
Is Iguazu a must?

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Old Nov 6th, 2004, 11:19 AM
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Is Iguazu a must?

I am planning our first trip to Argentina, going in March. I know I want to spend a week in Buenos Aires and was searching for another five to seven days elsewhere.

I stumbled across the LLao LLao Resort and I just have to go there! It's a thousand miles from BsAs so when we get there I want to stay at least five nights, maybe seven.

Iguazu is the opposite direction and doesn't especially appeal to me. What else is there to do besides stay at the Sheraton, gaze at the falls and walk around? Is there anyone who can convince me to spend the time and money to get there when I know I would be happy spending that time and money at Llao LLao?

Thanks to all who have made recommendations for Buenos Aires and Argentina. I am very excited about our trip! I will contact Cintia when I have our itinerary worked out.
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Old Nov 6th, 2004, 12:32 PM
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"must" is relative to the individual. Do whatever floats your boat.

Some people are attracted to glaciers, some to whale and penguin watching, still others to the bright lights of the big city or the wineries and outdoor activities near Mendoza....and,yes, some are compelled to gaze at Iguazu Falls.....

But if you KNOW your spot is at a resort in the mountains near pristine lakes....that is what you should do....without looking back....

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Old Nov 6th, 2004, 05:02 PM
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Iguazu Falls are one of the most unique and spectacular sights on this planet. One of nature's miracles, imho.

Llao Llao is a beautiful hotel in a lovely setting. (one of several hundred on this planet.)imho.

The cost of flying up to Iguazu, admission to the Parks, viewing the Falls from both sides, one night's 3-4 star accom, then returning to BA late afternoon, is pretty minimal. Maybe US250-300 pp. For us, The Sheraton was not the place to stay. There are some nice little hotels in Puerto Iguazu. We paid US2000 to see
Machu Picchu-not at all worth the cost or time for us! I guess each to his own.
Sounds to me you may have already made up your mind. Good luck.

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Old Nov 6th, 2004, 05:44 PM
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Whatever floats your boat.

To 99.999% of the folks in the world, I'd say, absolutely yes, Iguassu is the spectacular. Probably the most incredible waterfall in the world.

*BUT* if waterfalls don't float your boat, then skip it. Only you can tell whether its worth your time. I'm with Lyndi --- personally, I might go out of my way for a resort, but probably not if it meant skipping a place like Iguazu. Different priorities, I s'pose...

Have fun!
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Old Nov 6th, 2004, 05:50 PM
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Thank you Dr. D., Lyndie and Mark for your replies.

I haven't totally canceled out the idea of going to Iguazu, mainly because of posts like yours, Lyndie and Mark. I am interested in another recommendation for lodging in Iguazu as I have read lukewarm reports on the Sheraton. Do you think one night is enough? Money isn't the issue, just the aggravation of getting there and then turning right around.

We just returned from three weeks in beautiful Switzerland so perhaps that is the draw if Llao LLao. It is very reasonable in comparison to Switzerland, the most expensive country we have visited.

Back to the drawing board.....

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Old Nov 6th, 2004, 06:06 PM
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Okay, Mark, I went to your web site and read your review on epinions; the Macuco Safari/ zodiac boat ride got my attention along with your photos.

I don't see how to do that in an overnight and think we should stay two nights. We haven't booked our airfare so I can tack on a couple more days to our trip.
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Old Nov 6th, 2004, 08:34 PM
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Hi Judi

OK, Iguazu is in the middle of nowhere and it is a diversion, however some of the best places are a pain in the neck to get to!
Hotel Saint George In Puerto Iguazu was perfectly OK when we checked it out in Sept 04. Not fancy but comfortable and with a nice bar and restaurant. We'd booked someplace else which was awful but decided to stay there as the Hotel Saint George was twice the price of our hovel! There are several nice hotels on Ruta 12 on the way out of town including Hotel Cataratas. I'd recommend the Saint George. There is a great little restaurant called La Rueda about 5 mins from Hotel St G. with some of the best food we had in Argentina. Great steaks and nice wine list. All for the princely sum of around 100 pesos (US33) for the two of us for 3 courses each. We caught the local bus to the Brazil side for 3 pesos and the local bus to the Arg side for the same. Taxis are about US10 per way and you must clear immig/customs before you enter Brazil. It is a pretty simple procedure. You'll need your passport with you.

By the way, I loved the Llao Llao hotel but it was around USD250 per night which when you're travelling on Oz dollars is a whole lot of dosh! If I had the money I'd spend 3-4 nights there, however I would not give up Iguazu for anything. If you go to Llao Llao and Bariloche which are as beautiful as Switzerland, (imho) you must take the El Condor boat to the Chilean border. It is a lovely day trip and the boat leaves from the wharf out the front of Llao Llao Resort. I think you should make time for both areas! You will not regret it, I'm sure! Good luck with your plans!
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Old Nov 7th, 2004, 09:47 AM
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Thanks, Lyndie, for your helpful advice. A little more research has dug up some interesting safari type things to do so we will go there for two nights.

I always check TripAdvisor and it has good things to say about the Cataratas, but is it in Brazil? The St. George is in Puerto Iguazu where I want to be and it looks nice. We may just end up at the Sheraton just for the location.

Thanks also for the info on the boat to Chile.
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Old Nov 7th, 2004, 10:45 AM
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The Cataratas is on the Brazil side, inside the park. I think it's a classier, more upscale property than the Sheraton Internacional, but that's just my opinion. There are also a ton of very affordable hotel choices in the city of Foz do Iguacu, about 20km from the falls themselves. Personally, I think the town of Puerto Iguazu Argentina is much more pleasant than Foz do Iguacu, but if the budget is talking, it might be an option (though not sure if that would require the Brazil visa --- if so, the red tape would be reason enough to stay on the Argentine side and just cross for daytrip sightseeing).

Have fun!
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Old Nov 7th, 2004, 11:09 AM
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Thanks for your input, Mark.

My Footprints guidebook says Puerto Iguazu is a much better town and besides, I don't know what's involved in going to Brazil. Footprints recommends the Saint George; I just can't get excited about the Sheraton.

Budget isn't a consideration....we are trying to spend our children's inheritance!
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Old Nov 7th, 2004, 11:24 AM
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Aha! There are two Cataratas hotels! The Hotel Cataratas is in Puerto Iguazu and the Tropical das Cataratas is in the Brazil side of the park.

They both look nice but I want to stay in Argentina so would pick the one in Puerto Iguazu.
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Old Nov 7th, 2004, 11:38 AM
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Judi, if you like the jungle, you might want to look in to Cintia at wowargentina found this and reserved it for us for next month as we wanted a bit more time in the rain forest.
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Old Nov 7th, 2004, 01:07 PM
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The lodge looks wonderful, connette, and I'm sure you will have a great time there. It reminds me of our trip to Costa Rica ten years ago which I loved.

This trip will be a little more "citified" so a lodge isn't what I am looking for, but thanks for the web site.

I hope you will write a trip report when you return. Are you going with kids?
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Old Nov 7th, 2004, 01:14 PM
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WE were in Iguazu in August and it worked well for us as we needed to fly from BA to flying to Igauzu and then crossing the border by land into Brazil we were able to start our Brazil airpass from there which was convenient to us.

Yes the falls are magnificent...(I thought more interesting than Victoria Falls)and it is fun to spend the day hiking around...BUT it's really one stop shopping. I understand your concern...frankly I generallly prefer more cultural destinations...I loved Macchu Pichu.

The Sheraton is a great location but the hotel is not very good and with the exception of the view the ambiance is "lacking" to say the least. The Cataratas on the Brazilian side has a far nicer more resorty/colonial atmosphere when we visited I wished we has stayed there though the view of the Falls and the trails are definately superior on the Argentiania side.

In all I'm glad we went because it fitted our itinerary but I would happily have missed it.
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Old Nov 7th, 2004, 08:19 PM
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Yes Judi - one teenager and two big kids - my husband any myself. This will be our 4th country to stay at an ecolodge. We are hooked. As someone said earlier - different strokes. After this trip we are off to Peru - again with an ecolodge as part of the trip. We will have city time too, which I love, but Iguazu was our prime reason to head to Argentina. You mentioned safari type things and that is what made me think of Yacutinga. I think there are also some Jesuit ruins near Iguazu if that is of interest. Whatever you do in Argentina - you will love it! I will be sure to "trip report" Have a great trip!
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Old Nov 9th, 2004, 04:12 AM
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Being a local it is a shame i discovered the falls so late,just last month. It is really a must I doubt there is somebody who hasnt marvelled at the immensity of nature there.I stayed in the Orquideas hotel, good service, nice place and good price. But I discovered a resort in Puerto Iguazu. it is the Pirayu a better option than any hotel in the city. It is in the middle of the jungle and surrounded by nature and unique bird species, it has many bungalows and an spectacular view of the Iguazú River.

Short of time for only one night, no option the Sheraton and if you can afford it, stay in front of the falls.

LLao LLao is not the only option in Bariloche. Its location is superb and unbeatable.But Bariloche itself is outstanding. See, to mention some.
Bariloche can offer you a lot in a 3 night stay. and maybe allows you to go to the south if you have more time.

Being in Argentina, you must find room for the the glaciers at least for 2 nights and Ushuaia for 2 more. If they cant fit within your trip,drop 2 days out of the week you have in buenos aires and combine your flights to make the most of the trip.

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Old Nov 11th, 2004, 02:40 PM
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Thanks, everyone, for your input.

I'm sticking with the LLao LLao resort despite a bad review on this board. Iguazu gets two nights. I can't take on any more on this trip but thanks, Milla, for your advice. The glaciers and Ushuaia will just have to wait for another trip. We don't like two night stopovers, but for Iguazu we don't really want to stay any longer.
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Old Nov 13th, 2004, 07:16 PM
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I agree with other each his own. We just returned from 2 nights in the Sheraton and believe it was well worth it--both Iguazu and the Sheraton.

Iguazu is simply a very relaxing place. Pristine, well-maintained, non-commercial (as compared to Niagara). Unadulterated natural beauty and a great way to "get away from it all." If you're looking for more "intensity", you may not enjoy it. If you're looking for relaxation and to disconnect from the world a bit, Iguazu is a good place. We hiked, rafted, watched for animals, explored the outdoors. And for that purpose, the Sheraton is a good location (or The Cataratas on the Brazilian side). Both hotels are in the middle of the park and therefore ensure that you really get the most out of the natural beauty. The rooms were spacious, comfortable and clean. The restaurant was convenient. The staff helpful. We went to Puerto Iguazu, but came to the conclusion that the true attraction is the park/falls and not the town.

In the end, it all depends on what you're looking to get out of your vacation.
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Old Jan 20th, 2005, 06:49 PM
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Hello Judi: I hope that you are still open to suggestions. For me, Iguazu is a must of this planet if you like Nature. Donīt know the flow that the falls may have at the time you are planning to visit Argentina but in the worst case, I wouldnīt imagine it is not worth. If you really enjoy Nature you should stay there 2 nights at least. I stayed 3 (2 in the Sheraton and 1 in the Tropical Das Cataratas). The latter has no falls view as half the Sheraton rooms do, but the hotel is not the most important thing for me. However I find very convinient to stay in either of these hotels because you wonīt waste time on transportation, entrance fees, etc. Both sides of the falls, argentinian and brazilian are spectacular. You should take an helicopter overflight, which is around 70 usd for 10 minutes. Donīt take the flight of 30 minutes that includes the Itaipu Dam. Take the Macuco Safari or Gran Aventura excursions to be showered just by two of the small falls and see them from the river. Thatīs another perspective you shouldnīt miss.

As a separate topic, I combined my trip to South America with the Glaciers National Park and stayed in the "Hosteria los Notros" for 5 days. It is very expensive but it is the only hotel located within the National Park with 34 rooms all with Perito Moreno view. I took advantage of those 5 days and did trekking on the glacier, took an overflight in a Cessna for 1.5 hours and a 1-day sailing "Todos Glaciares" visiting the amazing Upsala, Spegazzinni, Onelli, etc Glaciers. To witness the calvings from the catamaran 1 kms away from the glacier is something unforgettable. March should be almost your last chance to visit that Park since summer is close to end. If I could send you some pictures of these two places Iīm sure Iīd convince you. Logistics in South America is not very fun but even Iguazu and Los Glaciares are very far away from each other, it is really worth. Aerolineas Argentinas is not as bad as I thought.

I wouldnīt say that Iguazu and Los Glaciares are not a MUST even to my worst enemy.

Enjoy your trip and sorry for this long opinion.

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Old Jan 21st, 2005, 04:45 AM
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Fernando, thank you for your informative post. We have booked the Sheraton~falls side room~ and will stay for two nights.

I like the idea of a helicopter overflight and definitely plan to take the Macuco safari.

We are also spending nine nights in Buenos Aires and five nights at the Llao Llao Resort. Cintia of WowArgentina has made all of our arrangements and has done a wonderful job.
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