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Crime levels!! Should I cancel my trip to Britain and Scotland?


Crime levels!! Should I cancel my trip to Britain and Scotland?

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Old Jun 29th, 2000, 01:59 PM
Posts: n/a
Everyone, <BR> <BR>The poster and the anonymous person who replied with "check out the report for yourself" and gave a website for cbsnews <BR>have posted the SAME EXACT STUFF on LP. You should see the wacky questions the poster is asking over there. <BR> <BR>Methinks this is somwhat suspect...
Old Jun 29th, 2000, 02:11 PM
wes fowler
Posts: n/a
Not to worry Charles, <BR>The "hooligans" are all in Belgium and the Netherlands beating up on the local constabularies whilst the European Football Championship is being played. If you're looking for excitement, ride the No. 7 subway line to Shea Stadium tonight with John Rocker.
Old Jun 29th, 2000, 05:38 PM
Posts: n/a
Sorry, Wes, but John Rocker didn't take the subway to Shea, and, I assume that he won't take it back to the Grand Hyatt either! I guess these clowns will have to look elsewhere for excitement.
Old Jun 29th, 2000, 06:41 PM
Posts: n/a
Charles, <BR> <BR>Give me a break. If you are that worried, stay the hell home. Forget about the money you lose on the cancellation fee; after all, someone would have robbed it from you anyway after you arrived at your destination. <BR> <BR>A joke on here that is obviously meant as a joke or delightful string can be entertaining. This crap is only crap. <BR> <BR>We all know that there is always the possiblity of crime regardless of where we are. However, some people may be getting ready to take their only lifetime trip to Europe, and your attempt to amuse yourself by making them have second thoughts about their trips is cruel. <BR> <BR>If you truly are from New Jersey, then any trip away from there is an improvement to your safety and welfare.
Old Jun 30th, 2000, 04:27 AM
Posts: n/a
Please - what is a troll? I thought it was a sort of Norwegian monster or an ugly little plastic figurine with flowing hair that kids collected in the 1970s. Perhaps it means a rather stupid, uninformed, adult male who is taken in by the most outrageous piece of media hype I've seen in a while.
Old Jun 30th, 2000, 06:09 AM
Posts: n/a
As a proud New Yorker, I must stand up for the Big Apple. With all due respect to our cousins across the Atlantic, the great city of New York does not deserve all of these negative comparisons to London. New York has completely changed, and I for one, believe for the better. It is MUCH safer and cleaner than in the recent past. Everything has been renovated. There are construction sites everywhere you look. I do agree with everyone that Charles' posting is completely unfounded and ridiculous, but please, lay off the Big Apple.
Old Jun 30th, 2000, 06:21 AM
Posts: n/a
Adam, <BR>A troll is a fake post about something a little outlandish, and it generates a lot of posts. The analogy is to trawling while fishing; you try to put out enough bait to get a bite. Everyone falls for it, and the troll gets a good laugh. A practical joke, really. Other notable trolls are the Plaza Hotel thread on the US board (there is some dispute about its authenticity), the Titanic thread (Europe board), taking a baby to Hawaii thread (US board). <BR> <BR>Sometimes people intentionally or unintentionally post something that seems calculated to cause an uproard. Some folks refer to those posts as "chums" as in chumming. Throwing juicy hunks of meat into the water to attract the sharks. Check out the recent take toddler to Europe while 7 mo pregnant thread. <BR> <BR>The fun of a good troll (if there is any) is identifying it quickly and/or coming up with funny posts to amuse everyone (see Royal Family posts above). Join right on in!
Old Jul 1st, 2000, 08:18 AM
Space girl
Posts: n/a
Ho ho ho my little earthlings - isn't everywhere violent if you meet up with the wrong beings? Over on Jupiter the other night I had a few problems - but this was unusual, they're usually very quiet there. Don't worry, in Britain it is not too violent - only sometimes, with some people. Live a little, learn a lot and _ BE CAREFUL wherever you are. <BR> <BR>See you in the stars!!
Old Jul 2nd, 2000, 09:34 AM
Posts: n/a
Just got back from London. There is a 20% increase in petty crimes over last year according to the papers, and there is quite a hubbub over CBS's report. When you are in the West End you see announcements everywhere about pickpockets and you hear some verbal announcements in the tube stations. That said, there is far less violence and far more civility over there than over here.
Old Jul 3rd, 2000, 03:41 AM
Posts: n/a
Its is difficult to know exactly he level as much goes unreported as everywhere. There may well be much more 'economic related crime' than in the US i.e. theft and muggins, no doubt explained by Britain being not as wealthy as the states.
Old Jul 3rd, 2000, 05:43 AM
Posts: n/a
In large cities you have a lot of pickpockets. Any parking lot to visit an attaction will have signs warning you that your car could be broken into. <BR>But you will still be safer from personal violence then you are in the states.
Old Jul 3rd, 2000, 06:46 AM
Posts: n/a
To Jim: <BR>It is usually the difference in wealth, not the absolute level of wealth, that determines the level of crime. For instance: Brazil has one of the most un-equal income distributions of the world, and crime is rampant there. <BR>Also, one can argue if the USA have a higher absolute wealth level than Britain and other West European countries. International comparisons of wealth are notoriously difficult to make. Average standard of living is about the same in North America, North/West Europe, Australia/NZ, Japan and Singapore.
Old Jul 3rd, 2000, 11:50 AM
Posts: n/a
I got swindled out of 20 pounds in London once. I won't go into details, except to say that it involved buying beer. <BR> <BR>Hey, live and learn.
Old Jul 5th, 2000, 03:31 AM
Posts: n/a
What a silly posting!! What are you people on over there!! Dont you have minds of your own?? <BR> <BR>Look at your own crime rate, which is in fact the highest crime rate in the developed world! <BR> <BR>Maybe that report reffered to Northern Ireland, but not Scotland, Wales, England or the Irish Republic. Northern Ireland is the only place I would stay away from. <BR> <BR>Glasgow is the only city that Ive ever been wary in. <BR> <BR>You people across the Atlantic should get a life and stop being so dramatic, You are all so paranoid about being an "American abroad" but who really gives a F**k??? not me and neither should you and your other paranoid American friends. <BR> <BR>Bye!!
Old Jul 5th, 2000, 04:11 AM
Posts: n/a
Not sure about the rest of the UK but don't come to Scotland. <BR>I personally will be looking for you.
Old Jul 5th, 2000, 06:55 AM
N Ireland
Posts: n/a
david <BR> <BR>Northern Ireland has the lowest crime rate in the UK. It might get a little mad some times (Like now) but thats no reason to encourage people to stay away from it. You are obviously very ignorant of Northern Irelands situation. Dont preach to others about being paranoid, the words pot, kettle and black spring to mind, have you ever even been to Northern Ireland!!
Old Jul 7th, 2000, 10:53 AM
Posts: n/a
PUU-LEASE! <BR> <BR>Homicide in Washington D. C. is approx 69 per one hundred thousand population. <BR> <BR>In London its less than 3 per one hundred thousand. <BR> <BR>In March a friend of mine was mugged during our visit to London. He wasn't hurt but he lost a little cash. <BR> <BR>It was 1 in the morning, in Soho, and he was alone. A woman asked him for a cigarette (so he said) and when he approached her he was jumped from behind and relieved of his wallet which he was carrying in his hip pocket (?)! <BR> <BR>He wasn't knifed in the ribs, he wasn't beaten and he wasn't shot in the back. He was simply (and efficiently) robbed because he was acting stupidly. Was he targeted as an American? I doubt it. More than likely he was targeted as a drunk. Yes, there is crime in London. <BR> <BR>So, who's surprised? I'm not, in the least. I've been to London several times for fairly long visits and have been out fairly late and NEVER felt threatend. BUT to walk in a district like Soho alone, after midnight in an area full of pubs and sleeze? Come on, now! <BR> <BR>CBS is a sinking ship and Dan Rather-Not is a dink. Crime is everywhere. If you're so timid as to let this news upset you, yes, by all means, cancel your trip and stay home. Lock the doors, bar the windows and dim the lights. <BR> <BR>London has a population of MILLIONS and if you think that each and every one of them is a kindly, cute, little cockney lad or lass, there only to give directions and offer help your delusional. Grow up.

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