29 Best Sights in Slavonia, Croatia

Gradski Muzej Vukovar

Fodor's choice
The 18th-century palace Dvorac Eltz has housed the Gradski Muzej Vukovar since 1969. During the siege of Vukovar, the palace was severely damaged and the collection was moved to a Zagreb museum for safekeeping. After decades of reconstruction, the entire museum and all 2,000 of its pieces are once again open for viewing, a positive sign that Vukovar is back in business. Founded in 1946, the museum was originally housed in an old school and then a post office before the palace became its home. It has an excellent range of local archaeological artifacts, from the Vučedol culture that flourished around 3000 BC right up to the siege of Vukovar.

Josić Winery

Fodor's choice

One of the most celebrated wineries and restaurants in Croatia, the progressive Josić Winery, headed by the brilliant Damir Josić in the settlement of Zmajevac, is a must-visit. It is located on a steep deeply-cut road formed by gullies called a surduk, which is flanked by wine cellars dug into the hill above called gatori. Josić is the best-known but there are other smaller wineries on the same road which can be visited by appointment or during the "wine marathon" that takes place every September. The on-site restaurant, with a romantic indoor setting and lively atmosphere on the terrace, is deservedly popular for its traditional meals, including stews cooked over an open fire at the entrance. Call ahead to arrange a tour of the cellars and a wine tasting; those craving a glass of red wine in this land of whites will be happy to learn that although 50% of its production is Graševina, Josić is renowned for its Cabernet Sauvignon and Cuvée.

Konkatedrala Svetog Petra i Pavla

Gornji Grad Fodor's choice

This majestic single-nave church is the highlight of Osijek's downtown skyline. At 292 feet tall, its red-brick neo-Gothic steeple is the second-highest structure in Croatia. Built between 1894 and 1898 on the initiative of the famous Đakovo-based bishop Josip Juraj Strossmayer, it has five altars and the walls are painted with colorful frescoes.

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Kopački Rit Nature Park

Fodor's choice

One of the largest remaining wetlands along the Danube, Kopački Rit Nature Park is a place of serene beauty. Embracing more than 74,100 acres north of the Drava, the park is covered with immense reed beds; willow, poplar, and oak forests; and crisscrossed by ridges, ponds, shallow lakes, and marshes. More than 300 bird species, hundreds of varieties of plants, and dozens of species of butterflies, mammals, and fish live here; it is also a breeding area for numerous endangered species, including the white-tailed sea eagle, the black stork, and the European otter.

The best times of year to visit are during the spring and autumn bird migrations, when there are often several thousand birds in the park. You can buy tickets at the welcome center, and then a boardwalk walking trail leads to the landing where boat excursions set out into the marshy heart of the park. There are different guided tours available; an early-morning small boat tour is usually your best bet. Call ahead to reserve and bring lots of mosquito repellent.

Another point of interest within the park is Tikveš Castle. Built in the 19th century by the Habsburg family and used as a hunting lodge by various monarchs and politicians over the years, including Tito, it was recently converted into a multimedia exhibition center documenting the history of the park and the region. To reach Kopački Rit from Osijek, cross the river and follow the signs from the municipality of Bilje. Tikveš Castle is a further 11 km (6 miles) away.

Mjesto Sjećanja–Vukovar Bolnica

Fodor's choice

You'll want to bring a steady set of nerves to this site. During the siege of Vukovar, the top four floors of the hospital were destroyed by consistent bombing, despite being designated as an official safe zone. Staff continued to work in the basement and bomb shelter, helping civilians and soldiers, operating even without running water. After Vukovar fell in 1991, and despite an agreement that the hospital would be safely evacuated, more than 200 people were removed from the hospital by a Serbian militia and brought to Ovčara farm, where they were beaten, tortured, and eventually executed. Others were sent to prisons or refugee camps. Today, the hospital is back in operation while the areas used during that period have been converted into a chilling multimedia museum/memorial. The entrance to the memorial is marked by a giant red cross flag full of holes.

Muzej Grada Iloka

Fodor's choice

This impressive collection takes you through the ages of Ilok, from the Ottoman era to the Austrian Empire, the wars of the 20th century, right up to a modern art gallery. There are particularly interesting exhibits on the region's Jewish population pre-1945, relics from a 19th-century pharmacy, and an ethnological section on the top floor focusing on Ilok's large Slovak population. The museum is housed in the Odescalchi Castle, an imposing fortified structure overlooking the Danube, which was built on the foundations of the 15th-century castle of Nicholas of Ilok. Legend says that Suleiman the Magnificent once slept in this castle. The rooms themselves are exquisitely designed with period pieces and mood music in keeping with their original function, such as the hunting room and the drawing room.

Spomen Dom Ovčara

Fodor's choice

On November 20–21, 1991, more than 200 soldiers and civilians were brought from the hospital to this former agricultural hangar, 4 km (2½ miles) outside the city and surrounded by fields of crops, by a Serbian militia. They were beaten, tortured, and eventually executed at another site 1 km (½ mile) away. The mass grave was exhumed in 1996, and 194 bodies were identified; among the dead were men ranging from 16 to 77 years old, one woman, a prominent radio journalist, and a French volunteer. Ovčara Memorial is a somber powerful site; it respectfully pays homage to the victims as well as conveys the horror that took place here. To get to the site, follow signs along the road to Ilok for 6 km (4 miles) past the Memorial Cemetery of Homeland War Victims, the largest mass grave in Europe since World War II—eventually turning right and driving another 4 km (2½ miles) down a country road.

Stari Podrum

Fodor's choice

A wine cellar, restaurant, hotel, and history lesson all rolled into one, Stari Podrum is the old cellar of one of Croatia's most renowned wineries, Iločki Podrumi, and a must-visit when in Ilok (even if you're not into drinking wine). The Odescalchi family began producing high-class wines here in the 18th century, including the celebrated Traminac varietal, which was served at the coronation of Queen Elizabeth II. A private tour will take you through the atmospheric cellars, past Slavonian oak barrels to the prestigious archive wines and old bottles, full of dust and cobwebs, that were hidden behind a wall for protection during the Homeland War. You can organize a tour and tasting for around €10. The on-site restaurant serves delicious Slavonian dishes, including melt-in-your-mouth black pork dishes; you can eat inside surrounded by traditional embroidery and heavy wooden furniture or outdoors in the sunny central courtyard. Accommodations can also be arranged in one of 18 spacious and comfortable on-site rooms.


Tvrda Fodor's choice

Now a somewhat sleepy Old Town that always seems to be under construction, this walled fortress has a history dating back to the mid-12th century, when the site was a market town in the Hungarian-Croatian kingdom. It was later occupied by the Ottomans, and finally became a fortified military garrison under the Austrians in the 17th century to try to keep out any further invasions. It has one of the best-preserved ensembles of Baroque buildings in Croatia, with old barracks, churches, and monasteries.

Facing the Drava River, the Water Gate is the only remaining gate in the original fortress wall, most of which was razed in the 1920s. Trg Svetog Trojstva (Holy Trinity Square) is the main square, flanked by the Archaeological Museum and the Museum of Slavonia. In the center is the Votive Pillar of the Holy Trinity, one of Osijek's finest Baroque monuments, erected in 1729–30 by the widow of General Maksimilijan Petraš, who died of the plague in 1728. The café-bars on the square come alive in the evenings as a favorite hangout of the city's student population.

Vučedol Culture Museum

Fodor's choice

Located 6 km (4 miles) from the center of Vukovar on the road to Ilok is the impressive Vučedol Culture Museum, which celebrates the ancient Vučedol culture that once flourished in the vicinity. Exhibitions include the oldest Indo-European calendar, skulls demonstrating sacrificial practices, and the pit where the famous Vučedol Dove, one of the symbols of the city, was discovered. This fascinating museum, spread across 19 rooms and built on a slope so that it almost seems to be part of the landscape, is the first step in a planned archaeological park.

Vukovarski Vodotoranj

Fodor's choice

Visible from everywhere in Vukovar is its most famous symbol: the water tower. Rising 150 feet into the air, the imposing red-brick structure, built between 1963 and 1968, once had a restaurant at the top with lovely views. Though it had no strategic importance, its sheer size made it a frequent target during the siege; it was hit with artillery more than 600 times which put gaping holes on all sides. But it never crumbled, instead coming to symbolize the strength of Vukovar itself.

A massive renovation project began in 2017, and in 2021, after standing empty for more than 25 years, the water tower finally reopened to the public. You can now visit two levels within the structure; the first features a stirring multimedia exhibit about the siege of Vukovar. The second level is the very top of the tower, where you can walk around outside for 360-degree views of the town, the river, and the surrounding fields. The reopening of the water tower is both an impressive and emotional achievement for Vukovar, made even more impactful by the fact that while the interior has been completely rebuilt, the facade remains unrepaired as a constant testament and reminder of the war's destruction.

Arheološki Muzej


On Tvrđa's Holy Trinity Square, you'll find the spacious Archeological Museum in the renovated City Guardhouse. It has an impressive range of artifacts from Slavonia through the ages, from the Neolithic Starčevo culture through to Celtic and Roman times. The building itself is modern and airy, with a glass dome over the arcaded courtyard, and the exhibitions are well laid out across several rooms.

Trg Svetog Trojstva 2, Osijek, 31000, Croatia
Sight Details
Rate Includes: Closed Sun. and Mon., €3.30

Batina Monument

High on a hill above the border where Croatia meets Hungary and Serbia is this striking monument, dedicated to the 2,000 members of the Red Army who died in the Battle of Batina, one of the largest battles of World War II in Yugoslavia. It was built in 1946, three years after the battle, by Croatian sculptor Antun Augustinčić. The monument itself—topped by an 89-foot-high obelisk—is quite impressive, but the views of the Danube, forests, and three countries below are the best part of the visit.


Who says you need the Adriatic to have water fun in Croatia? On the north side of the Drava River, you'll find Copacabana, a complex of outdoor swimming pools, waterslides, mini-golf, and bocce courts. There is also a free sandy beach nearby where you can swim in the river, with a couple of bars for refreshments. It's a great place for the whole family to spend a sunny afternoon or watch the sun set.

Tvrđavica bb, Croatia
Sight Details
Rate Includes: €3, Closed Sept.–July

Copacabana Rekreacijski Centar

A 20-minute walk across Osijek's pedestrian bridge over the Drava, and across from Trvđa, is Copacabana, a pleasant and spacious aquatic-recreation complex that includes pools, a waterslide, a restaurant, and plenty of willow trees. In August it hosts the popular five-day Pannonian Challenge, an extreme sport and music festival. Impossible to miss if you stroll along this section of the river, it operates from mid-June through mid-September, daily from 10 to 8 pm (weekends from 9 to 8)

Crveni Fićo

Gornji Grad

This unusual monument, located a few blocks away from Tvrđa, commemorates an iconic act of defiance that happened in Osijek in 1991. As Yugoslav army tanks rolled into the city, one man parked his little red Fiat (fićo) in the middle of the road in front of them. The man escaped safely, his car was run over by the tank, and it was all captured on television (check out the clip online). The event became a symbol of the strength and resistance of the local people. In this monument, the little red car is rolling over the tank: the victor this time around.

Franjevački Samostan i Župa Svetih Filipa i Jakova

High on a hill southeast of the town center you'll find Vukovar's main ecclesiastical attraction, and one of the largest in Croatia. Construction on the Baroque monastery began in 1723, and it held one of the richest and most valuable libraries in the country, as well as prominent paintings and gold and silver vessels. Both have been restored to their former glory after being ravaged in the war.

Kavana Waldinger

Gornji Grad

Offering old-world Viennese-style elegance, the Kavana Waldinger is Osijek's finest café. Part of the Hotel Waldinger family—which also includes the trendier, more stylish Gold by Waldinger café across the street—it is a wonderful place to relax over a cocktail, coffee, or spectacularly indulgent cake.


If you only visit one winery in the Golden Valley, make it Krauthaker. Vlado Krauthaker was one of the first private wine producers to emerge after the fall of communism, opening his winery in 1992. He is still widely considered one of the best (and most humble) winemakers in the country, producing a dozen varietals including award-winning Chardonnay. The location is lovely, with a terrace overlooking the town, a small pond and bridge, and colorful wine barrels scattered around the premises. Call ahead to arrange a visit.

Ivana Jambrovića 6, Kutjevo, 34340, Croatia
Sight Details
Rate Includes: By appointment only

Kutjevačko Vinogorje

There are 30 different wineries to choose from around Kutjevo; the biggest, and oldest, is Kutjevačko Vinogorje. The story of this winery is the story of Kutjevo itself; its cellars date back to 1232, when the town was founded by Cistercian monks from Hungary. Over the years, it passed into the hands of Ottomans, Jesuits, Habsburgs, and private families, and the stories of each of these eras and the influence they left on Kutjevo are etched chronologically onto the Slavonian oak barrels in the cellar. Ask your guide about the legend of Maria Theresa Habsburg and her dalliances on the circular stone table (where wine tastings are done). Call ahead to reserve an appointment.

Kralja Tomislava 1, Kutjevo, 34340, Croatia
Sight Details
Rate Includes: By appointment only

Muzej Likovnih Umjetnosti

Gornji Grad

One of the 18th-century mansions along Europska Avenija, formerly belonging to a prominent attorney, is now the home of the Museum of Fine Arts. It focuses on Croatian and Slavonian artists with a permanent collection of paintings, sculptures, and graphic arts. It is well worth a visit, particularly to check out the temporary exhibitions on the ground floor.

Europska Avenija 9, Osijek, 31000, Croatia
Sight Details
Rate Includes: €2, Closed Mon.

Muzej Slavonije


One of the largest museums in Croatia, the Museum of Slavonia is located in an imposing Baroque building on Tvrđa's main square. It has myriad objects on display concerning the region's folklore, culture, and natural history, with everything from stuffed animals and old coins to pottery and swords.

Trg Svetog Trojstva 6, Osijek, 31000, Croatia
Sight Details
Rate Includes: €2.65, Closed Sun. and Mon.

Papuk Nature Park

A paradise for hikers, bikers, and nature enthusiasts, Papuk Nature Park was the first geopark in Croatia to be recognized by UNESCO for its geological, biological, and cultural diversity. Within its 336 square km (129 square miles) are beech, oak, and fir forests, fresh rivers, lakes, and waterfalls, along with hiking and biking trails, swimming spots, and a ropes course. There are also archaeological sites from the Sopot and Starčevo cultures (5500–3500 BC), as well as Ružica Grad, an abandoned medieval castle that was built in the 15th century during Hungarian rule; it can be reached by hiking 15 minutes uphill from Lake Orahovica. The lakes and Ružica Grad can be reached in 30 minutes from Kutjevo. Guided tours can be arranged from the visitor center (ask your hotel to call in advance to organize).

Perivoj Kralja Tomislava

With 17 around town, Osijek is known as a city of parks, and this is the largest. The King Tomislav Gardens is a spacious forested oasis that was laid out in the 18th century for Austrian officers to take a breather from life in the citadel. It separates Tvrđa from Gornji Grad and is home to playgrounds and a tennis club.


One of the prettiest cities in central Slavonia, Požega is worth visiting for an afternoon. The striking Holy Trinity Square has a 19th-century Franciscan monastery to one side and the massive Bishop’s Palace at the other end. There is a plague column (built in memory of the nearly 800 citizens who died from the plague of 1739) in the middle of the square; an inscription explains that the pillar was sculpted by one Gabriel Granici at a cost of 2,000 eggs and 300 forints. He didn't eat the eggs or give them to his relatives; they were used to cement the pillar's marble sand. Tucked away in the corner of the main square is the City Museum, whose collection ranges from regional ethnography, history, and art to archaeology, from prehistoric times to the present day.

State Stud Farm

The history of the Lipizzaner stud farm dates back to 1506, when one of the bishops kept 90 Arabian horses there. But perhaps the year that really put it on the map was 1972, when Queen Elizabeth II saw the famous Đakovo four-horse team perform at the opening ceremony of the Olympics and insisted on paying them a visit. The story goes that there was no paved road outside the stud farm at the time; by the time the queen arrived to take a carriage ride, one had been built. There are two locations in Đakovo where the prized white Lipizzaners are trained and bred: the Stallion Stable in the center of Đakovo, where a musical show is also held twice per month and plans are in place to build a museum; and Ivandvor, 6 km (4 miles) away, a pasture where the mares and offspring are kept in a peaceful rural setting. It is possible to visit both farms to catch a glimpse of the horses and their stables, and a carriage ride through town can also be arranged.

Zoo Vrt Osijek

Croatia's largest zoo is located on the north side of the Drava River in a peaceful location surrounded by parks. There are about 80 animal species spread across 27 acres, including kangaroos, meerkats, lions, chimpanzees, giraffes, and zebras, plus 20 species in the aquarium and terrarium. You can drive across the bridge to get there or take a free kompa boat from the city side of the river (it departs across from the zoo outside Kompa restaurant).

Župa Svetog Ivana Kapistrana

This Franciscan church and monastery overlooking the Danube, first constructed in 1349, holds the remains of St. John of Capistrano, a Franciscan friar and Catholic priest. In 1456, at age 70, he led a successful battle against the Ottomans, which earned him the nickname "Soldier Priest." He died three months later in Ilok of the bubonic plague but was said to have performed miracles even on his deathbed. The church—which also holds the remains of Nicholas and Lawrence of Ilok, both of whom made expansions to the monastery complex during their reign—was given a 20th-century neo-Gothic facelift by Hermann Bollé, the same architect who helped design the cathedrals in Đakovo and Zagreb, as well as Zagreb's Mirogoj Cemetery. The tourist information center is next door; if the church is closed, contact them to arrange a visit.

Trg Svetog Ivana Kapistrana 3, Ilok, 32236, Croatia

Đakovačka Katedrala

Đakovo's centerpiece is its majestic red-brick neo-Gothic cathedral, which towers above the city and is a stunning first sight as you arrive into town. Commissioned by the Bishop of Đakovo, Josip Juraj Strossmayer (1815–1905) and consecrated in 1882 after two decades of construction, the cathedral was called the "most beautiful church between Venice and Constantinople" by Pope John XXIII.