating it. I did & it was tolerable,I'm really a picky eater,I've discovered. After I went to Tesco, to get some hair stuff & detergent. I did my hair,which was way dirtier than I had thought. The curling iron I bought doesn't get as hot as I need it. Finally,I'm ready to roll,both batteries are charged for my video camera. Off to the Prague Castle.
http://www.pragueexperience.com/places.asp?PlaceID=601I haven't been to Charles Bridge at peak time,what a mass exodus of people. I don't know why I can't walk slow. I plowed through to grt to the other side of the bridge. O f course I stop to get on line,very breifly. A lot of walking to get to the Castle(you can take a tram but I have to be difficult),nice steep hill,beautiful view. I get to the entrance way of the Saint Vitus Cathedral & I'm stopped by the emotion that has over come me. I held back tears for the first 10 minutes attempting to compose myself. I'm glad I got the audio tour,I would've missed so much. I took a ton of pictures,had to put in fresh batteries. I have so much video as well.

*My hair did not cooperate,later it rained to add to my suufering. All the damn shops I passed & no one had a doo rag/scarf.

Anyway,I wnet up the tower and climbed the 200+ stairs to and fro. My legs were a mess to & fro but I believe it was worth it. I lvoed seeing Pragues beauty from that hieght and so many angles. I was close to not making the last cut to go up,I think the last cal was 4 p.m. Once I got back down I could think of nothing else but my hair & my legs. A much as I wanted to see the rest of the calstle,I was just misearble & headed back to the apartment. The rain made it slippery so I was extremly casutious,I slipped slightly a few times. I noticed I was the only one having issues,figures. I stopped at a tourist info place to find out about WiFi. A really cute guy,too young but very helpful. I got lost trying to find my aprtment,only for a momnet but my legs wer not so fogiving. I got back & Frank (manager) is here,talks to me about WiFi it's fine but I'm not. He also gives me a lead on a club Akropolis http://www.palacakropolis.cz/pakr/pu...Main/index.jet . I'll chcek it out before going. He alos gives me a heads up on partaking of Absinthe. So now I'm thinking about soaking in some salts & I'm chewing on some duck from last night. That little brat didn't put in my saurkraut. I just have to say DAMN!!!!!! iI put my clothes in the wasing machine & now they're dry......(some stuff I can;t read) So now I'm going to go soak. Also,I want to add how any music, (traditional/classical) that I hear on my tour just heightens my experince,spine chill factor is through the roof. I need to mail some of these russina products on ahead of me----------10:30 p.m. (don't ask,I have no idea)
Indain food was meh at The Khajuraho http://www.khajuraho.cz/index_en.jsp?page=en/intro.jsp They didn't marinate the chicken,totoal rush job. They questioned me about my soup,why I didn;t finish the broth. So through out the rest of my meal I felt pressure to finish all of the food in front of me,totally impossible. I finished what I could & told them every thing was delicious. He was all upset "What about dessart?" "Dude,I'm full. I can't eat anymore.I'll take it to go." Before all that I went to the internet cafe for a bit,didn't check my Mac accoutant for Connie's (my aunt) reply. I got some of the astromnical clock on video,9 p.m. I'll have to catch it in the day. So after that I went to dine. Once I finished with my prix fixe meal I headed back to my apartment dessart in hand. I switched up bags & headed to Caffe Del Sol.
*Okay this must be where the Absinthe took effect because I cant figure out what is going on. Here it goes.
I * I would have a * drink & hop off but it appears they have Absinthe so I shall stay and stumble home later. I plane to watch "Aletered States" http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0080360/ when I get home. I should really be as the teeth/truth states. (I have no idea) Oh back to * & *. I'm back,I thiught my bartender is going to beat her boyfirend's ass. Not the same vibe I got the last 2xs I was here. That's a shame,* it's my f'in birthday. At some point I need to make it to the May Market so I can give those people some of my money. I'll also like to check out some of the suggestions left on my thread at Fodor's. So I may start another early day tomorrow. I been telling people there's notheing worse than a piss poor attitudeon your bartender. I had to leave that joint and now I'm back at the duck place (U Vejvodu Pub & Beerhall Restaurant http://www.pragueexperience.com/places.asp?PlaceID=962) Too busy to get a beer. I'll stay for one. I just realized,how am I going to do * after touring Kunta Hora. I better rest uo now & take it easy on the tour,impossible. I wonder if ....? (something about Akropolis) Trying to figur out how people can wear such low cut jeans/pants. I have to keep pulling my shirt down,it takes me out of the moment. I need to buy a suit case for clothing. I saw a Puma bag but that maybe popular item. Okay Absinthe at 12:00 a.m. at Caffe Del Sol. well,I'm going to prep my movie & bed. Good night it's sitll my birthday in the US.
1:01 a.m.
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Old May 22nd, 2007, 06:05 PM
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Wow,you can really see where it hit. I'm glad I was close to my apartment and that I only took one shot. I also had a black russian and a few beers.
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Old May 23rd, 2007, 04:48 PM
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Here are a few pictures.







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Old May 23rd, 2007, 07:01 PM
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Fun report! Keep it coming. Enjoyed your pictures!
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Old May 27th, 2007, 12:27 PM
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Thanks lucy d.

I know I'm taking a long time to get things up,my handwriting was really bad.

More tonight,hopefully.
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Old May 27th, 2007, 10:00 PM
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Thursday,May 10th 11:15 p.m.

I feel as if I wasted the day. I got up super late,around 11 a.m. I wasn't too concerned about breakfast because I was going to check out Dinitz Cafe they serve breakfast all day. http://www.dinitz.cz/ . Of course I got lost looking for it. For some reason I'm so worried about what people are thinking when I walk in. There wasn't much of an option for breakfast. I got the big breakfast. It was so good;an omelet or maybe it was more like a fritatta,mild sausage,tomato and mozzarella slices,& muesli w/ yogurt,diced apple and bananas mixed in. So wonderfully presented. I'm wondering what dinner must be like. I also had fresh O.J. and a lovely cup of coffee that was accompanied by a little wafer,looked like a miniature snicker-doodle.

Next I went in search of the tour bus. I had an hour to kill before the next tour so I went to get on line.

It was impossible to take pictures much less video tape with all the rocking the bus was doing. The only good shot I got was the dancing building.,I hope that comes out. I missed re-boarding the bus at the Prague Castle because I couldn't get the waiter to get me my check in a timely manner,I had a banana spilt,they forgot the nuts and for some reason that really irritated me and they substituted one of the flavors of ice cream other than what was on the menu. I ended up running after eating,the nice couple that offered to take my picture saw me and got the driver to stop. After the tour I searched for the market. The only thing I purchased were some cherries (very sour),a pear and some nougat. I got lost again going back to the apartment,my load was heavy & my legs ache. I finished up "Altered States" from last night,love that movie. Watched more Austrian MTV,American Dad (dubbed in German) & Bam's Unholy Union. Finally,I trekked to Tesco where I tried on clothes that wouldn't fit. I hit the grocery store,so many goodies,couple of Spider-Man 3 cereal promos that I grabbed. I'm such a sucker. Ran into Frank & a friend of his in front of the building. BS'd a little. Again,I chilled before I decided where I would go for dinner. I went with a suggestion in the notebook that's left for travelers to leave tips for others and such. Karlova 30 for goulash & dumplings and a pilsner,220cz it was okay. Small place around the corner from the apartment. I strolled to the square for Strawberry Crepes & a cappuccino. I thought about going to Charles Bridge but my legs are not cooperating,I need to save up the strength & energy for tomorrow.

Not feeling so happy.

Not sure what that PS about,I only had one beer I think. I guess I really should've drank more that night.
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Old Jun 2nd, 2007, 07:03 AM
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more, more...!!

Are you feeling happier today? ??

Did you check out any of the parks, or the jewelry store in Old Town Square?
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