27 Best Sights in Graubünden, Switzerland

Bündner Kunstmuseum Chur

Fodor's choice

Graubünden's art museum has a striking, ultramodern extension where newer works and rotating exhibitions are shown; the majestic neoclassical Villa Planta building, erected in 1875 as a private residence, houses the core of the museum's collection. It includes works by well-known artists who lived or worked in the canton, including Angelika Kauffmann; Ferdinand Hodler; Giovanni Segantini; Ernst Kirchner; H. R. Giger; and Giovanni, Augusto, and Alberto Giacometti.

Kirchner Museum Davos

Fodor's choice

This museum has the world's largest collection of works by the German artist Ernst Ludwig Kirchner, whose off-kilter lines and unnerving compositions inspired the expressionist movement. He traveled to Davos in 1917 for health reasons and stayed until his suicide in 1938.

Muottas Muragl

Fodor's choice

At Punt Muragl, off the train line and highway between St. Moritz and Pontresina, you'll find the funicular to reach Muottas Muragl, at 8,058 feet. Up here, in the winter, walkers can take the Philosophers' Path, which is dotted with quotations from famous minds as well as more modern observations about life. Following the three circular paths takes about two to three hours. From Muottas Muragl, you can also embark on a 2½-hour-long traverse to Alp Languard, where you can take a chairlift down to Pontresina. The Segantini Hut (approximately halfway along) offers possibly the most spectacular (and photographed) views of the Upper Engadine and its series of five terraced, serenely azure lakes. Expect moderate difficulty, since parts are rocky and steep; hiking boots are a must. Instead of the funicular, an alternative way back down to the valley is the 4.2-km (2.6-mile) sled run. This, together with a large playground, makes Muottas a good excursion for children.

Pontresina, 7503, Switzerland
Sight Details
Rate Includes: Closed late Mar.–early June and late Oct.–mid-Dec., Funicular (round-trip): SF35 during daytime, SF15 after 6 pm. Sled rental (at the valley station): SF15, with a SF50 deposit or ID

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Parc Naziunal Svizzer

Fodor's choice

Established in 1914, the Parc Naziunal Svizzer covers 173 square km (67 square miles), including the Macun lakes near Lavin. Although small compared with a U.S. or Canadian national park, it has none of the developments that typically hint of "accessibility" and "attraction": no campgrounds, no picnic sites, no residents, and few rangers. The park is home to large herds of ibex (the heraldic animal on the Graubünden flag), chamois (a distant relative of the goat), red and roe deer, and marmots. Don't forget binoculars; without them you might not see much fauna—the animals give a wide berth to the 80 km (50 miles) of marked paths. Before heading into the park, stop by the three-story National Park Centre in Zernez, where you can view the permanent exhibition, stock up on maps, and enjoy the natural-history exhibit. Guided walks in German are available (see the website for details); reserve one to two days in advance to join a group, or book a private guided walk in English. Trails start out from parking lots off the park's only highway (visitors are encouraged to take buses back to their starting point)—a series of wild, rough, and often steep paths. Visitors are restricted to the trails except at designated resting places. Download the Swiss National Park digital hiking app, which has park maps and other info, to ensure you don't get lost.

Schloss Salenegg

Fodor's choice

The Castle Salenegg in Maienfeld presides regally over the oldest vineyards in the region—and some of the oldest in Europe. The privately owned castle and wine cellar, now a study in contrasts, have been inseparable since 1068. An intricately painted portal leads through the pristine, cyprus-lined grounds to the stone-clad, arched wine “Torkel” (old winepress). Despite the winery's history, there’s nothing old-fashioned about the products—all wines are made from Blauburgunder (Pinot Noir) or Chardonnay—or the environmentally friendly ideas. Though registration is required for cellar tours, English-speaking wine tastings are available on a drop-in basis.

Schloss Tarasp

Fodor's choice

The village is dominated by the magnificently picturesque stronghold Schloss Tarasp, perched 500 feet above. This grand castle lords over the valley with an impressive main tower. The oldest sections date from the 11th century, when the castle was built by the leading family of Tarasp. Tarasp became part of Austria in 1464; the imperial eagle still can be seen on the castle walls. In the early 1800s Napoléon gave Tarasp to Canton Graubünden, newly part of the Swiss federation. In 2016, the castle was bought by Swiss artist Not Vital, who added contemporary art inside. You must join a 60-minute tour (German-language) to see the interiors, which range from the Romanesque chapel to the opulent 19th-century reception rooms; the schedule varies, but there is usually one tour a week in winter and daily tours in summer. You can also join a 90-minute art tour to see a selection of modern artworks collected by Not Vital along with temporary exhibitions; see the website for times. The bus from Vulpera departs roughly every hour, or it's a 1½-hour walk from Scuol, following a well-marked path that goes over the Punt'Ota (high bridge).

Viamala Gorge

Fodor's choice

This narrow but dramatic gorge was carved thousands of years ago by glacial ice. Shortly after the start of the gorge, climb down 359 steps to view the river, rock formations, and a mid-18th-century bridge. You can reach the gorge by heading south from Chun toward the San Bernardino pass on the A13, then turn off at Thusis and follow the sign for the Viamala. This "bad road" was used by Romans and traders over centuries. It runs about 6 km (3½ miles) alongside the gorge.

Casino St. Moritz

The Casino St. Moritz—the highest in Switzerland, at 1,833 meters (6,014 feet)—offers roulette, poker, blackjack, and slot machines, including a Swiss Jackpot of more than 1 million SF. Dress code is smart casual.

Via Veglia 3, St. Moritz, 7500, Switzerland
Sight Details
Rate Includes: Free entry, Closed late Oct.–early Dec.

Eggahuus Heimatmuseum Arosa

This museum is in one of the oldest and best-kept buildings from Arosa's past—it was first mentioned in a 1550 document. Besides exhibiting the tools of the mountain farmer's difficult trade, this little museum has put together a slide show on local history. The museum building, a mid-16th-century wooden farmhouse also known as the Eggahuus, is a sight in itself.

Poststr., Arosa, 7050, Switzerland
Sight Details
Rate Includes: SF3; free with Arosa Card in summer, Closed mid-Apr.–mid-June and mid-Oct.–mid-Dec. Mid-June–mid-Oct., closed Tues., Thurs., weekends; mid-Dec.–mid-Apr., closed Mon., Wed., Thurs., weekends


Fans of Heidi can visit the area that inspired the legend along the circular Heidiweg (Heidi Path). Here you can find the house that was used as a model for the illustrations in the original Heidi books. It now houses Heidi-appropriate furnishings and life-size models of Heidi, Grandfather, and Peter. You can also take a somewhat-challenging hike up to Heidi's Alp Hut, get a Heidi stamp at the Heidi post office, and meet Heidi and Peter's goats at the petting zoo.

Maienfeld, CH-7304, Switzerland
Sight Details
Rate Includes: SF14 for all attractions at Heidi\'s Village, including Heidi\'s House and Heidi\'s Alp Hut, Closed mid-Nov.–mid-Mar.


From Maienfeld you can hike along the Heidiweg (Heidi Path), either on the short circular route or, for more energetic hikers, continuing across steep open meadows and through thick forests to what now have been designated Peter the Goatherd's Hut, the Alm-Uncle's Hut, and Heidi's Alp Hut. The short version of the route begins at the train station and passes through the cobblestone alleyways of Maienfeld's Old Town. It continues up to the enclave of Rofels, where the Heididorf (Heidi's Village) is situated. After passing through most of the attractions there, the trail leads back to Maienfeld through picturesque vineyards. You might meet today's versions of the characters, who can answer Heidi-related questions in English. Along the way, you'll take in awe-inspiring Rhine Valley views from flowered meadows that would have suited Heidi beautifully.


Opposite the Rätisches Museum, a stone archway under this tower leads into the court of the strong bishop-princes of Chur, once hosts to Holy Roman emperors—sometimes with whole armies in tow—passing through on their way to Italy or Germany. The bishops were repaid for their hospitality by imperial donations to the people. The thick fortifications of the residence aren't for show: they reflect the tendency of inhabitants to dispute the bishops' powers. By the 15th century those who rebelled could be punished with excommunication.

Kathedrale St. Maria Himmelfahrt

The Cathedral of the Assumption was built between 1151 and 1272, drawing on stylistic influences from all across Europe. On this same site have stood a Roman castle, a bishop's house in the 5th century, and a Carolingian cathedral in the 8th century. Inside, the capitals of the columns are carved with fantastical beasts; clustered at their bases are less threatening animals, such as sheep and marmots. In the choir is a magnificent late-15th-century altar of gilded wood with nearly 150 carved figures created by Jakob Russ from Ravensburg, Germany.

Kirche St. Johann

Among the town's few architectural highlights, the late-Gothic Kirche St. Johann stands out by virtue of its windows by Augusto Giacometti. Nearby is the 17th-century Rathaus (Town Hall).

Kloster St. Johann Müstair

If you walk through the Swiss National Park over the Ofen Pass to the Münster Valley and Italy, you can visit the Benedictine Convent of St. John at Müstair, a UNESCO World Heritage Site on the Italian border. The convent is still active and has fasting weeks in spring and fall. Take time to wonder at the Romanesque frescoes AD 800–1170; more paintings are being uncovered using laser technology, including at the adjacent 8th-century Chapel of the Holy Cross, accessible only by guided tour. The appealingly simple convent complex also houses a small museum with baroque statues and Carolingian works.

Müstair, 7537, Switzerland
Sight Details
Rate Includes: Abbey free (SF10 with guided tour), museum SF12, Chapel of the Holy Cross SF12 (with guided tour)., Closed Sun.

Martinskirche Zillis

A short train ride or drive south of Chur, the St. Martin church's renowned 12th-century painted wood ceiling features 153 panels that mostly depict stories from the Bible. It is one of the world's oldest original artistic works from the Romanesque era.

Am Postplatz, 7432, Switzerland
Sight Details
Rate Includes: SF6, Closed late Oct.–Mar.

Medical Museum Davos (Medizin Museum Davos)

Davos was once famous as a retreat for people suffering from respiratory problems, such as those caused by tuberculosis (its mountain air kept TB bacteria from growing as quickly). Davos was the inspiration for Thomas Mann's novel The Magic Mountain. The Medical Museum, which exhibits old-fashioned medical equipment, recalls the days when the streets were lined with spittoons.

Museum Alpin

This museum documents local history and life in the region over the centuries. It also exhibits local flora, fauna, and minerals; be sure to check out the room full of birds whose recorded songs can be heard at the push of a button. The summer and winter seasons bring a revolving schedule of exhibitions.

Museum Engiadinais

One of the few reminders that flashy, contemporary St. Moritz was not so very long ago a simple Engadine village is the Engadiner Museum, a reproduction of the traditional sgraffitied home. In a building dating from 1906, the fully renovated museum has displays of furniture, tools, and pottery in rooms decorated in styles from different periods, as well as an exhibit explaining the Romansch language. Visitors receive an iPad that acts as an electronic guide as they make their way through the museum, or they can download the guide onto their own phones.

Via dal Bagn 39, St. Moritz, 7500, Switzerland
Sight Details
Rate Includes: SF13, Closed Tues. mid-Dec.–mid-Apr.; mid-Apr.–mid-May; and mid-Oct.–mid-Dec.

Museum Nutli Hüschi

A brief visit to the folk museum Nutli Hüschi shows the resort's evolution from its mountain roots. This pretty wood-and-stone farmhouse with a stable was built in 1565. It shows how people lived and worked in the Prättigau in centuries past through exhibits of kitchen utensils, handcrafts, tools, and the spare regional furniture, including a child's bed that could be expanded as the child grew.

Obere Gasse

Once the main street through Chur and a major route between Germany and Italy, Obere Gasse is now lined with small shops and cafés. At the end stands the 16th-century Obertor (Upper Gate), guarding the bridge across the Plessur River.

Obere Gasse, Chur, 7000, Switzerland


Chur's Town Hall was built as two structures in 1464, which were connected in 1540. At ground level, under the arches, is the old marketplace. In the open hall on the second floor is a model of the Old Town, which can help you plan a tour of the city. The Grosser Ratsaal (Council Chamber) has a timber ceiling dating from 1493; the Bürgerratskammer (Citizens' Council Chamber) has wall panels from the Renaissance. Both chambers have old ceramic stoves, with the one in the Ratsaal depicting the seven deadly sins. Embedded in the wall beside the door on Reichsgasse 64 is a rod of iron about a foot long—the standard measure of a foot or shoe before the metric system was introduced. Although both chambers are generally closed to the public, very small groups can contact the tourist office to arrange a visit.

Poststr. 33, Chur, 7000, Switzerland
Sight Details
Rate Includes: Closed weekends

Rätisches Museum

Displayed in a 1675 mansion, this collection provides a thorough, evocative overview of the canton's development. It includes not only furnishings and goods from that period, but also archaeological finds from the region, both Roman and prehistoric. Display texts are in German, but an English-language guidebook is available for purchase. There are also exhibitions of special interest on display most of the time.

Segantini Museum

The somewhat forbidding stone structure that houses the Segantini Museum showcases the work of Italian artist Giovanni Segantini (1858–99). His huge triptych La Vita, La Natura, La Morte hangs in the domed upper floor. Take a seat on the bench to take in the work of this fine impressionist artist.

Via Somplaz 30, St. Moritz, 7500, Switzerland
Sight Details
Rate Includes: SF15, Closed Mon.; mid-Apr.–mid-May; and mid-Oct.–mid-Dec.

St. Jacob

In Klosters Platz the church of St. Jacob, dating from 1492, is the only remnant of the medieval monastery from which the village took its name. Its windows were painted by Augusto Giacometti.

Klosters Platz, 7250, Switzerland
Sight Details
Rate Includes: Free

St. Martinskirche

St. Martin's was rebuilt in 1491 after a fire destroyed the 8th-century original. Since 1526 it has been Protestant. On your right as you enter are three stained-glass windows created in 1919 by Augusto Giacometti, the father of the Graubünden sculptor Alberto Giacometti. The steeple dates from 1917; with permission from the sacristan, you can climb to the top to see the bells. Of note, too, is the 1716 fountain beside the church, whose basin features the signs of the zodiac (the figure on top is a replica of the original).

Wintersportmuseum Davos

Showcasing the history of winter sports, from their relatively primitive infancy to the modern day, this museum has a large collection of well-preserved equipment, including sleds, skis, skates, bindings, and costumes.