Where do you spend your birthdays?

Old Aug 17th, 2001, 11:35 AM
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Where do you spend your birthdays?

I try to spend my milestone birthdays in places I love. I just spent my last birthday on Capri toasting the sunset after a wonderful dinner. <BR>Do any of you have special memories of special birthdays spent on vacation? <BR>
Old Aug 17th, 2001, 11:45 AM
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I spent my 40th birthday having a glorious dinner in Paris. What a nice way to celebrate and have wonderful memories of a wonderful trip. It made 40 not seem so bad after all.
Old Aug 17th, 2001, 11:53 AM
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I spent my 50th dancing and drinking ouzo at the Aegean Cafe. Okay, it was the Aegean Cafe in Laguna Beach...but there were wonderful Greek men present, music, view of the Pacific from the restaurant - it was a great evening! <BR> <BR>Maybe I'll have my 55th in the Greek islands.
Old Aug 17th, 2001, 12:00 PM
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Hi Anita.....I spent a birthday a few years ago in Switzerland. We were lost and had been driving forever trying to find a place to spend the night when we came across a lovely small hotel with delicious food just outside of Zurich. I remember that birthday more than any other.
Old Aug 17th, 2001, 12:14 PM
Maybe this year
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This is slightly related to the thread, but I have always wanted my husband to suprise me with plane tickets for my birthday. When we travel I always do all the planning. I would love a suprise long weekend in London (or someplace else) where he secretly packed our bags and took care of all the details!
Old Aug 17th, 2001, 12:24 PM
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Oh Marie, this is exactly what I'm doing--celebrating my 40th birthday in Paris this coming November. My second husband is a wonderful man who loves to travel (husband #1's idea of a vacation was going to Florida and sleeping on his parent's fold out sofa--fine for a couple of kids, but not my cup of tea. It was like something out of a Seinfeld episode!). Our birthdays are only a few weeks apart, so we've celebrated in London and Venice so far. (We had to take a break for several year because the INS wasn't cooperating with his immigration details--he's a Brit.) <BR> <BR>On to Paris! (It will be my third time and his first, but it will be my first with someone I love.)
Old Aug 17th, 2001, 01:13 PM
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I'll be in Capri for my bday next year and hope it lives up to your day (happy belated!). <BR> <BR>30th-Dingle <BR>31st-Wrigley Field (Cubs won!) <BR>32nd-Annecy <BR>33rd-Bruges <BR> <BR>All were wonderful!
Old Aug 17th, 2001, 01:26 PM
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I was able to spend my 40th in London with my closest friends. They were clever enough to even make arrangements for us to have a fabulous dinner at "Julie's" near Holland Park. It was so special that I don't know if I can wait until my 50th...might have to break it up a bit and do something for a semi-milestone such as my 45th.
Old Aug 17th, 2001, 01:44 PM
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Not a milestone but......I will spend my 46th bithday in London. Others: 44th-Dinner at the Brown Derby in Orlando, 42nd-champagne, crackers and cheese watching the sunset on the Oregon coast, 39th-in a hot air balloon outside Monterey, CA.
Old Aug 17th, 2001, 02:19 PM
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The weirdest place I've ever spent my birthday was my 43rd, which I spent in a Greek restaurant drinking Ouzo in Vilseck, Germany, just outside an American Army base (Vilseck is close to the German/Chek border). We were visiting my nephew and, though the restaurant was great, I can't say a lot of positive things about Vilseck! <BR> <BR>Spent my 45th in Rome and my 48th on a plane returning from London. <BR> <BR>I turn 50 in October and I'll be spending it at home! Which is fine, because I'm counting on the people who love me to do me a favor and ignore it completely! (Though I'm a little frightened because I through a 50th for my husband two years ago and invited over 150 people. He's promised not to reciprocate!)
Old Aug 17th, 2001, 02:23 PM
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Good God, I can't believe all the typos, dangling sentences and poor spelling on my post above. Forgive me! I spend all day on a computer editing, writing, etc. and I've really been letting my guard down lately after 5:00! (Would you believe I'm an English major???) Shameful!!
Old Aug 17th, 2001, 02:38 PM
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I spent my 45th on Lake Como at Menaggio, sitting on the lake and just breathing the beautiful scenery. I get misty eyed just thinking about it now.
Old Aug 17th, 2001, 02:46 PM
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I went away for the first time for a birthday (37) last year - to Barcelona. I am from now on going away for any future birthdays - it really is THE way to mark the passing of another year and greet the next. This year will be a bit complicated because I took a two week vacation in May and I have new work projects for the fall, not to mention my birthday is in the middle of the week - if I can swing it, most likely Budapest (I have a credit with Malev)
Old Aug 17th, 2001, 02:49 PM
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Birthdays are wonderful excuses to get away to far away places and forget about work and monotonous life. <BR> <BR>19th - Bora Bora <BR>20th - Maldives <BR>21st - Berlin-Dresden-Vienna <BR>22nd - NYC <BR>23rd - NYC <BR>24th - Madrid-Barcelona-Morocco <BR>25th - Vatulele Island-Fiji <BR>26th - NYC <BR>27th - Cancun-Belize
Old Aug 17th, 2001, 04:03 PM
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This is a fun thread. <BR>I hope to start enjoying my birthdays on trips. Luck has it I was born in October so the weather says OK in most places. <BR>I did have one good birthday on Kauai <BR>though.
Old Aug 17th, 2001, 06:32 PM
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Spent my 50th with 4 friends in Florence. Dinner at Enoteca Pincchiori - where my good friend asked to buy the restaurant instead of asking for the check (her Italian is MUCH better now!!) <BR> <BR>We shopped, walked, ate, laughed, talked - it was perfect!
Old Aug 17th, 2001, 08:56 PM
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My birthday is July 14, Bastille Day, and the 3 birthdays I've spent in France have been wonderful: however, my best birthday was also my wedding day, 27 years ago.
Old Aug 18th, 2001, 03:29 AM
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With my children, cause it means so much to them, <BR>cake making- cake eating!! <BR>But, soon they will be grown up, and will not have the same desire. <BR>And for my 50th, I will be in italy, even if it is 2 months after the real event.!
Old Aug 18th, 2001, 03:34 AM
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I will spend my 44th in two weeks traveling from Barcelona to St. Sebastian via Huesca and Pamplona. Sounds good to me!
Old Aug 18th, 2001, 04:45 AM
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Not Europe, but a great memory. <BR>I spent my 21st in Tokyo, with a group of friends from Singapore, Israel, China, Japan and Australia.

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