36 Best Sights in Malta


Fodor's choice

Catacombs run under much of Rabat. Up Saint Agatha Street from Parish Square, the Catacombs of St. Paul are clean of bones but full of carved-out burial troughs and feature the most comprehensive information on the rituals of the city's underground world, including why each tomb is a different shape. St. Agatha's Crypt and Catacombs, farther up the street, were beautifully frescoed between 1200 and 1480, then defaced by Turks in 1551. Back on the square lies arguably the most impressive surviving tunnel area, the Wignacourt Complex, which includes St. Paul's Grotto—believed to be the site where the apostle St. Paul lived during his time in Malta. This labyrinthine network of burial chambers here dates from Punic times and holds one surprise: just below it are a series of World War II bomb shelters (some 50 rooms) carved by hand from an existing water cistern dug centuries earlier by the Knights of the Order of St. John. The Wignacourt museum upstairs houses reliquaries, relics, and paintings by Mattia Preti.

Fort St. Angelo

Fodor's choice
Vittoriosa's headland has always been hot property. Before 1530, when the Knights of the Order of St. John first landed and set up base here, it had been home to castles and temples dating from the Phoenecian era. When the Knights were later ousted in 1798, it became HQ for Napoleon's invading French army, and then later the British Navy—it was the last piece of Malta to be handed over by the Brits, who retained a naval base here 15 years after independence was declared in 1964. Today's layout owes much to its strengthening in 1690 by the engineer Don Carlos de Grunenberg. So successful was his design that, some 250 years later, it was able to withstand 69 direct hits by World War II bombers. Nazi propaganda even famously claimed it had "sunk HMS St Angelo" (as the fort was then known by the British) despite it not being a ship. But its starring moment was during the Great Siege of 1565, when it repelled wave after wave of Ottoman Turks over three long, hot summer months. Following extensive renovations, completed in 2016, it reopened as a museum, narrating tales of wartime heroics and ghosts, all woven through a series of thrilling rooms and interactive exhibits spanning its long history.

Fort St. Elmo–National War Museum

Fodor's choice

Built in 1552 by the Knights of St. John to defend the harbor, this fort was completely destroyed during the Great Siege of 1565 by the Ottoman Turks and was rebuilt by succeeding military leaders. Today, some parts are still off-limits to visitors as restorations continue, but it has both fantastic views and is also now home to the excellent National War Museum. Malta's history is one of invasion, and the museum charts this in gripping detail through the ages. It is particularly strong on the reign of the Knights, who, when kicked out of Rhodes in 1522 by the Ottoman Turks, resumed their struggle for religious hegemony in Malta over countless battles, sieges, and raids. It also delves well into the tug of war between Napoléon and the British, as well as the island's fate during World War II, offering easily the most comprehensive historical overview of Valletta. Its audio-visual tales are also often nail-biting, particularly the tale of "Operation Pedestal," in which the Allied forces sought to squeeze a supply ship through enemy lines to Malta in 1942 and, in doing so, changed the course of the war. Alongside this are a collection of rare military objects, including President Roosevelt's Jeep, "Husky," and one of the Gloster Sea Gladiator biplanes that defended the island so stoutly.

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Lascaris War Rooms

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Back in 1943, this underground tunnel complex arguably decided the course of World War II. It was then that President Eisenhower and the Allied commanders were plotting the invasion of Sicily (known as Operation Husky)—one of the first major assaults to retake Europe from the Axis powers. The site of this top-secret British HQ has been carefully restored (it was later used by NATO to track Soviet subs up until 1977) to its heyday, and hourly guided tours take you through the intricacies of planning such a game-changing operation long before computers were able to plot each movement—complicated military coordination was done with phones, string, and a chalkboard. The entrance is up at the Saluting Battery, with steps leading down from there. Exclusive guided tours of the rooms and tunnels are available at 10:30 and 1 pm.

St. John's Co-Cathedral

Fodor's choice

What appears a rather functional-looking building from the outside is deceiving. Inside, this is one of the world's most lavishly decorated Baroque cathedrals. The discrepancy between its exterior and interior reflect the different eras through which it has stood. It was completed in 1578 by the Knights of St. John as their own church. In the 17th century, the order's mounting treasures from the Holy Land and the desire to build a cathedral to rival those of Rome saw it get a spectacular makeover. A floor made up of a patchwork of colored-marble tombstones (the final resting place of some 375 knights and officers of the order) shines beneath a breathtakingly intricate arched ceiling largely decorated by the Calabrian artist and knight Mattia Preti. In the Oratory is Caravaggio's only signed work, the dramatic and unsparing Beheading of John the Baptist (1607), which hangs above the very spot where the rogue artist was defrocked and deknighted following a brawl (he had already fled to Malta to escape punishment for murder). Also hanging here is another of the artist's works, the touchingly frail image of Saint Jerome Writing (1606), which found infamy after it was stolen from the Co-Cathedral in 1984 and held hostage. The cathedral museum is currently being extended (work is set to be completed in 2021) to include a special area dedicated to Caravaggio and its collections of silver, tapestries, and vestments, set to be completed in 2021. The entrance fee includes an audio guide. Public access (main ticket office) is on Republic St.

Narrow heeled shoes such as stilettos are not allowed, but slippers can be purchased at reception; women in short skirts will be given coverings.

Ta’ Pinu Sanctuary

Fodor's choice
What was once a tiny chapel servicing an equally miniscule village found fame in 1883 when a local woman was said to hear the voice of the Virgin here. Pilgrims flocked to it, overwhelming the chapel, so a wealthy local man paid to build what is now Ta’ Pinu Sanctuary around it in the 1920s (the chapel still exists in part behind the altar, along with the tomb of the woman who heard the "miracle"). It's an impressive building, constructed in soft Maltese stone, which meant they could carve intricate Romanesque flourishes. Perhaps the most remarkable sight is the votive offerings in the rear, left by visitors who have experienced "miracles" of their own and who wish to thank the Virgin. From broken bicycle wheels to plaster casts, all manner of personal memorabilia is strewn across the walls, with written stories accompanying each and making for fascinating reading.

Blue Grotto

The turnoff for the Blue Grotto, a dazzling series of sea caves off Qrendi's coast, is 1 km (½ mile) beyond the lookout on Triq Wied Iz-Zurrieq road, which offers parking and fine views. From there, a steep road takes you down to a rocky inlet and harbor where noisy boats (€8) leave for the grottoes and the stained-glass-blue waters that splash their walls.

Buskett Gardens

Get your tree fix at Buskett Gardens, a short drive (or 40-minute walk) south of Rabat. This pleasant stretch of woodland was a former hunting ground for the Knights of St. John, and, as such, is one of few surviving patches of forest on Malta (trees cover barely 1% of the islands) after the Knights cut down the rest to build their warships. It surrounds Verdala Castle, a 16th-century hunting lodge that is now used by the president of Malta to host distinguished visitors and is sadly not open to the public. Just up the road are the prehistoric "Clapham Junction" cart ruts, a dense collection of V-shape gouges (some up to 60 cm-deep) thought to have been used for transportation, and the il-Kbhur cave complex, which was inhabited up until 1835.

Buskett Rd., Dingli, DGL 2708, Malta

Casa Bernard

What began life as a medieval watchtower grew into a grand palazzo by the mid-16th century, and developed a few baroque flourishes as the centuries went by. These days a personal guided tour by the owners reveals how the Maltese nobles used to live, in what is still a family home, lovingly restored by owners Josette and Georges Magri.

Casa Rocca Piccola

One of the last of Malta's patrician houses still to be occupied is the first to be opened up to visitors. The ninth Marquis de Piro and his family can trace their lineage back to when the Knights of the Order of St. John fled Rhodes for Malta in 1530, and you can see the family history laid out in their home's decor. The exquisite 16th-century house displays generations' worth of what the family calls "aristocratic bric-a-brac," including stools given to them for attending the wedding of Queen Elizabeth II; a beautiful, 18th-century, portable, Baroque chapel used for baptisms; and works by the artist Giuseppi Cali, the Marquis's great-grandfather and painter of the Rotunda at Mosta. Each charts the history of the family, the house, or Valletta itself, while beneath the house lies the remains of a vast World War II bunker, one of around 30 built across the city as the bombs started falling. It was dug from the quarry in which the stone for the house was cut some four centuries earlier. If you pay extra, you can get a personal guided tour by a family member, who can share some rather unique tales of Maltese history.

Casa Rocca Piccola recently added B&B stays to its repertoire, with five rooms set aside for guests (doubles from €160), offering a taste of aristocratic life. Breakfast is taken in the exquisite courtyard, complete with the family parrot for company.

74 Republic St., Valletta, VLT 1117, Malta
Sight Details
Rate Includes: €9; €200 per group for a personalized guided tour by the family, Guided tours Mon.– Sat. 10:00–5:00, Closed Sun.

Church of St. Lawrenz

Below Vittoriosa's main square, the Church of St. Lawrenz served as the Order of St. John's conventual church when the Knights landed in 1530, long before they relocated to Valletta. The present building dates from 1697, though its interior is scattered with artworks by 17th-century painter Mattia Pretti. A visit to the neighboring museum (open 9–noon) reveals a curious array of items, including Grand Master Jean de la Valette's kneeling prayer mat.

Covered Market

This mighty expanse of Victorian iron was once a bit of an eyesore, but the city's covered market has had a much-needed makeover. Built in 1860, and the first building on the island to be constructed out of metal, it now houses a bustling basement food market heaving with wines, oils, and gourmet tidbits, and a ground floor bustling with international and local street food stalls (tapas, grilled fish, pastizzi). Outdoor seating and an upstairs exhibition center complete the picture. Hours are daily until 10 pm.

Fort Rinella

Lying just to the east of Vittoriosa, this late 19th-century fort was built by the British to hold the world's largest muzzle-loading cannon, the 100-ton Armstrong gun. Exhibitions focus on the daily life of the Victorian British garrison that was stationed here, with live demonstrations and a firing of the cannon at noon. Guided tours (2–4 pm) include re-enactments and a film about the Victorian army, while free audio guides take you through a 3,000-strong collection of weaponry, uniforms, and equipment.

Ghajn Tuffieha Bay

Malta's prettiest beach, also known as Golden Bay, is also it's wind and kite surfing center, with onshore breezes being particularly advantageous outside the main summer season. Between May and the end of September the beach is very popular with visitors, many of whom stay at the nearby Radisson Blu hotel. Weekends can be crowded with Maltese families who come to spend the day. The soft fine sand is some of the best on an island that has more rocky bays and inlets than sandy beaches. Shade is provided by rented sun umbrellas (summer only). Best for : swimming; wind surfing. Amenities : food and drink; lifeguards (summer only); parking (no fee); showers; toilets.

Grandmasters Palace

From the time of Malta's independence in 1964 until 2015, this building doubled as the nation's parliament, and it still remains the official residence of the Maltese president. However, ongoing renovations over the next few years to the State Rooms and courtyards mean chunks will be off-limits at different times, and state visits also restrict what can be viewed, which is why the ticket price currently bundles in the city's new art museum, MUZA, as well. The palace, completed in 1574, has a unique collection of Gobelin tapestries; the main hall is decorated with frescoes depicting the history of the Knights and the Great Siege. Usually on view are works by Ribera, Van Loo, and Batoni, and at the back of the building is the Armory of the Knights, which is housed in what used to be the stables, exhibiting arms and armor through the ages; an audio tour taking you through it lasts about 45 minutes.

Għar Dalam Cave

The semifossilized remains of long-extinct dwarf elephants and hippopotamuses that roamed the island some 125,000 years ago were found in this cave, on the outskirts of the seaside town of Birzebbuga, next to Marsaxlokk. The fossils are now on display in the small museum.The earliest evidence of human occupation on Malta, dating from 7,000 years ago, was found in the excavated upper layer on the cave floor.

Inquisitor's Palace

The displays in Birgu's Inquisitor's Palace reveal less-discussed aspects of less-tolerant times in Malta. The palace dates from the 1530s, and the first Inquistor General and Apostolic delegate to Malta arrived here in 1547.

Malta at War

There's no shortage of museums unraveling Malta's military history, but few are as intimate. Housed inside an 18th-century army barracks and labyrinthine, rock-cut, underground air-raid shelter, it focuses on the period from 1940 to 1943, when World War II and the Blitz came to Malta—then a strategically vital outpost for the Allied Forces and stepping stone to Fascist Italy. Through artifacts, newsreels, and a stirring propaganda documentary, narrated by Laurence Olivier and released by King George VI in January 1943 to pluck up the spirits of his battered Maltese subjects, it shows daily life as the bombs fell and hope was all but lost and then found again.

Manoel Theater

If you are here in opera season, don't miss a show at the third-oldest theater in Europe, which had its opening night on January 9, 1732. If you can't make a show, you can still enjoy the baroque interior on a guided tour, which run every half-hour during the day (weekdays 9:30–4:30, Saturday 10–2). Intimate and splendidly decorated, it was designed after Palermo's theater at the time.

Maritime Museum

Housed in what used to be the British Navy's bakery, this comprehensive museum views the history of the islands through a nautical gaze, from its first settlers up to the British handover. It's particularly good on the history of the Knights of St. John, who legitimized "piracy" upon their arrival by enabling corsairs to sail under the Spanish flag—and taking a hefty cut of their booty. Tales of feared ships like the Santa Maria—which carried the Knight's treasures to Malta when they were ousted from Rhodes and which met its end when an errant ship-hand mishandled some gunpowder—refreshingly reveal both calamities and heroics. A vast, almost overwhelming, collection includes models of a caracca (galleon), prostitute licenses, Roman amphoras hauled up from shipwrecks, cannons, and all variety of maritime ephemera.

Mosta Rotunda

The Rotunda (Church of St. Mary) has one of the biggest domes in Europe—after St. Peter's in Rome and Hagia Sophia in Istanbul—and took 27 years to build. Towering above the center of Mosta, a town with a population of less than 20,000, it's a striking sight. Remarkably, a German bomb fell through the roof during World War II while the town held mass; it failed to detonate, sparing the lives of 300 people.


Completed in late 2018, Malta's largest art museum lies within the UNESCO-listed Auberge d'Italie, a stately 16th-century building that once housed Italian members of the Knights of St. John before becoming Valletta's first public museum in 1920, though until World War II the museum saw its collection scattered. MUŻA now houses some 20,000 works of art, flying the flag for Maltese and Mediterranean artists dating back to the 17th century, including local sculptor Antonio Sciortino An audiovisual installation delves into his never-completed monument, The Unknown Soldier.

National Museum of Archaeology

The museum is housed in the Auberge de Provence (the hostel of the Knights from Provence). The building's Gran Salon alone is as breathtaking an example of the Baroque style as you'll see in Malta outside of the Co-Cathedral, though its intricate painted walls are undergoing major restoration. The museum has an excellent collection of finds from Malta's many prehistoric sites—Tarxien, Haġar Qim, and the Hypogeum at Paola. The intricately carved figurine of the Sleeping Lady, found at the Hypogeum, dates back almost 5,000 years. You'll also find information on the ancient "cart ruts" that you'll see in the northwest, not far from Rabat.

Palazzo Falson

Mdina's medieval Patrician stone mansion dates from between the 13th and 15th centuries and reveals a wealth of original architectural features. The mansion's rooms display more than 45 collections of silver, furniture, jewelry, armour, paintings, and more, including art works by Anthony Van Dyck, Nicolas Poussin, and Mattia Preti. There is a free audio guide.

Palazzo Parisio

This sprawling palazzo aspires to be a kind of mini Palace of Versailles, with its mirrored ballroom and Italian-style garden. Indeed, taking tea in its walled courtyard feels like the height of civilization as the church bells peal in the distance. The site is run by Christiane Ramsay Scicluna, descendent of the Marquis Guiseppe Scicluna, who set about transforming this building with neoclassical zeal into a grand winter palace when he bought it in 1898. It feels totally out of place in the quiet little town of Naxxar, yet all the more fascinating for it.

Ramla Bay

Gozo's widest beach has fine ocher-color sand interspersed with areas of pebbles and boulders. The water conditions are good for children and nonswimmers. It's calm with an easy entrance into the sea and a wide stretch of shallow water. There are stones underfoot in the shallows, so beach shoes are a good idea. There's no natural shade but a concession rents sun umbrellas. The beach is especially busy on summer weekends when local families spend the day. Best for: swimming. Amenities: food and drink (summer only); lifeguards (summer only); parking (no fee).

Rotunda of Saint John the Baptist

Xewkija's church is the biggest on Gozo, and reputedly has the one of the largest unsupported domes in the world—not bad for what has always been the poorest village on Gozo. It is said to weigh some 45,000 tons, and construction began in 1951 around the original village church, so locals would still have a place to worship. It wouldn't be consecrated until 1978, and parts of the old church still exist within, dismantled and rebuilt in a rear chamber. There is a fantastic photo display showing how the rotunda was built and just how daring it was (note the complete absence of safety equipment), while its marble floor and paintings are among the finest on Gozo. For just €3, you can go up in a lift to the rooftop to gaze out across the land—it's the best viewpoint on the island.

St. Andrew's Divers Cove

Offers PADI courses ranging from beginner to technical, and has a comprehensive list of dive sites that it visits around the islands of Gozo and Comino.

St. Paul's Cathedral and Museum

Mdina's St. Paul's Cathedral is famed for Mattia Preti's intricate 17th-century apse mural The Shipwreck of St. Paul. It along with the 900-year-old Irish bogwood sacristy doors were among the few surviving relics of the 1693 earthquake, which destroyed the Norman-era church that stood previously on this site. Rebuilt in the Baroque style in 1703, its interior is second only in Malta to Valletta's Co-Cathedral in terms of grandeur, its floor similarly lined with the marble tombstones of Maltese nobles. Across the square lies the CathedralMuseum, set inside a former seminary. It is home to an excellent art collection, the highlight of which are a series of Dürer woodcuts and illuminated manuscripts.

St. Paul's Island

St. Paul's Island, off the coast of Mistra, is the alleged site of the shipwreck of the eponymous apostle in Malta. He is said to have introduced Christianity to the islands, so is universally revered in all manner of sites across Malta. These days, barring a statue of the saint himself, there is little to see on these two barren specks of land joined by a narrow isthmus. The adventure is in getting here, either by boat or kayak, to escape the bustle of the resorts and Jet skis that infest St. Paul's Bay, to explore caves used as bomb shelters, and to snorkel hidden waters.