58 Best Sights in The Pyrenees, Spain

Catedral de Santa Maria

Fodor's choice

This 12th-century cathedral is the finest in the Pyrenees, and the sunlight casting the rich reds and blues of Santa Maria's southeastern rose window into the deep gloom of the transept is a moving sight. The 13th-century cloister is famous for the individually hewn, often whimsical capitals on its 50 columns, crafted by the same Roussillon school of masons who carved the doorway on the church of Santa Maria in Ripoll. Don't miss the haunting 11th-century chapel of Sant Miquel or the Diocesan Museum, which has a collection of striking medieval murals from various Pyrenean churches and a colorfully illuminated 10th-century Mozarabic manuscript of the monk Beatus de Liébana's commentary on the apocalypse.  Be aware of the limited visiting hours: Monday through Friday from 10–1:30 and 4–6, and Saturdays from 10–1 only (changes seasonally).

Catedral–Basílica de Nuestra Señora del Pilar

Fodor's choice
Basilica de Nuestra, Senora del Pilar, Zaragoza, Spain
Matyas Rehak / Shutterstock

This basilica on the banks of the Ebro, often shortened to La Pilarica or El Pilar, is Zaragoza's symbol and pride. An immense baroque structure with 11 vivid tile-topped cupolas, La Pilarica is home to the Virgen del Pilar, patron saint of peninsular Spain and the entire Hispanic world. The fiestas honoring this most Spanish of saints, held in mid-October, are ushered in with processions, street concerts, bullfights, and traditional jota dancing. Among the basilica's treasures are two frescoes by Goya—one of them, El Coreto de la Vírgen, painted when he was young, and the other, Regina Martirum, after his studies in Italy. The bombs displayed to the right of the altar of La Pilarica chapel fell through the roof of the church in 1936 and miraculously failed to explode. Behind La Pilarica's altar is the tiny opening where the devout line up to kiss the rough marble pillar where La Pilarica is said to have been discovered.

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Monasterio de San Juan de la Peña

Fodor's choice

The origins of this cliffside sanctuary can be traced to the 9th century, when a hermit monk named Juan settled here on the peña (cliff). A monastery was founded on the spot in 920, and in 1071, Sancho Ramírez, son of King Ramiro I, made use of the structure, which was built into the mountain's rock wall, to found this Benedictine monastery. The highlight is the cloister, which is tucked under the cliff and dates to the 12th century. Partially in ruin, it contains intricately carved capitals depicting zoomorphic and biblical scenes of Paradise. The church of the new monastery contains the Kingdom of Aragon Interpretation Centre, where audio guides in English are available. 

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Museo Pablo Gargallo

Fodor's choice

This is one of Zaragoza's sightseeing treasures, both for the palace in which it is housed and for its collection: Gargallo, born near Zaragoza in 1881, was one of Spain's greatest modern sculptors.

Ordesa and Monte Perdido National Park

Fodor's choice
Hikers, Spanish Pyrenees, Ordesa and Monte Perdidno National Park, Spain
Michal Szymanski / Shutterstock

Welcome to the wildest, most unspoiled corner of the Pyrenees. The three main valleys of this national park—Ordesa, Pineta, and Añisclo—are carved out by the Ara River and its tributaries, the Arazas. They culminate in the majestic massif of Monte Perdido, which stands at 11,000 feet on the Franco-Spanish border; it's the highest of the park's three main mountains. The remote yet worthwhile valley of Las Gargantas de Escuaín is famous for its dolmen and soaring rock walls. Throughout the park, you'll find lakes, waterfalls, high mountain meadows, and forests of pine, fir, larch, beech, and poplar. Protected wildlife includes trout, boar, chamois, lammergeier, and the sarrio mountain goat (Rupicapra pyrenaica).

Well-marked mountain trails lead to waterfalls, caves, and spectacular observation points. The Cola de Caballo, for example, is 5-6 hours roundtrip route to one of those majestic waterfalls. From mid July to mid September, the town of Torla offers a shuttle service every 15 minutes to the trailhead in Pradera de Ordesa to manage overcrowded parking. 

Parc Nacional d'Aigüestortes i Estany de Sant Maurici

Fodor's choice

Get ready to marvel at some of the most arresting mountain scenery in Europe. The terrain of this national park is formed by jagged peaks, steep rock walls, and deep glacial depressions filled with crystalline water, all of which lie in the shadow of the twin peaks of Els Encantats. Until the turn of the last century, this area was one of the remotest in Europe, known only to shepherds and hunters. Its 200-some streams, lakes, and lagoons intersperse with fir and birch forests and empty into the Noguera River watercourses: the Pallaresa to the east and the Ribagorçana to the west. Rain and snow are notably frequent in all areas. The land range sweeps from wildflower-blanketed meadows below 5,000 feet to rocky crests at nearly double that height; it's inhabited by Pyrenean chamois, golden eagles, capercaillies, and other fauna in great abundance. The twin Encantats measure more than 9,000 feet, and the surrounding peaks of Beciberri, Peguera, Montarto, and Amitges hover between 8,700 feet and a little less than 10,000 feet. The park offers an abundance of walking trails; the most popular is a day-hike from east to west, starting at the village of Espot and finishing in Boí. Less time is needed to see the glacial lakes at Circ de Colomèrs, a 40-minute drive south from Baqueira.

Driving inside the park is not permitted, so most visitors leave their cars at the closest entrance and then take a taxi or shuttle, stationed at the main parking areas, to the trailhead. 

Pasarelas de Alquézar

Fodor's choice

Take a breathtaking riverside hike (1½ hours) on the Ruta de las Pasarelas loop, which hugs near-sheer cliffs that plunge into rushing turquoise waters. There's a waterfall, a cave, and plenty of placards with information on the surrounding nature and historical buildings. Be sure to bring plenty of water and to arrive early, since parking (follow the signs) is limited. Certain stretches are on metal pathways with steep drops, so those with limited mobility or a fear of heights should skip this one. The trail starts at Plaza de Rafael Ayerbe beside the ayuntamiento (town hall). No bikes or pets are allowed.

Sant Climent

Fodor's choice

At the edge of town, this exquisite three-nave Romanesque church was built in 1123. The six-story belfry has perfect proportions, with Pyrenean stone that changes hues with the light, and a sense of intimacy and balance. In 1922 Barcelona's Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya removed the murals for safekeeping, including the famous Pantocrator, the work of the "Master of Taüll." The murals presently in the church are reproductions.

Sant Miquèu

Fodor's choice

The octagonal 14th-century bell tower makes this 12th-century church unmistakable. Walk through the 13th-century portico, adorned with 59 figurines, then meander toward the 15th-century Gothic altar. Beside it is one of the most important examples of Romanesque Catalan art, the 12th-century wood carving Crist de Mijaran. Uniquely expressive for its time, this bust of Christ is believed to be the sole remnant of a monumental ensemble depicting the Descent from the Cross that was likely destroyed (or stolen) by the French in the 15th century. The bust, which spent the civil war years stashed away in Switzerland, today sits under glass in a temperature-controlled case.

Pl. de la Iglesia, 25530, Spain
Sight Details
Rate Includes: Free

Vall de Núria Rack Railway (Cremallera)

Fodor's choice
Cogwheel Railway, Valley of Nuria, Catalan, Spain
135pixels / Shutterstock

The 45-minute train ride from the town of Ribes de Freser up to Núria provides one of Catalonia's most eclectic excursions—in few other places in Spain does a train make such a precipitous ascent. The cogwheel train, nicknamed La Cremallera ("The Zipper" in English), was completed in 1931 to connect Ribes with the Santuari de la Mare de Déu de Núria (Mother of God of Núria) and with hiking trails and ski runs.

Alma Mater Museum

Portraits of archbishops (one by Goya), Flemish tapestries, Renaissance and medieval paintings, and the remains of the Romanesque door of Zaragoza's church of Santiago form parts of this museum's collection.


Two kilometers (1 mile) south of Ochagavía, at Escároz, a small secondary roadway winds 22 km (14 miles) over the Abaurrea heights to Aribe, a tiny town—population 36—known for its triple-arch medieval bridge, ancient hórreo (granary), Zamariain viewpoint, and Zubi Esekia suspension bridge.

Bodegas Lalanne

A 20-minute drive south of Alquézar drops you at this family-run wine estate that's been in business for over a century. Plan to spend about two hours here between the winery tour and tasting, in which you'll sample bold New World–style wines—Gewürztraminer, Cabernet Sauvignon, etc.—that are a hallmark of the Somontano D.O. Be sure to call ahead or book online.

Camí dels Enginyers

With a trailhead at the ski area of Núria, at an altitude of 6,562 feet, the dramatic—and occasionally heart-stopping—"engineers' path" is best done in summer. The three-hour trek, aided at one point by a cable handrail, leads to the remote highland valley of Coma de Vaca, where a cozy refuge and hearty replenishment await. Call ahead to make sure there's space, and check weather conditions. In the morning you can descend along the riverside Gorges de Freser trail, another three-hour walk, to Queralbs, where there are connecting trains to Ribes de Freser.

Termino Municipal de Queralbs dentro del Espacio protegido Ter Freser, 17534, Spain
Sight Details
Rate Includes: Closed Sept.--May but can request special off-season dates

Canfranc International Railway Station

In July and August, a guided train tour departs from the Jaca RENFE station, heading to the valley and Canfranc's magnificent Belle Époque train station, which has a bewitching history and was used as a location in the 1965 film Doctor Zhivago. At the time of writing the summer guided tour had not been announced, but a non-tourist train runs year-round between Jaca and Canfranc. The Canfranc station, right at the border of France, had been famously abandoned since 1970 and was slowly falling to pieces until the Barceló group opened a 104-room luxury five-star hotel in the building early this year. Unfortunately, many of the areas are now restricted to hotel guests. If you're staying elsewhere, the Canfranc tourism office also offers guided tours of some areas to visitors. 

Castillo de Aínsa

The citadel and castle, originally built by the Moors in the 11th century, was conquered by the Christians and reconstructed in the 16th century. Take a walk along the ramparts for the best views of the town and surrounding landscape.

Castillo de Loarre

This massively walled 11th-century structure surrounded by rocky outcroppings is perhaps the best-preserved Romanesque castle in Europe. Inside the walls are a church, tower, dungeon, and even a medieval toilet. The strategic vantage point commands views of the almond and olive groves in the Ebro basin.

Catedral del Salvador de Zaragoza (La Seo)

Zaragoza's main cathedral, at the eastern end of Plaza del Pilar, is the city's bishopric, or diocesan seo (seat). It was built in many architectural styles: Mudejar (brick-and-tile exterior), Gothic (altarpiece), churrigueresque (doorways), and baroque (facade). The Museo de Tapices within contains medieval tapestries. The nearby medieval Casa y Arco del Deán form one of the city's favorite corners.

Ciudadela de Jaca

The massive pentagonal Ciudadela is an impressive example of 17th-century military architecture. It has a display of more than 35,000 military miniatures, arranged to represent different periods of history. Check the website to confirm hours, which vary by month.

Colegiata de Santa María la Mayor

The Colegiata, originally a 9th-century Moorish alcázar (citadel) for which the town is named, was conquered by the Christians in 1067. An interesting mix of Gothic, Mudejar, and Renaissance details are found in the shaded cloister, and there are biblical murals that date to the Romanesque era. The church, built in the 16th century, contains an almost life-size Romanesque figure of Christ, but restoration has taken away some of the building's charm—its interior brickwork is now only a painted representation. Visits are conducted via guided tour (Spanish only) and usually depart every 30 minutes. 

El Tributo de las Tres Vacas

Nearly every July 13 since 1375, the "Tribute of the Three Cows" unfolds in the heart of the Roncal Valley on the French border. Local mayors, dressed in traditional gowns, gather near the summit of San Martín to receive the symbolic payment of three cows from their French counterparts, in memory of a settlement of ancient border disputes that's believed to be the oldest surviving "pact" of its kind in Europe. Feasting and joyous imbibing follow.

EMOZ (Escuela Museo Origami Zaragoza)

Within Zaragoza's Centro de Historias, EMOZ houses one of the finest collections of origami in the world. These eye-popping exhibitions change themes seasonally and reveal the surprising story of Zaragoza's historical connection to the art of paper-folding.

Huesca Cathedral

An intricately carved gallery tops the eroded facade of Huesca's 13th-century Gothic cathedral. Damián Forment, a protégé of the 15th-century Italian master sculptor Donatello, created the alabaster altarpiece, which dates to 1533 and has scenes from the Crucifixion.

Pl. de la Catedral, 22002, Spain
Sight Details
Rate Includes: €6, Museum closed Sun.

IAACC Pablo Serrano

A collection of works by 20th-century sculptor Pablo Serrano (1908–85) and his wife, Juana Francés, are on display in this museum.

Ibañeta Pass

This 3,468-foot pass, above Roncesvalles, is a gorgeous route into France. A menhir (monolith) marks the traditional site of the legendary battle in The Song of Roland, during which Roland fell after calling for help on his ivory battle horn. The well-marked eight-hour walk to or from Saint-Jean-Pied-de-Port (which does not follow the road) is the first and one of the most beautiful and dramatic sections of the Santiago pilgrimage.

Iglesia de San Pablo

After the basilica and La Seo, this church, with intricate Mudejar brickwork, is considered by Zaragozanos to be the "third cathedral."

Iglesia de Santa María

This 12th-century Romanesque church, with its quadruple-vaulted door and 13th-century cloister, is in the corner of the attractive, porticoed Plaza Mayor.

Calle Santa Cruz 12, 22330, Spain
Sight Details
Rate Includes: Free

Jaca Cathedral

An important stop on the pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela, Jaca's 11th-century Catedral de San Pedro has lovely carved capitals and was the first French-Romanesque cathedral in Spain, paving the way for later Spanish Romanesque architecture. Inside the cathedral and near the cloisters, the Museo Diocesano has excellent Romanesque and Gothic frescoes and artifacts collected from nearby churches.

Pl. de San Pedro 1, 22700, Spain
Sight Details
Rate Includes: Cathedral free, museum €6

Ligne de Cerdagne

Affectionately called le petit train jaune ("the little yellow train"), this line runs from Bourg-Madame and La Tour de Querol, both easy hikes over the border into France from Puigcerdà (Bourg-Madame is the closest). The border at La Tour, a pretty hour-long hike from Puigcerdà, is marked by a stone painted with the Spanish and French flags. The carrilet (narrow-gauge railway) is the last in the Pyrenees and is used for tours as well as transportation; it winds slowly through La Cerdanya to the medieval walled town of Villefranche-de-Conflent, where it can also be picked up. The 63-km (39-mile) tour can take most of the day, especially if you stop to browse in Mont-Louis or Villefranche. The last section, between La Cabanasse and Villefranche, is the most picturesque. In low season the trains have infrequent and unpredictable timetables.