2 Best Sights in Oman

Negd Plateau

Frankincense from the Negd Plateau near Salalah was once transported by sea and camel train all over the world, bringing Salalah and the Dhofar region fame and great wealth. Today the precious substance is no longer the mainstay of the economy that it was, but the trees from which the resin is extracted still grow in profusion, and frankincense is typically burnt as incense in households and used in heady Arabian perfumes in Oman and all over the Arabian peninsula. If you take a drive into the countryside, you can see what the trees look like.

Point of Anti-gravity

Before you get to the palace turn-off, you'll pass by a point of anti-gravity, also signposted. Here it’s said that you can shift your car into neutral and—presto—the car rolls back up the hill. It’s also said that if you take a ball and roll it up the slope instead of down, you'll see that the pull of the Earth is in a direction seemingly against the normal force of gravity. Finding someone who has actually experienced this, however, is another thing.