
Hurricanes Oh My!

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Old Aug 11th, 2004, 03:45 PM
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So who needs culture when you have a force majeure coming up your alley!

Over here in South Tampa, when there's a hurricane coming our way, first we laugh -- the last one that hit was 1921 I do believe. Then, we book a reservation (which I did last night) at the La Quinta in Brandon for myself, my son, my dog (with crate), and my cat, and stay on the ready to head to higher ground.

I hope to have time to make a trip to the beachhouse to put the washer and dryer up on the wooden platforms they were on before we changed them out. And I'll buy some sand bags and hope that my tenant will be foolish enough to stay behind and have a hurricane party and that he will sandbag the door. The house is block and who gives a darn -- it will never blow away. But flooding, that's another issue.

I've heard the safest place to be in a hurricane is in a tall building that does not have glass walls. Just stay clear of the windows.
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Old Aug 11th, 2004, 04:15 PM
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Scarlett, you and the Yankee and Pup too are welcome in NJ if it gets that bad. Just warn Pup he'll have to hang with !
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Old Aug 11th, 2004, 04:22 PM
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Little MsFoodie's response from SW Florida...Hurricane Party! Well, I've invited a few people that will likely be evacuated tomorrow to our home for the next couple of days. They need to bring their own batteries. I live less than a mile away from the Caloosahatchee river but we are likely not to receive storm surge.

My company cancelled all its deliveries for Friday and stopped trucks coming from NC today. I have wine, I have water, I have candles, unless things change, I'm working tomorrow and a party hostess tomorrow night. LMF (Fort Myers)
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Old Aug 11th, 2004, 04:23 PM
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Oh dear, Scarlett, I hope pup is not too frightened when it hits. My pup is now almost deaf, so lightening and storms are no longer such a threat to him. I keep wine, cheese, candles, bottled water, batteries for radio, clocks, nots, and other goodies.
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Old Aug 11th, 2004, 04:32 PM
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I've heard Charly's heading to Naples. But a hurricane is no sure thing. Not until landfall.

I'd wager that Charly will be like Donna in the 1960s -- it will dump water all over Florida and cause major inland flooding. That's what happens when a hurricane travels up through the state.

You Florida newcomers -- now's the time to meet your neighbors. Go find out what happened in the 60's. If you're in a newer neighborhood, buyer beware. You will have your own stories to tell in years to come.

Scarlett, those pigs ears -- my dog loves them too. But CR says they're loaded with salmonella, I think it is. Be sure to wash your hands and don't put them in with your edible groceries.

I'm so glad we've got some excitement in FL. I was wondering how we would manage to convince all the new Floridians to stay in town through the summer!
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Old Aug 11th, 2004, 04:42 PM
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"Their Eyes Were Watching God" by Florida's own Zora Neale Hurston. Based on the true life Hurricane that devastated Belle Glade in September 1928, swallowing the land, the lake (Okeechobee) and the people. The 2nd deadliest natural disaster of all time.

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Old Aug 11th, 2004, 04:58 PM
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Tandoori Girl,
I would prefer my culcha in a theater
Sounds like you too have to find excitement where you can, but this is not something I was planning on entertaining myself with this year.
Pigs Ears can indeed be tainted with salmonella, Pup has been in love with them for 4 years now, after we got him unhooked from his craving for cows feet!! ((&))

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Old Aug 11th, 2004, 05:04 PM
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I had to put a stop to those darned hoofs. My dog would bury them in the chairs. Or the sofa. Not exactly what you want your guests to see.

Woe those doggies! They really do get scared in the storms. Or at least mine does. Unless I'm around....


The Perfect Storm. Oops. That was a typhoon or something, wasnt' it?
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Old Aug 11th, 2004, 05:18 PM
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For nine years I've had the same fall back plan. Reservations at Chalet Suzanne in mid, high ground Florida. They accept pets and I have them. I've yet to use this plan and I have given my AMEX card to the hotel to be used in emergencies. They have my permission to charge the room to me whether I'm there or not so there is a place when I finally, hopefully get there. Just look on a map of SW Florida and count the roads to high ground. No towns, no hotels, no nothing and a million people down basically a county road to podunk. LMF
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Old Aug 11th, 2004, 05:23 PM
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LMF, I've often thought that would be a great way to weather a big blow. I'll bet you can watch that little lake of theirs fill up while you sip your soup from the restaurant.

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Old Aug 11th, 2004, 06:58 PM
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I'm cutting and pasting this from a previous post of mine (re: blizzards)!

We're used to the snow, so it's not as scary as a hurricane.....but the Blizzard of 77' takes the cake. I guess we should prepare, but heck....the snow melts ...eventually.... very eventually...and the neighbors take care of each other. There really isn't a rush for groceries, but then again, I don't care how hard the snow hits, it can't compare to a hurricane!

Take care of Floridians!
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Old Aug 11th, 2004, 07:15 PM
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So do you realize...we are looking at Friday the 13th landfall! Our boat neighbors pointed that out this evening. I'd overlooked that tidbit, probably could have done without it too, although I'm not superstitious...normally anyway.
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Old Aug 11th, 2004, 07:24 PM
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LOL, Thank you darlin OO for bringing it to my attention also

Usually the 13th is a good number for us, I will hope that remains the same!

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Old Aug 11th, 2004, 07:43 PM
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Darling Scarlett,

Didn't read a single response yet. Just your question. I can only share with you the moment the second tower was shock, for some unexplainable reason, I went and got the flag and put it out...this before the fall of the towers. And then numb, after watching the first tower go down, I went to the grocers, and bought a bunch of food, and didn't know what to do.

In storms however, I always head to the market and pick up a few things, never crazy purchasing as I'm an optimist. Always believing that a couple of days will be fine....9-11 I bought a weeks worth, walking the isles in shock. But horde, water,batteries, I just plan a nice meal and hunker down. \\
That said, good luck, seems like anything could happen. Stay safe and cuddle with Pup. Max hides in the bathtub, which he hates, whenever lightning strikes. Poor things.

Be safe

Onto the other replies!!!!!!!!!!!

Old Aug 11th, 2004, 08:25 PM
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Tandoori Girl, the Publix on D.M. and Neptune was running low on bread and cokes but still had plenty of milk & water when I was there around 7:00. For others in the Tampa Bay Area where we've already had 10 inches of rain in August and as much in the first 7 months of 2004 as we usually have for an entire year, I'm particularly concerned about falling trees, thus downed powerlines. Since the ground is already saturated from all the rain, the trees are more vunerable to just toppling over--their roots just seem to "give way". So please everyone, take extra precautions if Mother Nature cleans house Friday (I'm glad I just had my Oak trees trimmed-wish I'd done more!). I agree inland flooding will probably be a huge problem since the water table is so high--let's just hope the tide cooperates and the bay can empty!
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Old Aug 11th, 2004, 10:02 PM
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I just saw your post and I skipped the responses but I hope you, OO, Taandori Girl and the other FL Fodorites will stay safe and dry.

This hurricane is wreaking havic for our family, which is why I'm up at this ungodly hour and taking a break. My neice is supposed to be married this weekend on Siesta Key with her wedding at the Ritz in Sarasota. The groom and his family are from Arizona and are freaked out about the storm. We don't even know if some will come and if they do if we'll even be having a wedding.

As you know, it's a southern tradition for the "women folk" to get together and do the all the flowers and that's what we're doing now. We can't wait until Friday because we don't know if we'll have electricity. Hurricane George, 2 years ago, left us without electricity for almost a week.

Stay safe and thanks for the post.
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Old Aug 11th, 2004, 10:05 PM
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PS--when it was looking like it could be a category 2 storm yesterday we made some reservations just to be on the safe, at a pet-friendly hotel in Orlando. Thank goodness that isn't going to happen because we were WAY over the quota of pets allowed and we're going to sneak some in. I'm glad I don't have to worry about hiding a 60 pound lab in heat!!
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Old Aug 12th, 2004, 01:52 AM
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Barrier Islands in SW Florida are in evacuation mode this a.m. Mandatory evacuation for Sanibel but they are always quick to evacuate because of the poor condition of the causeway.

Charlie has turned slightly so Fort Myers isn't its target, it looks like it will hit north of Tampa. There is an area that is sparsely populated and one hopes that will be the area as it will be easier to evacuate than Tampa/Clearwater area.

My home is in a category 1 hurricane surge area so we will decide this afternoon whether to head out. My voice mail box is full with clients concerned about their winter/vacation homes.

Good luck to Tandoori Girl and Olive as it looks as though there may be more consequences there than here. LMF
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Old Aug 12th, 2004, 03:05 AM
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It looks a little better for you and Patrick, LilMsFoodie--that's good. I am worried now for this area...hadn't been expecting this shift as all earlier shifts had been away from us, not toward, so this morning was a rude awakening.

Jayne, Yikes, what a shame. We had a wedding scheduled in our hotel during the last storm we had a mandatory evacuation for. DH found a Hyatt in Orlando willing to help us out and the shebang was moved lock, stock, and barrel to the Grand Cypress, as well as all of our guests. That might be an option too for your niece's wedding...there is that new Ritz in Orlando. Gosh, good luck and you take care!

We are on the water so in the first evacuation zone and although we've stayed with the hotel before, I don't know about this time. They are talking about a 10' storm surge. I'm convinced now, we didn't do enough for the boat, thinking last night we'd be in the quieter quadrant, and DH now has his hands full with the hotel so can't go back. Bimini is down and lashed, and although we lashed the sails...we didn't remove them, which was a big mistake with this shift. And how can you adjust your lines for a 10' storm surge?!

So ugh and double ugh. All, batten down the hatches! Who knows, with ANY luck it'll change again and move further west and stay clear of FL. Is it OK if we dump our problem on someone else...with apologies of course!

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Old Aug 12th, 2004, 03:42 AM
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No fun to wake up & hear the path has shifted again, now towards the Tampa area The worst thing that could happen would be for it to come in a little North of the Tampa area, that would push all that water up in between Pinellas & Hillsborough counties.

I'm not too worried about myself, other than the 4 huge oak trees where I live. But as of yesterday morning, my dad was in a place called Needles (?) C.A., planning to drive straight thru to get back home in time. So I will probably spend the afternoon over there w/mom helping prepare the house. Friday the 13th
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