2 Best Sights in Normandy, France

Arromanches 360

This striking movie theater has a circular screen—actually nine curved screens synchronized to show a 20-minute film titled The 100 Days of the Battle of Normandy, which tells the story of the D-Day landings through previously unseen archival footage; the presentation comes courtesy of the team behind a popular French television series on the war, Apocalypse. The film is screened on the hour and half-hour.

Musée du Débarquement

Little remains to mark the furious fighting waged hereabouts after D-Day. In the bay off Arromanches, however, some elements of the floating harbor are still visible. As you contemplate the seemingly insignificant hunks of concrete that form a broken offshore semicircle, try to imagine the extraordinary feat involved in towing them across the Channel from England. General Eisenhower said that victory would have been impossible without this prefabricated harbor, which was nicknamed "Winston." The Musée du Débarquement, on the seafront, has models, mock-ups, and photographs depicting the creation of this technical marvel.