2 Best Restaurants in Behramkale (Assos), The Sea of Marmara and the North Aegean

Assos Köyüm Restaurant


There's no menu at this friendly, family-run spot in Behramkale's tiny main square: Just pick from the selection of mezes on display (don't miss the crunchy, garlicky greens called deniz börülcesi), and let one of the waiters tell you which meat dishes are available that day. The covered terrace looks over the village and down to the sea—it's a wonderful spot to watch the sun set—while a few seats out front let you watch the comings and goings on the square. Alcohol is served.

Behramkale village square, by çay bahçesi, Behramkale, 17860, Turkey
Known For
  • saç kavurma (a sizzling plate of diced lamb and onions)
  • attentive staff
  • excellent views

Kale Restaurant


A few minutes' walk from the Acropolis, this casual eatery with stone tables and colorful flowerpots is a welcome stop, especially on a hot day, on the way back from seeing the ruins. The ayran (a salty yogurt drink) is thirst quenching and a great restorative. Try the mantı (Turkish ravioli in garlicky yogurt sauce), the tavuk şiş (chicken kebab), or the gözleme, thin Turkish pastry filled with minced meat, mashed potato, or cheese and cooked on a flat griddle.

Behramkale, 17860, Turkey
Known For
  • good value
  • relaxed decor
  • excellent Turkish coffee
Restaurants Details
Rate Includes: Closed weekdays Nov.–Feb.