
Am I nuts?

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Old Aug 11th, 2000, 10:09 AM
Posts: n/a
I rarely travel by myself--only on business, but recently the older I get, the more I am beginning to resent the compromises I must make so my husband can see things he wants to see and I don't. Thankfully it doesn't happen too often. We have had great fun traveling with two good and very old friends. Each day we meet at breakfast and discuss the possibilities for the day. Then we each elect to do what each person wants for the day. Sometimes it's girls vs. guys, sometimes it's couples, sometimes it's all four of us together, sometimes it's 3 and 1 but this allows a lot of freedom. We all meet back for dinner, which is the only downside of being by yourself. But, in London I would have a very early quick dinner and then spend every night at the theatre! Great vacation! Have a wonderful time.
Old Aug 11th, 2000, 10:27 AM
Posts: n/a
Oh, Joan, you are going to have the best time! I first travelled by myself at age 23 and my first stop was London! The place I stayed wasn't very nice, but it is such a wonderful city for a solo traveller -- I met people all over the place, particularly standing in line at the theatre for tickets (got to see "Les Miz," and "Phantom of the Opera" -- try to see as much theatre as you can while you're there). I remember wandering the food court at Harrods and buying something truly decadent and taking it back to my room and eating it and it was heavenly. I took a big red bus tour of the city and it was great. The tube is very easy to use and get around on. If your friends could only see how many solo travellers there are in London they'd realize that you're not crazy and you're not alone, not by a long shot. Your friends have no idea what they're missing.
Old Aug 11th, 2000, 10:30 AM
Posts: n/a
You think you were posting a question. However, for me, your question sounds more like bragging! Sounds like a blast. Enjoy and good luck! <BR>
Old Aug 11th, 2000, 11:11 AM
Heather B.
Posts: n/a
Hi Joan, <BR> <BR>You'll have a wonderful time in London! <BR> <BR>I took my first solo trip to Europe a few years ago. I was turning 40 & had always wanted to go to Spain. I was supposed to go with a friend, but he backed out on the last day of the air fare sale. I was so miffed, I decided to go on my own anyway! And had a terrific time! <BR> <BR>Since then, I have traveled both alone & with friends or relatives. When traveling alone, I usually try to do at least one group bus trip tour. That way, I'm part of a group for a day. I also find that department store restaurants are a great place to have lunch as there are usually many women shoppers eating alone. <BR> <BR>In June, I visited relatives in northern England, but had three days on my own in London first. I very much enjoyed the London Eye, a canal boat trip in Little Venice, and a train trip to Windsor for the day. Also visited Lambeth Palace, which is open as part of London's String of Pearls program (lots of special events happening only in 2000). And I lucked out that I was there for the annual London Garden Squares Day, when many private gardens are opened to the public. <BR> <BR>I usually look in the local paper for festivals, street fairs, smaller art exhibits, special events, etc. A tour guide once told me that when you visit a new place you should try to go to at least one thing that many local people (as opposed to tourists) would attend. That advice has worked well for me so far. <BR> <BR>Have a great trip!!! <BR> <BR>Heather
Old Aug 11th, 2000, 12:23 PM
Posts: n/a
Joan, here's an idea. If you go, you will become an experienced traveler. When you return without a scratch on you, everyone will marvel at your courage. You will offer to take them along on your next trip and show them the ropes. You will be like a mini-Elvira with the Loon-etts. Very Cool!
Old Aug 11th, 2000, 01:20 PM
Posts: n/a
Yes. Most women are nuts.
Old Aug 11th, 2000, 08:34 PM
Posts: n/a
Tom, that's why they marry men?
Old Aug 12th, 2000, 04:31 AM
Posts: n/a
I have enjoyed reading ALL your posts. Yes, it will be a great feeling when I get back and everyone can see that I am in one piece and immensely happy!!! Thank you! Bon voyage to everyone!
Old Aug 12th, 2000, 04:59 AM
Posts: n/a
Joan, <BR> <BR>It will be a memory that you will never forget. London is easy and safe to get around by Underground (Subway), the taxi's are clean with polite drivers and there is an incredible amount to see all located within a small area. If you do see theatre, do not forget Leicester Square where you can buy half price tickets. ake sure you have a good map/guide book. And by the way...the Chunnel will take to to Paris via high speed train in a few hours. (Maybe the next trip?????)
Old Sep 16th, 2000, 10:43 AM
Posts: n/a
Topping this for Heather...there's some great advice here. <BR>
Old Sep 16th, 2000, 11:40 AM
Posts: n/a
Fodor's <BR> <BR>A note for Anita, who posted earlier. The Bloomsbury district is around the British Museum in CENTRAL London. If your looking on a map, look for 'Russel Square'. That's the general area. <BR> <BR>Perhaps Ben Haines could define it further?
Old Sep 16th, 2000, 11:48 AM
Posts: n/a
So Joan. Are you really going? Please let us know how your trip went. I know you will love it.
Old Sep 16th, 2000, 12:29 PM
Candace Dean
Posts: n/a
Joan, <BR> <BR>You are delightfully sane. I am middle-aged and travel by myself all the time. I refuse to stay home because I have no one to travel with. <BR> <BR>You will be fine. My question is: why stop there? There's a whole wonderful continent just waiting for you. <BR> <BR>
Old Sep 16th, 2000, 08:48 PM
Posts: n/a
You go girl, as my 12yo would say! <BR>I just went to Europe w/her even though <BR>my husband c/wouldnt & I was abit worried. <BR>let me suggest you go on some walking tours--we did pariswalking tours in Paris & it was wonderful. We met lovely, curious americans; their website, www.pariswalking tours refers u 2 a london walking tours site. A gal in our group was living in paris for a few mos & said she did a walking tour whenever she felt lonely/needed to hear her language. <BR>You might try some; also, my dau. missed dad & friends dreadfully (I was so thrilled by Paris I didnt miss anything!) <BR>& we used phone cards & cybercafes to <BR>make daily contact which helped her alot. <BR>Might make your kids less worried if thats part of the issue. By the way, the time out series, book & website, have good travel ideas. Have fun & do send "us" a trip report! We are rooting for you!
Old Sep 17th, 2000, 11:17 AM
Posts: n/a
Joan: Go for it! Don't our kids always think we're nuts? (Funny how we manage to maneuver them through childhood successfully....) <BR> <BR>Becky: How to get past the naysaying relatives: ignore them. Elvira's right; people who try to discourage you are either jealous or scared of doing it themselves. Trust yourself! Go. <BR> <BR>I'm scared of taking a solo trip because I doubt I'd ever want my husband along again....
Old Sep 17th, 2000, 03:08 PM
Posts: n/a
Joan: Go for it! I have taken many trips alone - abroad and domestic and I enjoy it for many of the reason previously stated. London is absolutely civilized - just be cautious about being out late at night - as you would be at home. I have taken many walking tours of London provided by the "Original Walking Tours of London" and found them very informative. Their brochure can be found at any tourist looks like newspaper printing. London is the perfect city to start experimenting with travelling alone. Have fun!
Old Sep 17th, 2000, 11:52 PM
Posts: n/a
joan- hi i am going off to london by myself next month. you will have a great time. i have found this really fun website for women travelling by themselves-whether they are single or married. it is there is so much information and really funny stories about women and their travels.i printed out an article called Her Top Five Tube Stops in London. i e mailed the site with a question and had an answer in less than 24 hours. enjoy!!
Old Sep 29th, 2000, 05:26 PM
Posts: n/a
Bravo! You've picked up a very good location, next to the British Museum and within easy reach of the city's entertainment and sights, by foot or public transport. What to do in London? What do you like to do? I'd recommend a selection of the "touristic" sites such as the Tower of London, St Paul's Cathedral, westminster Abbey, Buckingham and Kensington Palace. Gentle strolls in london's numerous parks, the most notable being Hyde Park. Go to the theatre, London is truly New York's world rival in that respect, you can book your shows in advance on And of course the numerous museums. Check the British Tourist Authority's web for more info,, and London's weekly art and entertainment guide, Have fun (you will!).
Old Oct 21st, 2000, 11:20 AM
Posts: n/a
Just checking in to say that my ticket to Heathrow has arrived. In six weeks I am "off" to London (alone and proud of it)! I will check in when I get back. Thanks for everyone's advice and support.
Old Oct 21st, 2000, 10:29 PM
Posts: n/a
<BR>Joan, You have reminded me of a very pleasant but more important, my first trip alone. I also went to London by myself and around the same time as you are going. The lack of lines at various places was wonderful. I was extremely lucky as they were experiencing one of the warmest Novembers on record. I stayed in Kensington, close to the Underground and found it very easy to use, especially since I had studied it before hand and planed my days effeciently. I took a full day tour to Bath and Salisbury, in which I met several people, had dinner that nite with a single guy on this tour. Altho I did not do any other day excursions you may want to in order to be with others. I can tell you I've not stopped traveling alone since. Just returned from China, was on a fully escorted tour and had several singles to hang out with. Another thing a single traveler can do and not feel alone is to take a cruise in Europe, saw Florence, Rome, Naples, Nice and Malorca this way. I know you will have an incredible trip and I can tell you, no one thinks I'm nuts anymore. In fact, most are surprised by how much I see/do when I travel alone. Do post when you return, especially for those who are not quite ready to venture off on their own.

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