5 Best Sights in Stralsund, Schleswig-Holstein and the Baltic Coast

Alter Markt

The Alter Markt has the best local architecture, ranging from Gothic to Renaissance to baroque. Most homes belonged to rich merchants, notably the late-Gothic Wulflamhaus, with 17 ornate, steeply stepped gables. Stralsund's architectural masterpiece, however, is the 14th-century Rathaus (town hall), considered by many to be the finest secular example of redbrick Gothic. The Rathaus is a mirror image of its counterpart in Lübeck, Stralsund's main rival in the Hanseatic League


The Ozeaneum features 50 aquaria, some of them huge, with 7,000 animals from the Baltic Sea, North Sea, and Atlantic Ocean, as well as the world's largest exhibition of whales. There is also a small Humboldt Penguin colony, a children's favorite.

St. Marienkirche

This enormous church is the largest of Stralsund's three redbrick Gothic churches. With 4,000 pipes and intricate decorative figures, the magnificent 17th-century Stellwagen organ (played only during Sunday services) is a delight to see and hear. The view from the church tower of Stralsund's old city center is well worth climbing the 349 steps.

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St. Nikolaikirche

The treasures of the 13th-century Gothic church include a 15-foot-high crucifix from the 14th century, an astronomical clock from 1394, and a famous baroque altar.

Auf dem St. Nikolaikirchhof 2, Stralsund, 18439, Germany
Sight Details
Rate Includes: €3 (free Sun.)

Stralsund Museum

This museum, which is located inside the former Dominican Abbey of St Catherine, exhibits diverse artifacts from more than 10,000 years of this coastal region's history. Highlights include a toy collection and 10th-century Viking gold jewelry found on Hiddensee.