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Trulli Foodie Puglia-two weeks to eat through!!!


Trulli Foodie Puglia-two weeks to eat through!!!

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Old May 26th, 2012, 09:49 AM
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You are putting us to shame in the eating dept...I look forward to doing our best to match you in a few weeks!

I probably shouldnt tell you about the stunning weather here in London this week....hehe...
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Old May 26th, 2012, 10:57 AM
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I know I can't pretend I am not just that bit annoyed ;-) ah well I'd only be in the office. But Puglia isn't as warm as we hoped. Not fair!!!

What is fair is the yummy pizza from il tronco we just had, despite another 130 odd pizzas we picked the same ones-so so good. Deep pan should not be permitted, these thin ones are perfection pizzonified

And jut tried a yummy chocolate profiteroles. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, there is no way the other seven will last the night
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Old May 26th, 2012, 11:33 AM
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Look, HG, there's no getting around it. You will have to return to Martina and order that pumpkin-stuffed pasta again. And then back to Polignano for the truffle version at Antiche Mura. And then decide which one is truly the winner.

I hope you are not thinking of returning to London before you have that sorted out.

Your trulli looks adorable!

Here's another thought: I bet that that barley dish at Il Cortiletto was grano saraceno. I saw this at quite a few antipasti tables in Puglia and I tried hard to find it back home before realizing that it is unroasted buckwheat. (We have mostly the roasted/toasted version here in the US).

Keep up the good work...!

Are you buying any foods to bring home?
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Old May 26th, 2012, 11:43 AM
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Haha that is a good idea but what if they are not as good!!!!!

Yes u might be right about the barley, I am not all tht clued up on those types of food. They kind off looked like litte sugar puffs (hmm do sugar puffs even still exist)

have just been forced to put the other 4 cannoli in the fridge for tomorrow, this is too hard, the first evening I can manage desert and it needs to last till tomorrow.

The villa is really lovely and the owners run a company called southern visions which sounds great. They also own 3 other villas in Puglia which look stunning!!!!!! Trini its jet www.villapulia.com for the villas. Its got a grata sea view too as wall as montanina behind. The onere incredibly geloso ad speak perfect english. The villa even cane sito own iPad!!! Although the auto correct on it Boeing in italian Leeds trovino me
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Old May 26th, 2012, 11:44 AM
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Archeggi see what i mean, i mean the auto correct being in italian keeps throwing me
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Old May 26th, 2012, 11:47 AM
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Ha ha i need to re take hold of ma own lap top this auto correct driving me nuta

Its a great touch touch ha ing. An iPad , bene vero useful
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Old May 26th, 2012, 11:56 AM
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ohh and planning to bring back the arrabita/herby mixes as we always seek these out in italy, some olive oil, sugared almonds and maybe some pasta
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Old May 26th, 2012, 12:55 PM
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The onere incredibly geloso ad speak perfect english. The villa even cane sito own iPad!!! Although the auto correct on it Boeing in italian Leeds trovino me >>

lol, HG - love the italian i-pad. my apple-mac automatically corrects my german and italian without being asked, which is useful! perhaps the i-pad doesn't speak english?
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Old May 26th, 2012, 01:02 PM
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haha, no apparently it was set in english when my partner was using it and then i switched it back to Italian somehow. My spelling and typos on here are bad enough without having to contend with the auto correct being in another language so i have grabbed my lap-top back while partner tries to figure out how to re-set ipad to italian!!!

i think i was trying to say.....

the owners are incredibly nice and that the villa even came with its own ipad but i always press send without reading.....i need to learn!!
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Old May 27th, 2012, 07:57 AM
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just had the 8 course il frantoio meal...oh my i do not want any more food....ever!
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Old May 27th, 2012, 09:43 AM
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I'm guessing you will eat again, HG. ;=)
Do tell!
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Old May 27th, 2012, 11:30 AM
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Hi jubilda, hehe thank you- yeah i guess i am going to have to eat at some point.

I only wish i could tell at the tale but i am being genuinely serious when i say that if i started writing about it i might be sick no joke - i know that sounds super dramatic but every time i even think of it i feel awful it was all good but i should cant face it!

oh dear what have i done!!
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Old May 27th, 2012, 02:09 PM
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come on, just a little taste, please...

how about one course at a time?
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Old May 27th, 2012, 02:40 PM
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but you owe it to your public.
seriously, I am so sorry you feel sick.
Maybe tomorrow a good hike and an apple!
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Old May 27th, 2012, 10:48 PM
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haha ann,

Jubilada you're right i know....ok here goes

so i had booked il frantoio a while back but had only started reading about 5/8/10 course while on here and while i thought there was a small chance of it being thati gigured it was lunch time and surely they would have mentioned it on the email......

we arrived late (we took a wrong turn again which let us down a lane where we spotted a tiny tiny kitten in the middle of road- i ad to stop and once i picked up (it fit in one hand!) it was pretty tough not to try and steal it!! it was adorable and so so cute and we were worried it had no owner as was puring so much. I finally managed to put it down and we turned back on to the road ss16, which by the way seems lined with masseria. (on a quick aside-we learned something today that we should have realised a week a go- on these roads there are posts with the number of km down u are- very useful as the address simply said ss16 874 and ss16 is rather long!!)

Anyway practicalities aside we slipped into the group when we got there, had a quick aperitif (the weather was beautiful and we were hoping this might be the start of a warmer week......my envy of london and all!) The masseria looked charming and a nice place to stay, it was interesting hearing about its history of being a protective mini community due to all the invasion Puglia had had over the years. Seeing all the fruit trees and herbs in the garden and finding out about how the olive oil was pressed (extra virgin thats the very first squeeze of the olives, the next squeezes produce the not so great stuff). It did feel a little museumy but i guess thats what a tour is. Finanly lunch time-yeah!! (that last chocolate profierole bun thing was hours ago!!)

ok now even writing this the next day, the though of one particular dish is making me gag (honest!!) so i might just brush over that one, you'll notice which!

First course (and at this point we still had no clue what format/number of courses there would be, but the lack of menu had us a tad suspicious!. No fear only 3 folks and one knife maybe it would just be a three couser)) was a "Pizzalle con sughetto" or fried bread pasta with tomato sauce (so thats what the "sugo" is on all the pizzas! - don't get it what is pomodoro!).

Wownow these things were like those little space ship sherbert sweets you have in shape and nature but the tomato sauce was to die for!!!! it was so yummy- they told us it had ricotta in it and also one of their peppery olive oils (they ship out to all over Tuscany i'm told). It was so deep in flavour a little sweet, a tad salty, strong overwhelming i would have bought jars of the stuff- why was this not on sale!!!!!!!!! hmmm so good i know this will be something i crave.

Next course, a wild asparagus souffle/flan- but presented like a slice of pate. This too was very very good, the perfected texture and just the right amount of cheese through the middle- yum i'd order that of the menu anyday (well if there were a menu!).

Next up was a Melazane in Parmesan- a dish that Italian restaurants all over the world try to do right but over get bland.Incedently at this point we decided London was missing "Puglian style restaurants and vowed to open our own " A Puglia" oh well we can but dream! Back to the melanzane (aubergine). Yummy yummy yummy! hmm am sure you all know how a good one of these should taste and this was it- super creamy, soft aubergine, that gorgeous intense tasty parmesan (although it seemed like this one also had mozarella).

So we realised we had just had three rather substantial courses but knew we were not on the mains yet (they warned us they would switch to red wine for the mains-we were very much still on white- oh dear!)

Next artichokes (arhh i don't get them!! does anyone??) in a sweet wine and fried onions in orange honey and fried onions. (amazingly this is not "that" dish and the onions were truly scrumptious tasting like a little mini round of chip shop chips and scratchings with a good load of salt and vinegar)

Then (oh my why are we not on mains yet!!!) a huge slab of flava bean lasagne with "a thousand leaves"....different, i ate most of it........... ;-) with a shot of something very alchaholic to go. Again... i drank it.

Finally the red wine!!! yeah this meant we were over the hill!! Oven roasted Lamb "con potate il cuccio" (with potatoes from the over- i took the print out menu home). Delicious!!! this battled my feeling full very well and i really enjoyed this. The lamb was sublime and very very tatsy and fell apart but was not at all dry. It was gorgeous and i'm not a huge fan of lamb. The potatoes were also very finely sliced and rich with flavour (i know-pottatoes!! but they were honest). They served with a 16% primativo red (too much for me!!) Both really enjoyed this course but as soon as it finished the full pain crept back in.

And finally a very pretty looking rose petal, almond and courgette salad with which i'm told (i'll be honest i don't really do salad but partner adores it!) had a great dressing.

Ok so we were truly truly stuffed but still i felt we had not had enough sweet stuff while here so was quite excited about a desert..hmm tirimisu...hmm chocolate torte....hmmm-NOOOO it was fruit based!!!!! a strawberry mix of thinga (can you tell my enthusiasm for food is dying!- i knew writing this would be hard!)

Arhh i know people love this fruit dessert style stuff but i'm one of those people who think if you are going to indulge then you may as well indulge. Don't get me wrong, it was very nice and looked like something out of a michellin star chef's cookbook with a little shot of srawberry liquor and i took a snap but it didn't feature chocolate so i was not all that pleased.

Ok i did it i wrote it up!! Few!!

now one last thing.....why is it that when 2/3 of the lunch guests arrive in a car and will clearly be leaving in a car do they pour everyone, without asking....so many wines/liquors. Is it not obvious that half the people there are driving!!!! i don't get it. We even noticed that in restaurant everytime my partner indicated he is driving they ALWAYS say "oh a little, go on" or something similar. We alwasy give in to saying yes (we are weak i know!) and then i have to drink mine and most of his so that he is within limit!! Is it just us or do others feel like people are politely and sweetly but still trying to encourage you to drink and drive down here. Odd ok, moan over- i still love the people down here, whom if i haven't mentioned are very nice

Jubilada...i managed a slice of bread, proscuitto and gorgonzola last light just the one but still.
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Old May 27th, 2012, 10:53 PM
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I'm very happy to read your comments HG001London!
Spread the word about Puglia.. it's still unknow in the world

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Old May 27th, 2012, 10:56 PM
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and one more thing- we have decided to ditch most of our remaining restaurant bookings, there is something about booking, then turning up and being only ones there ("oh dear have they just opened at lunch for us" feeling..) that makes if quite difficult to just order a pizza. And the way i am feeling i want to turn up and well...just order a pizza!!
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Old May 27th, 2012, 10:58 PM
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haha Vito i will do on the whole we adore adore adore Puglia and will be telling people at home for sure

vito we booked that lama place you recommended- should we keep this ?? we are feeling like steering away from masseria (they are great and all but too much) and trying to eat where locals do...hmm where do locals go?
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Old May 27th, 2012, 11:05 PM
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although i did manage to phone one place and book in Italian as no email address so maybe il keep that one
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Old May 27th, 2012, 11:58 PM
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as wrote in different posts about Puglia, we (unfortunately?) don't have a really turistic business, so at 98% (imho) all the restaurants are apulian-oriented.
Lama del Duca is a good choice.

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