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Leaving for vacation next week. Any recommendations for books so awful, so putrid that they are unintentionally funny as a result?


Leaving for vacation next week. Any recommendations for books so awful, so putrid that they are unintentionally funny as a result?

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Old Oct 29th, 2004, 02:26 PM
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I love Sue Grafton- Its like candy to me. Easy to read and of no substance. But fun.
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Old Oct 29th, 2004, 05:10 PM
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For unintentionally funny, I recommend "The DaVinci Code". I could not get over how many people liked that book. It was essentially - shocking revelation in Chapter 1 and then shocking revelation in Chapter 2 and then....
For intentionally funny I recommend anything by a guy named McManus. He writes about his childhood and I laugh out loud every time.
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Old Oct 29th, 2004, 07:14 PM
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I don't have a specific book to recommend, but I think something in the celebrity biography genre might fit the bill.
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Old Oct 30th, 2004, 08:38 PM
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I second "The Da Vinci Code," which gave me many good giggles that I'm sure the author didn't intend.
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Old Oct 30th, 2004, 10:20 PM
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Marilyn, talking about our postings/travel guides about Molvania as awful, putrid etc, well, shame on you!!!!!!

Bet you did not read the posting that stated Movlvania is no longer the place to travel to because it is overrun with tourist. No doubt all because of the posters of Fodors.

You just don't know the impact that Fodor's has on the travel industry obviously.

So you should be ashamed oouff yursalf.
(oooops, soory, i learned enlesh when I came to USA as a child frome Molvania so sometimes my englesh not so gud).

Oh, see Marilyn, you get me so tired I forget how to write proper English. For shame on you.

Anyway, to say that the post about Molvania is comical, should be a book or something. Shame, shame,

Not political correct for sure. And now Molvanians can hardly move around their beautiful country because of the tourist. The donkeys are starving because they no longer have carrots to eat because the government has ordered carrots to be made into ale so the damn tourist have our national drink to drink.

And the corn, aghhh. The corn. Always it was our currency. But now, thanks to all the tourist, especially, how do you say, the ugly Americanos, the corn currency is now a problem. Why, well because the foolish ugly Americanos push their ATM cards into the ATM machines. And when of course the corn comes out what do these crazy Americanos do? Well they jump up and down on our corn. Can you imagine?

So, oh I am getting tired of trying to explain, the corn is limited. And so now the rate of the dollar that the Americanos can get for corn, you remember before one US dollar for ten ears of corn of course, well now I think the Americanos get maybe like two ears of corn for one US dollar.

So this makes them very angry too. Do you understand my friend??????

And of course, the wonderful sandals that our women (and children to I may add if it pleases you) that they use to wear because they could buy the for maybe one fourth of an ear of corn. You know the sandals I mean, the ones made of the beautiful used tires, with the elegant rope that is wrapped around them, to tie on the foot. Of course you do.

But did you know that that that oh what is it called, how do you say, that Vogue Magazine you people think is so wonderful, well they in their October assue, or maybe the word is issue, I do not know. But you know what I mean yes?

Anyway, they showed are beautiful sandals. And so now, thanks to that Vogue now there are no more used tires in Molvania. No more rope either. Why?

Well of course because the Americanos took all our used tired and all our rope to make these special sandals so these women in America can now wear them.

And where, or do I mean wear, well anyway where does that leave our beautiful women of Molvania. BAREFOOT THAT IS WEAR, or is it where? I sometimes get so confused with the English especially when I am upset. I am sorry.

And also I want to tell you, besides that Vogue magazinne, or how you say, you know what else made a BIG problem for us? That person from England. You know who I mean. That, what is the name MK2 (can you believe that name I ask you?). Anyway, she came (really I am not certain she is a she but what can I prove) over here with this person from America, someone called Muffin. Another strange name if you ask me. But of course you didn't so I will not comment on these names. I do not want to be rude. No, for sure I do not want to be rude.

Anyway, wear was I??? Oh yes, that MK2 person and that Muffin person just pranced all over Molvania in our wonderful sandals. They pranced everywhere, you cannot imagine!

We were a little bit confused though (of course in Molvania we are always confused )but in these days we were REALLY confused. I mean, you cannot imagine.

Why you ask? Well, first of all that person who called herself Muffin (really, is she like a cupcake or something?) had on the strange clothes on. You cannot imagine!!! I mean really you cannot imagine. This Muffin had on pants that looked like something a cow would have on. Do you know what I mean? And these pants, you cannot even begin to believe this, but please trust me. When Muffin walked the pants went SQUEEEEK, SQUEEEEK. It was terrible. Than two days later the pants had chicken feathers or something glued to them.

I tell you the truth, the Health Commission here in Molvania is in a big budget problem because so many older citizens passed out from the shock of this spectical, no how do you say, speculator, no, well, you know what I mean, this horrendous sight. They fall, they hit their heads (of course hitting head is not a big problem in Molvania) their heart stops beating, the trauma. So now so many of the old folks are in the hospitals.

Well no, actually they not in hospitals because we cannot afford for them to be their.

So their children were asked to take care of them. But of course with the new modern society we have in Movania now that is not possible of course. To buy all the things that are needed the husbands, the wives, the older children all must work of course.

But no problem. The wearhouses, or is it wherehouses (that confuses me, it sounds like "where is the house") that use to have the used tires, the ropes (you remember, for the sandals we use to have), the carrots, the corn etc. are now empty. As I already explained to you, I think.

So no problem. We just put these sick old persons there. See how modern we have become, just like America?

OK,but one more thing that confused us. When that Muffin was prancing around in those cow like pants with the chicken feathers ( I will be kind and not even mention that dog of hers - yuk, smelly, whew!) that MK2 (who IS that person anyway) kept saying "Muffin, muffin, you are so naff!).

Naff, what is naff.

And than we kept hearing someone calling ovr an over "the lights are on, come home Muffin". What are lights?

OK, where was I?

Oh yes, another thing is not to good.
at first, when the Americanos all wanted our beautiful sandal we had a wonder manufacturing shop to prepare them. But now, well you cannot imagine what happened. Now these sandals are made somewhere is some country that does not cost so much to make them. Can you believe this? Neither can we.
So now the people that worked in the manufacturing company just sit outside all day watching the tourist, especially the tourist that prance around. No jobs, no money.

And they make fun of our teeth!!!Some tourist even blacken their teeth so they not look like tourist. Can you imagine? As if we can not tell a local person from a tourist. Do they think we stupid. Oh never mind, please do not answer that question!

Anyway, I have said to much. For some reason I just started jumping upa and down with Marilyn said something about a guide book about Molvania.

Like we don't have enuff problems already?

My point was, uh, well I did want to tell you something I am sure.

Oh yes, NO guide book about Molvania please. We are overwhelmed with your interest in Molvania already. Please, no more help, please. WE thank you I am sure.
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Old Oct 30th, 2004, 10:26 PM
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I might get some flack for this, but one of my favorite MST3K-type books (as in, ones that I talk back to) is anything by Faulkner or Hemingway: There's something about "For Whom the Bell Tolls" that just makes you wanna scream "Blow the @#$% bridge up, already!" And it's always fun to read Faulkner backwards to see if he makes more sense that way.

For lightweight but interesting airplane reading I like Dick Francis mysteries; for reading to the toddlers, of course, I'd second the Pokey Little Puppy. (pell mell, rumble tumble...)

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Old Oct 30th, 2004, 10:28 PM
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(ahem) Please pardon the grammar above; it's late.
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Old Oct 31st, 2004, 06:54 AM
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If you want to laugh so hard (enough to have tears running down your face at something so stupid, I highly suggest the Lazlo Toth series by
Don Novello.

Don Novello is the guy who played Father Guido Sarducci on Saturday Night Live years ago.

Under the guise of Lazlo Toth, concerned American, he spent years sending out letters to corporations, politicians, and famous people giving them suggestions or asking questions, etc. The letters he sent, and the responses he received, are printed in the books. You can just randomly open a page and find something to laugh at!

His new one is called "From Bush to Bush, The Lazlo Toth Letters." I haven't read that one yet. I've read the other three, called:

-The Lazlo Letters (1997)
-The Lazlo Letters: The Amazing Real Life Actual Correspondence of Lazlo Toth, American (1997)
-Citizen Lazlo (1991)

The only difference from your request, is that these are intentionally funny!

Have fun.
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Old Oct 31st, 2004, 07:07 AM
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BuffaloGirl, thanks for the book suggestions. I am going to hunt these done. Imagine they are teffic. Don Novello always made me laugh and can only imagine how funny these books are.
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Old Oct 31st, 2004, 07:10 AM
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LoveItaly, they really are funny. In a very stupid/funny kind of way. I'd start with the 1st one - Citizen Lazlo. If you end up reading them, let me know what you think!
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Old Oct 31st, 2004, 09:48 AM
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Oh, BuffaloGirl, we've been huge fans of the Lazlo Letters for ages. We've bought more copies of those books to give away than I can count. Don Novello lives around here and occasionally I see him at the supermarket or a restaurant.
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Old Oct 31st, 2004, 11:25 AM
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The DaVinci Code does not hold a candle to Angels and Demons, also by the same author, for unintentional hilarity. I was reading it on the beach, and when I got to one particularly far-fetched plot twist, could not resist an out-loud "oh, come on". A woman walking by looked at the book cover, laughed and said "I know exactly what passage you just read". She was wrong. The one she had in mind was yet ahead in the book.
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Old Nov 1st, 2004, 08:36 AM
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I agree with the recommendation of anything by Carl Hiassin. His books are a real hoot. Especially laughed during "Lucky You" -- its like reading a Sienfeld script. He's a cross between Dave Barry and Elmore Leonard.
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Old Nov 1st, 2004, 08:47 AM
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Get ahold of "Red Lobster, White Trash and the Blue Lagoon" by Joe Queenan. One of the funniest books I've ever read. He takes a year out of his life to read, visit and experience 'average America.' He skewers things like the musical 'Cats' and Branson, Missouri. He also gives a pass to people you'd think he'd pounce on, like Wayne Newton and Barry Manilow. I'm trying to remember if it's Queenan who rips on the Flowers in the Attic books--I think so--classic. This book is a perfect 'pick it up and put it down in 2 minutes' read.
Old Nov 1st, 2004, 10:00 AM
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I love this request...looking for a literary Mystery Science Theater 3000 experience.

I suggest two books, both by James Lileks:

"Interior Desecrations: Hideous Homes from the Horrible 70's." While not the unintentionally funny novel you specify, this is a compilation of pictures of rooms from real decorating books from the 1970's, superimposed with Mr. Lilek's funny comments. Also by this writer in the same humor vein is "The Gallery of Regrettable Food", kind of the same, but with very unfortunate food choices from 50's and 60's entertaining books. a VERY pre-Martha time in American entertaining.

Both are available at Amazon. These are picture books, but not large like coffee table books. Small, light and portable for travel. Enjoy your trip.
Old Nov 2nd, 2004, 12:39 PM
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Hey everyone, thanks for the feedback and appreciate the suggestions.

I might go with the DaVinci Code as my wife has read it. The upside is we have the book and I can bug the h@ll out of her by asking questions the entire time. "So why did he go there?" "who is he again." It'll be payback for every movie I've watched in the last 6 years!

I did read "Red Lobster, White Trash and the Blue Lagoon." Not that I'll say which one it is, but I posted a review on this book on Amazon.

Thanks again everyone and may you never find yourself stranded in a blizzard with only a Joan Collins or Victoria Gotti book at your disposal.
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Old Nov 2nd, 2004, 02:22 PM
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Oh share with the class, Ryan. What'd you think of the book? I don't always agree with Queenan (sadly, I'm one of the great unwashed that actually LIKES Red Lobster...) but he's one of the few writers that can make me SOL (snort out loud).
Old Nov 2nd, 2004, 02:30 PM
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Skinny Dip is a relief from the insanity of selling my cars, house and furniture.
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Old Nov 2nd, 2004, 02:38 PM
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My time spent on this web site just paid off by finding out that there are other people who think the Dan Brown books are overwrought and over-rated.

For light reading, I second (or third or fourth or whatever)the Carl Hiassen recommendations. In a similar vein, I would recommend Donald Westlake.
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Old Nov 2nd, 2004, 03:14 PM
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I thought the Queenan booked dragged a bit towards the end. The section on bad literature was very, very funny. But, skewering Branson and John Tesh are easy lay-ups. I felt towards the end of the book it became a litany of "I saw this bad show/movie/etc it wasn't as bad as Cats.

I would have liked a bit of perspective from those who actually enjoy Tesh to understand WHY and a little history on how some of this stuff became popular.
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