2 Best Restaurants in Alcobaça, Estremadura and the Ribatejo


This little café across from the monastery is justly famed for its cakes and pastries, presented in a long glass display case. Since winning a national prize for its pastéis de nata (custard tarts) a few years ago, it has opened two offshoots in Lisbon.
Praça 25 de Abril 44, Alcobaça, 2460–018, Portugal
Known For
  • Unique range of regional pastries
  • Beautiful presentation
  • Efficient service
Restaurant Details
Rate Includes: No dinner

António Padeiro


This restaurant is best known for showcasing regional cuisine, with dishes such as chicken or partridge na púcara (cooked in an clay pot)—many of which evolved in local monasteries. Fans of bacalhau should try the house version: baked with a crust of cornbread and farinheira sausage. The walls are hung with local memorabilia and photos of the family that has run the place since 1938.

Rua Dom Maur Cocheril 27, Alcobaça, 2460, Portugal
262 582 295
Known For
  • Wide range of traditional eggy desserts as well as fresh fruit
  • Brisk but friendly service
  • Local history
Restaurant Details
Rate Includes: Closed 2 wks in June.