20 Best Performing Arts Venues in Tuscany, Italy

Astiludio festival

On the first Sunday in September the Astiludio festival celebrates a flag-throwing tradition that dates back to 1406. Performances and processions are part of the festivities.

Balestro del Girifalco

On the fourth Sunday of May and again on the second Sunday in August, Massa Marittima's three traditional neighborhood groups dress in medieval costumes and parade through the town with much fanfare and flag throwing. The pinnacle of the event is a crossbow shooting competition between the town's districts.

Barga Jazz

Listen to the newest music during Barga Jazz, a jazz orchestra competition (in July and August). The scores presented each year are selected by a special committee, and a winner is selected by an international jury.

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Cantiere Internazionale d'Arte

This festival of art, music, and theater takes place in a variety of venues during July and August, ending with a dramatic stage production in the Piazza Grande.


For four Sundays and Shrove Tuesday preceding Lent, this little seaside town produces its world-famous Carnevale, with intricate floats, or carri, representing Italy's most influential celebrities and politicians and sometimes the famous and infamous from around the world. Started in the late 1800s, the Viareggio Carnevale differs from that held in Venice because of its parades of huge and fantastical floats. Traditionally, they were put together by Viareggio's shipbuilders, and the masked celebrants were civil and political protesters. Today, the floats still used as a vehicle to lampoon popular figures. Other events—music, parties, and art displays—also take place during Carnevale. The crowds are huge, with many attending in costume.


San Gimignano is one of the few small towns in the area that make a big deal out of carnival festivities, with locals dressing up in colorful costumes and marching through the streets from 3:30 to 6:30 on the four Sundays preceding Shrove Tuesday.

Estate Musicale Chigiana


Master classes and workshops held by internationally famous musicians result in top-notch performances in Siena between July and September. Age-old venues such as the Accademia Musicale Chigiana, the Spedale di Santa Maria della Scala, the church of Sant'Agostino, and Piazza Duomo are used for these exceptional concerts. It is best to book well in advance as tickets are usually in high demand. The ChigianArt Cafe is a perfect place for a light lunch or a cocktail.

Estate Musicale Lucchese

Throughout the summer there are jazz, pop, and rock concerts in conjunction with the Estate Musicale Lucchese music festival. It happens in the large, beautiful Piazza Napoleone. Ask the tourist information office for more information.

Festa della Ceramica

Every June, Montelupo hosts the weeklong ceramics festival that includes exhibitions of local and international art, demonstrations of techniques new and ancient, and street theater and music. Of course, ceramics from around the world are for sale, too. Additional information about the ceramics festival is available from the Montelupo Fiorentino tourist office.

Fondazione Teatro di Pisa

Pisa has a lively performing-arts scene, most of which happens at the 19th-century Teatro Verdi. Music and dance performances are presented from September through May. Contact Fondazione Teatro di Pisa for schedules and information.

La Giostra dell'Orso

Pistoia's patron saint, St. James, is honored during this festival held on July 25. One of the highlights is when three knights—one from each area of the city—on horseback do "battle" with a "bear," meaning that they must strike a bear-shaped target while riding. The visitor center has more information on the event.

Lucca Comics and Games

During the first weekend of November, the city's piazzas are filled with tents featuring exhibitions and games, and the streets are invaded with comic-book fans and gamers for Lucca Comics and Games. During the last week of October, and continuing through the Comics festival, a mostra mercato (market show) takes place as well.

Lucca Tourist Office

San Michele

Schedule and ticket information for many local events, including the Opera Theater and Estate Musicale Lucchese festivals, are available at the Lucca Tourist Office.


Pisa is at its best during the Luminaria feast day, on June 16. The day honors St. Ranieri, the city's patron saint. Palaces along the Arno are lit with white lights, and there are plenty of fireworks.

Opera Barga

From mid-July to mid-August, the stony streets of Barga come alive as opera fans come to Opera Barga. This highly regarded festival takes place at the Teatro dell'Accademia dei Differenti (Theater of the Academy of the Different). The Opera Barga began in 1967 as a workshop for young singers and musicians. Now it stages lesser-known baroque operas, as well as contemporary works.

Opera Theater and Music Festival of Lucca

Sponsored by the Opera Theater of Lucca and the music college of the University of Cincinnati, the Opera Theater and Music Festival of Lucca runs from mid-June to mid-July; performances are staged in open-air venues. Call the Lucca tourist office or the Opera Theater of Lucca ( 0583/46531) for information.

Pistoia Blues

In mid-July, this event brings international blues artists and rock-and-rollers to town for performances in the main square.

San Gimignano Musica

If you visit in summer, check with the tourist office about concerts and performances related to San Gimignano's music festival, one of Tuscany's oldest. It's held from late June to September each year.

Settimane Musicali Senesi festival

Performances by local and national classical musicians take place during a series of concerts held in churches and courtyards during the Settimane Musicali Senesi festival in July and August.

Teatro del Giglio


From September through April you can see operas, plays, and concerts staged at the Teatro del Giglio.