1 Best Sight in Northern Ireland

Slieve Donard

Looming above Newcastle is Slieve Donard, its panoramic, 2,796-foot-high summit grandly claiming views into England, Wales, and Scotland "when it's clear enough"—in other words, "rarely," say the pessimists. It's not possible to drive up the mountain, so leave your car in the Donard parking lot and follow signs for the Slieve Donard Trail. It should take roughly three hours to climb to the summit and no longer than two hours to descend. Experienced hikers should not find it difficult, but if you prefer an easier trek, follow the trails signposted in Tollymore Forest Park or follow the Mourne Coastal Footpath. Hiking boots are essential and, as the weather can be unpredictable, it's advisable to take an extra layer of clothing, even in summer. The Mourne Wall, at 35 km (22 miles), which runs up and down Slieve Donard, was completed in 1922 by the Belfast Water Commissioners and had fallen into a poor condition. During 2019, it was restored in a £1.6 million community-led project and protects the water catchment which feeds the Silent Valley and Ben Crom Reservoirs. It was given a listed status in 1996 and is owned by Northern Ireland Water.