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The Top 10 Places on Millennials’ Bucket Lists Aren’t Just Destinations—They’re Experiences

Millennial Travel

What’s the place you’d regret not traveling to the most?

That’s the question global tour operator Contiki recently asked 5,000 millennials to compile The No Regrets List: the 20 places millennial most want to travel to in 2017–and why.

In the United States, over 75% of those polled said that it was the experiences they could have in a place that made them put it at the top of their travel lists. And these were the 10 experiences millennials most wanted to have in 2017:  

1.     Bathe in the Blue Lagoon, Iceland

2.      See the Great Pyramids of Giza, Egypt

3.      Walk the Great Wall, China

4.      Chill Out In Byron Bay, Australia

5.      Learn how to Make Pizza, Italy

6.      Roadtrip Down Route 66, USA

7.      Gondola Ride in Venice, Italy

8.      Kiss at the Eiffel Tower, France

9.      Watch Sea Turtles Lay Their Eggs, Costa Rica

10.  Picnic in the Countryside, France

To read the full bucket list of countries, check out the complete Contiki study here

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