2 Best Performing Arts Venues in Dominica

The friendly, intimate atmosphere and colorful patrons at the numerous bars and hangouts will keep you entertained for hours. Jazz, calypso, reggae, steel band, soca (a variation of calypso), and cadence-zouk, or jing ping—a type of folk music featuring the accordion, the quage (a kind of washboard instrument), drums, and a "boom boom" (a percussion instrument)—are all heard on the island. Wednesday through Saturday nights are really lively, and during Carnival, Independence, and summer celebrations, things can be intense. Indeed, Dominica's Carnival, the pre-Lenten festival, is the most spontaneous in the Caribbean. Other big cultural events include Emancipation celebrations hosted by the National Cultural Council each August.

World Creole Music Festival

Fodor's choice

During the World Creole Music Festival, held for three days in late October or early November, fans come from all over the world to listen to international stars and groups present calypso, soca, and zouk music.

Arawak House of Culture

The refurbished Arawak House of Culture is Dominica's main performing-arts theater. A number of productions are staged here throughout the year, including plays, recitals, and dance performances.