35 Best Sights in Andros, Bimini, and the Berry Islands, Bahamas

Andros Lighthouse

Fresh Creek

If you enter Fresh Creek by boat or ferry, you'll see this old white lighthouse (circa 1892) east of the Andros Lighthouse Yacht Club & Marina. Walk through the marina and you'll see that the tower overlooks two rusty cannons and big shipwreck. To the east lies a quiet beach.

Andros Lighthouse

As you enter Fresh Creek Harbour, you’ll see this historical lighthouse built circa 1892 to navigate boats into the southern entrance of Fresh Creek Channel. No longer in use, the lighthouse, with a brace of rusty cannon near a delightful small beach, is an island landmark and offers a picturesque view, including a large, rusty old shipwreck.

Andros Town, Bahamas
Sight Details
Rate Includes: Free

Androsia Batik Works Factory

The Androsia Batik Works Factory in Andros Town is home to the famous Androsia batik that has been adopted as the official fabric of The Bahamas. Small Hope Bay Lodge’s Birch family established it in 1973 to boost employment in Andros. The brightly colored hand-dyed cotton batik has designs inspired by Andros’s flora, fauna, and culture. You can prearrange a batik lesson ($30) and make your own design on a choice of fabric, garment, or bag. Self-tours are free. The unique brand is seen and sold throughout The Bahamas, the Caribbean, and online. The outlet store (with different opening times) offers bargains on shirts, skirts, wraps, fabric, jewelry, books, crafts, and souvenirs.

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Ansil Saunder's Boatbuilding Shop

Alice Town

In Bailey Town, near the government park, is Ansil Saunder's boatbuilding shop, where you can see his beautiful flats fishing boat called the Bimini Bonefisher. Ansil is firstly a bonefisherman of some repute, having scared up a 16-pound, 3-ounce bonefish for Jerry Lavenstein in 1971—the still-standing bonefish world record. Ansil is equally famous for taking Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. on a guided boat tour to the East Bimini wilderness. Dr. King wanted inspiration for an upcoming speech to be given for striking sanitation workers in Memphis. He found it in the mangroves, so rich in life and full of God's creation, says Ansil, who recited his creation psalm to King. Three days after the Memphis speech, Dr. King was killed. At the time, with some foreboding, Ansil says that Dr. King mentioned to him that he didn't think he would live very long. To those who inquire, Ansil proudly shows memorabilia from Dr. King's wife and various VIPs. Saunders became an active member of The Bahamas independence movement. Saunders is regarded as one of The Bahamas' living legends—and a consummate ambassador. You probably can't find, in all the country, a more historically rich guide to take you fishing or to the Healing Hole in one of the boats he crafted.

North Bimini, Bahamas
Sight Details
Rate Includes: Donations accepted

Bailey Town

Most of the island's residents live in Bailey Town in small, pastel-color concrete houses just off King's Highway, north of the Bimini Big Game Club and before Porgy Bay. Bailey Town has two of Bimini's biggest grocery stores, where goods and produce come in by mail boat, usually on Thursday; Friday is the best day to shop. It's also a good place to find a home-cooked meal or conch salad from shacks along the waterfront. Don't miss a bite at Joe's Conch Stand; it's a local institution.

Bimini Biological Field Station Sharklab

Often featured on Discovery Channel and other TV shows, the Bimini Biological Field Station Foundation's Sharklab was founded decades ago by Dr. Samuel Gruber, a shark biologist at the University of Miami. Important research on the lemon, hammerhead, nurse, bull, and other shark species has furthered awareness and understanding of the misunderstood creatures. Visitors can tour the lab at low tide. The highlight is wading into the bay, where the lab keeps several lemon sharks, rotating them on a regular basis. The tour leader gets in the pen with the sharks, captures one in a net, and speaks about its behaviors and common misconceptions people have of the lemon. The hands-on presentation, done by the research assistants or researchers themselves, is entertaining and educational. Tours are offered daily, but visitors must call in advance; the times aim for low tide. This is a special vacation highlight for families with children.

Bimini Museum

Alice Town

The Bimini Museum, sheltered in the restored (1921) two-story original post office and jail—a two-minute walk from the ferry dock, across from the island straw market—showcases varied artifacts, including Adam Clayton Powell's domino set and photos, a fishing log, and rare fishing films of Ernest Hemingway with artifacts from the old Rod & Gun Club. You can also view photos from Bimini's Prohibition rum-running era, rum kegs, old cannonballs, and Martin Luther King Jr.'s immigration card from 1964. The exhibit includes films shot on the island as early as 1922. The museum is privately managed.

King's Hwy., North Bimini, Bahamas
Sight Details
Rate Includes: $2 donation requested

Bimini Nature Trail

Developed by Bimini Sands Resort on undeveloped property, this mile-loop trail is one of the best of its kind in The Bahamas. Its slight rise in elevation means a lovely shaded walk under hardwood trees such as gumbo-limbos, poisonwood (marked with "Don't Touch" signs), and buttonwood. Check out the ruins of the historic Conch House, a great place for sunset-gazing. There is also a pirate's well exhibit devoted to the island's swashbuckling history. Excellent signage guides you through the island's fauna and flora if you prefer doing a self-guided tour. However, for the best interpretation and learning experience, book a guided tour through the front desk at Bimini Sands. Kids always love petting the indigenous Bimini boa on the guided tour. The trail was recently improved by Bahamian bird-watchers such as Erika Gates of Freeport's famous Garden of the Groves reserve.

South Bimini, Bahamas
Sight Details
Rate Includes: Free. Guided tours $12

Bimini Roads

Avid divers shouldn't miss a trip to underwater Bimini Roads, aka The Road to Atlantis. This curious rock formation under about 20 feet of water, 500 yards offshore at Bimini Bay, is shaped like a backward letter J, some 600 feet long at the longest end. It's the shorter 300-foot extension that piques the interest of scientists and visitors. The precision patchwork of large, curved-edge stones forms a perfect rectangle measuring about 30 feet across. A few of the stones are 16 feet square. It's purported to be the "lost city" whose discovery was predicted by Edgar Cayce (1877–1945), a psychic with an interest in prehistoric civilizations. Archaeologists estimate the formation to be between 5,000 and 10,000 years old. Carvings in the rock appear to some scientists to resemble a network of highways.

Bimini Sands Beach

Patrons of Bimini Sands Resort & Marina are not the only ones who love the mile-long Bimini Sands beach. This gorgeous stretch of white-sand powder, with its offshore snorkeling, is so enticing that vacationers from North Bimini and even Floridians often take the quick ferry over or boat across the Gulf Stream for the day. The southern cove and point once had facilities that are, at this writing, closed, but the beach and beautiful waters are still a magnet for boaters. To clear Bahamas Customs, who are stationed at the airport, it's best to slide into the Bimini Sands marina, where you have access to amenities, including the Pool Bar and a freshwater pool. The southern beach gets particularly busy during spring break, but the northern stretch stays relatively secluded. Amenities: food and drink. Best for: partiers; snorkeling; swimming

South Bimini, Bahamas
242-347–3500-Bimini Sands Resort & Marina
Sight Details
Rate Includes: Free. Ferry plus taxi from North Bimini $5.

Captain Bill's Blue Hole

One famous sight that nature lovers should catch is Captain Bill’s Blue Hole in Blue Hole National Park. Blue holes are the top of extensive water-filled underground cave systems formed in the ice age, and there are hundreds on Andros. Located northwest of Small Hope Bay, the National Trust has made Captain Bill's popular and comfortable with a boardwalk and a shady gazebo. Steps allow you to jump 30 feet down to cool off, and there’s a nature trail around the hole’s 400-foot diameter. Accessible by car or bike, Captain Bill's is included on most guided tours.

Chub Cay Beach

As well as the 400-yard beach right at the marina, Chub Cay has a splendid 1¼-mile strand with great swimming and nearby snorkeling. The Club House with its pool is a mere 400 yards away for refreshments. Amenities: none. Best for: swimming; snorkeling.
242-325–1490-clubhouse and marina office

Conch Sound & Ocean Hole

South of Nicholls Town's eastern shore, Conch Sound is a wide bay with strands of white sand and tranquil waters where you can also find Conch Sound Ocean Hole, a sea-filled blue hole where you can snorkel around and see the rich marine life. The flats are a convenient wading spot for bonefishers, who can wade for hours. Commercial fishermen bring their catches to a little beach park nearby. You can buy fresh catch and dine at a couple of shacks. Amenities: only at nearby restaurants. Best for: solitude; fishing; snorkeling.

Nicholl's Town, Bahamas

Dolphin House

Alice Town

Bimini historian and poet laureate Ashley Saunders has spent decades constructing this eclectic home and guesthouse from materials salvaged from local construction sites and the sea, while writing a two-volume set on Bimini's history. He offers walking tours, which begin with a tour of his structure—named for the 27 mosaic, sculpted, and painted dolphins throughout—then continue through Alice Town to tell the island's history. His books on the history of Bimini make for a fascinating read and souvenir. You'll see intricate conch shell and coconut crafts for sale.

North Bimini, Bahamas
Sight Details
Rate Includes: Tours $20/hr

Fountain of Youth

Famous explorer Juan Ponce de León heard about a Fountain of Youth possibly located in Bimini, so in 1513, on his way to discovering Florida and the Gulf Stream, he landed on Bimini but never found the fountain. The historical result? Somehow Biminites adopted a freshwater natural well that was carved out of limestone by groundwater thousands of years ago and used it to commemorate Ponce de León’s search. Now there’s a plaque to celebrate the myth. So, nonetheless, go there and make a wish (without casting a penny—this is an eco-island). You'll find the Fountain of Youth on the road to the airport.

South Bimini, Bahamas
242-347–3500-Bimini Sands Resort & Marina
Sight Details
Rate Includes: Free

Fresh Creek

Fresh Creek is an estuary, a hamlet, and a harbor, forming the north side of Andros Town and the south side of the Fresh Creek settlement, both joined by a small bridge. The north Fresh Creek side is more built up, with a few docks, stores, churches, motels, and restaurants, including Hank’s Place, a local hot spot. On the south Andros Town side, the ferry and mail boats off-load at the dock next to the closed Andros Lighthouse Beach Club & Marina. You can still walk around the resort's point to get close to the lighthouse, with its small beach and shipwreck. The Andros Tourist Office and some shops are a short walk away. The creek itself cuts over 16 miles into the island, creating tranquil bonefishing flats and welcoming mangrove-lined bays that boaters and sea kayakers can explore. Upstream, there's even a remote Sunset Point houseboat, where you can stay surrounded by the flowing water and scintillating views.

Great Harbour Cay Beach

Two crescents scoop Great Harbour Cay's east coast with 5 miles of almost unbroken powder. Travel north to discover Sugar Beach with its bluff-surrounding romantic private coves. Progressing south, the beach becomes Lover's Beach, thinning out until Hotel Point Beach, where the strand widens and you can see waves clash from two directions. Farther south still is famous Great Harbour Beach itself, where you'll encounter the fabulous boutique hotel Carriearl and its fine pool, restaurant, and bar. On the south end of Great Harbour Beach near the airport, you'll find The Beach Club, a popular daytime bar and grill with a gift shop. Play beach volleyball, or take a yoga class. (They may ask for a small donation.) At the extreme south are the shallow, simmering sandbars of Shelling Beach that let you wade out for yards. At low tide, you can cross the tidal Shark Beach Creek to the pristine Haines Cay, which, hidden from the north by a hill, offers an even more splendid, long beach. Along Great Harbour Cay's powdery 5-mile stretch, nearby reefs beckon snorkelers, and gin-clear waters invite kayakers and paddleboarders. Amenities: food and drink. Best for: shelling; swimming; walking; snorkeling.

Haines Cay Beach

At low tide, walk across from Shelling Beach estuary, round the point, and walk south a half mile, and you'll discover one of The Bahamas's most unspoiled, beautiful beaches. It's 2 miles long, with excellent snorkeling on its north end and swimming all along. Wear some sturdy footwear for the land walk. It's also reachable by kayak. There are no trees for shade, so an umbrella, lots of fluids, and sunscreen are advisable. Amenities: none. Best for: swimming; walking; snorkeling; solitude.

Great Harbour Cay, Bahamas

Healing Hole

Hidden in the west coast mangroves of East Bimini is the Healing Hole—a cold spring of freshwater amid the hot sea saltwater with, some say, real, and others, mythical, healing powers. Hard to get to and find, it’s best to hire a guide in a shallow boat, or, if you want exercise, in a kayak. You can only get there in mid-to-high tide, and make sure to take insect repellent. You’ll see much life above and below water. For ecolovers and adventure-seekers only.

Kamalame and the Saddleback Cays

East of Staniard Creek lies a series of serene cays, idyllic for beach drops or consummating the ultimate Robinson Crusoe fantasies. The first is Kamalame Cay, home to the luxurious resort of the same name. Just past Kamalame, uninhabited Big and Little Saddleback Cays boast sparkling, white-sand beaches and crystal-clear waters. You'll need a small, private boat to reach either (note that these cays are a regular drop-point for guests of Kamalame Cay). Little Saddleback is tiny with no shade, so bring plenty of sunblock. Big Saddleback has a wider crescent beach, with plenty of shade from the pine trees. Also nearby is Rat Cay, which offers excellent snorkeling, especially around the adjacent blue hole. Amenities: none. Best for: solitude; snorkeling; swimming; walking.

Staniard Creek, Bahamas

Luna Beach at Resorts World

On Resorts World’s long Paradise Beach, Luna Beach brings chic luxury to fun-in-the-sun and beach parties at night. Upscale food, exquisite cocktails, mod music, and beach toys are all part of the mix, centered on the open-air clubhouse. The solar-powered private cabanas even have phone-charging ports. For more action, jump on a Jet Ski, paddleboard, or kayak, or simply sun bake on a float. You can even book stingray and snorkeling tours here. During Sunset Sessions Happy Hour, DJ Arlette reverbs the beach with danceable tunes. On special full-moon weekends, Luna Beach imports live bands for its moonlight beach parties, also featuring Bahamian bands and mini-Junkanoo breakouts. Cocktails are half price from 8 to 9 pm. Open Sunday to Wednesday noon–7 pm; Friday and Saturday, noon–11 pm. Amenities: food and drink; lifeguards. Best for: partiers; snorkeling; swimming

Morgan's Bluff & Beach

Three miles north of Nicholls Town is a crescent beach, a headland known as Morgan's Bluff, and a set of caves named after the 17th-century pirate Captain Henry Morgan, who allegedly dropped off some of his stolen loot in the area. The beach and park serve as the site for Regatta Village, a colorful collection of stands and stalls that set up in July when the big event, the All Andros & Berry Islands Regatta, takes place. Adjacent is the Government Dock and a safe harbor, with a small, popular island bar and restaurant.

Nicholl's Town, Bahamas

Morgan's Bluff Beach

This one-third-mile-long crescent beach is a place to relax when touring North Andros. You might see a few locals enjoying it and the adjacent park with its colorful stalls that only come alive in June when the All Andros & Berry Islands Regatta is held. Nearby is the government dock, a public marina, and a bar and restaurant popular with the locals and boat captains. Amenities: none. Best for: solitude, swimming, walking.

Nicholls Town

Nicholls Town, on Andros's northeastern corner, is a spread-out settlement with its eastern shore lying on a beautiful beach and its northern shore on Morgan's Bluff beach. It's the island's largest settlement, with a population of about 600. This friendly community, with its agriculture- and fishing-based economy, has grocery and supplies stores, a few motels, a public medical clinic, government offices, and more. Adorable cottages, a throwback from the town's big resort era of the 1960s, house the island's wintering population from the United States, Canada, and Europe.

Nicholls Town Beach

Two-and-a-half miles east of Nicholls Town's commercial center, the settlement reaches the east-facing coast along beautiful and long Nicholls Town Beach, which catches the easterly breezes and is by far the preferred beach in this area. It adjoins Conch Sound to the south. You might be on your own except for guests at the renovated Andros Island Beach Resort, with its tiki bar and restaurant, where you can rent kayaks or snorkeling gear. Amenities: resort nearby. Best for: solitude; swimming; walking.

Nicholl's Town, Bahamas

Radio Beach/ Blister Bay

Alice Town

Alice Town's Radio Beach and Bailey Town's Blister Bay form a continuous stretch of beach off Queen's Highway, easily accessible in many places. Also called Alice Town Beach, its southern part is often busier and where spring breakers and the young like to party together. CJ's bar and grill, among other stands, is the default HQ, serving affordable beers, drinks, burgers, and island dinners. Eat inside (away from the flies), on the deck, or on the beach. Amenities: food and drink. Best for: partiers; swimming.

North Bimini, Bahamas

Red Bays

Fourteen miles west of Nicholls Town, Red Bays is the sole west-coast settlement in all of Andros. The town was settled by Seminoles and runaway enslaved Africans escaping Florida pre–Civil War and was cut off from the rest of Andros until a highway connected it to Nicholls Town in the 1980s. Residents are known for their craftsmanship, particularly straw basketry and wood carving. Tightly plaited baskets, some woven with scraps of colorful Androsia batik, have become a signature craft of Andros. Artisans have their wares on display in front of their homes (with fixed prices). Despite opening their homes to buyers, Red Bays locals don't seem very used to visitors. Expect a lot of curious stares and occasional smiles.

Small Hope Bay Beach

Small Hope Bay Lodge is planted squarely on this long, coved beach where the near-shore snorkeling is excellent and the sand is white. Sign up for a resort course, a dive excursion, or simply enjoy a $55 beachside lunch buffet (with advance notice). A full day of beach fun with breakfast, lunch, and dinner, and all drinks and water sports included, is $199. Nonguests can also enjoy the dinner buffet with its open bar and music. Amenities: food and drink; showers; toilets; water sports. Best for: snorkeling; swimming; walking.

Somerset Beach

Two miles south of the Andros Town airport, off a long, beaten-up bare road through an arch of Australian pines, is Somerset Beach, a stunning, long, and wide beach with offshore sandbars that let you walk offshore for half a mile. The pines offer shade, and there's a picnic table built by the workers from AUTEC, the nearby U.S. Navy submarine-testing base. Bring a camera as this is one of the most beautiful beach sights in The Bahamas. Amenities: none. Best for: photography; shelling; swimming; walking.

South Bimini Beach

Many would say Bimini's finest beach is on South Bimini, stretching about a mile from Bimini Sands Resort & Marina to South Bimini Beach Club (now closed) at Port Royal where the sand loops round the point and collects in a wide crescent—a favorite of spring breakers and Florida boaters. At South Bimini Beach Club is a protected anchorage and docks, but if you have a boat, it's best to slide into the marina at the north end of the beach. There you have amenities and an infinity pool with a bar serving food and drinks. From North Bimini, take an $8 ferry plus a taxi to reach the resort—it's well worth the trip to get away from it all. Amenities: food and drink. Best for: partiers; swimming.