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This is Why I Will Always Travel Solo From Now: Trip Report -Rome and Sorrento


This is Why I Will Always Travel Solo From Now: Trip Report -Rome and Sorrento

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Old Oct 30th, 2005, 03:14 PM
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hi cigalecganta,
thanks for the greeting, I haven't really been gone altogether, just not feeling up to posting here for quite awhile. a least 2 or three trips ago, i think. (2 happily solo, 1 with friends who I got along with very well, which is kind of funny since one of them is an opera singer and probably has some real life Diva genes!)

Old Oct 30th, 2005, 04:20 PM
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Can't wait to read the rest of this report. And yes, I'm going to Argentina alone (Buenos Aires)but will be somewhat "chaperoned" because the group that I'm speaking to will be taking care of me most of the time and I'll only have two days on my own. Would love to post a trip report but I stepped a toe into the Latin America Forum to just ask about Buenos Aires and got mauled by a couple of posters so I'm not going back there!!! Maybe I'll hijack the Europe forum for my trip report and then other people can yell at me for posting on the wrong forum. Madre mia!
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Old Oct 30th, 2005, 04:31 PM
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Sharon, post and teach us how to tango which I hope you will learn
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Old Oct 30th, 2005, 04:34 PM
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I have been to Italy about 30 times, always ending up in Rome. My parents were born 40 miles from Rome and I know every nook and corner of the place. But, the only time I was ever frustrated on a trip to Bella Roma was when I made plans to meet a friend and his wife there for a six day stay. He & she proceeded to tell me all about the place, and took me to every tourist trap in the city. I finally said enough was enough. I told them that when I go to Rome, I chill out, wander around and act like a Roman. They can do whatever they want to do, but me, I have no plans, I let the enigma that is Rome lead me. Needless to say, it was the end of a "beautiful friendship." I left the next morning and spent the rest of the week with my cousins in Provincia de Frosinone, in my ancestoral home.
I was at peace!!!!!
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Old Oct 30th, 2005, 04:43 PM
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Have to make a comment to Dejais re. her DH "becoming another person" even though it has nothing to do with travel...(forgive me please and the rest of you can ignore this)

It's not commonly accepted, but men too DO go through menopause and this may explain what you were witnessing. I've seen this myself, so know just what you mean. I believe (or at least in my case it seems so) it does get better, but yes, it can seem like they've become a different person (mine seems to display his on the road, hence I've decided to go to "non-driving" places such as Venice and Paris...or take trains and buses in Tuscany because "who wants to have to bother with parking" ha, ha...you get the picture.) Good luck--I do believe it will pass.
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Old Oct 30th, 2005, 04:46 PM
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I like and admire your style- you saw the problem, took responsibility for your own needs and did not hesitate to act on it without lingering and over dramatizing the situation. Your final statement "I was at peace!" says it all. I believe that most of our experiences are of our own making and by choice, and I wish you many more happy and peaceful times in Rome and Provincia di Frosinone!
Old Oct 30th, 2005, 04:46 PM
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Peeky - Did you take Ambien for your headache? You've made me laugh out loud on two different threads today!

SharonG - Post your trip on the Europe forum. We love your trip reports even if you aren't traveling with the trio of terror and the trip nazi.
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Old Oct 30th, 2005, 05:28 PM
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SharonG – Look at it this way, 1/3 of the population in Buenos Aires is from Italian descent, 1/3 is German – a trip report will fit right into the European forum. By the way, it is Spring in Buenos Aires, you should have great weather.

Barb – did you ever think that your nightmare trip would end up giving you such fame and glory in Fodors?
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Old Oct 30th, 2005, 07:27 PM
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Barb - I am enjoying your report very much and please continue. I do believe it provides great advice and insight on traveling with friends. Although this was a horrible vacation experience for you, at least you can provide an entertaining story. Probably a glass half full attitude, which I think you have.
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Old Oct 31st, 2005, 05:29 AM
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OK Barb, it's Monday and we're all waiting!!!
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Old Oct 31st, 2005, 05:37 AM
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ginder, please read.
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Old Oct 31st, 2005, 06:27 AM
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If I had been Barb, the choice might have been between offering an Ambien to D or hitting her over the head with rock! ;-)!

There little about Ambien that would cause altered behavior per se, but for many of us, the night-after rebound is severe -- that is, if I take an Ambien on Monday evening, I'm bouncing off the walls with eyes wide open on Tuesday night (without the Ambien), which can affect behavior on Wednesday for sure. So I only take the stuff when I desperately need the sleep tonight to function tomorrow and can throw the day-after-tomorrow away -- which is about once a year! I don't use it traveling for that reason.
Old Oct 31st, 2005, 06:31 AM
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Barb, where are you? Your trip report has become more of a forum for others to bicker about sharing RX and whether you are "justified" in sharing the story of your travels! I miss YOUR entries...
Patiently waiting for the next installment,
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Old Oct 31st, 2005, 07:34 AM
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Regarding the Ambien - it's not clear that her traveling companion actually TOOK the Ambien. I believe Barb offered, but was refused. Therefore, any odd behavior cannot be attributed to the drug.

Regarding certain posters who imply that Barb is mean for posting this trip report - for all we know, the Divas are on some Diva website posting something about Barb. At the very least, I'm sure they're complaining about her to someone out there, so it's a wash to me. Keep going, Barb. As you say, sometimes the truth hurts.
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Old Oct 31st, 2005, 07:49 AM
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Some trips are good, some trips are bad and some trips are ugly. I wouldn't want Barb to censor her experience one iota to please the masses.

True to the Halloween spirit the villagers are at the door bearing all sorts of torches on many subjects.

Why not let her finish telling her story in her own good time?

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Old Oct 31st, 2005, 08:09 AM
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More fantastic stuff, Barb, thank you ! Glad to hear it does get better.

In case it makes you feel any better, when I shared a room with a friend I didn't know very well (about 20 years ago), it ended with her hitting me !!
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Old Oct 31st, 2005, 08:41 AM
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LOL Cassandra, I agree. At that point, I might have been slipping them something stronger than Ambien

Yes, it is Monday. I am waiting .... Barb!! drop everything and come back
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Old Oct 31st, 2005, 09:09 AM
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Barb, thanks so much for sharing your story.... I am somewhat taken aback by those that have read days and days of posts and are now putting out their replies that you are being mean, inconsiderate, etc.. If I wasn't enjoying this thread so much I would have been out of it long ago and I frankly don't understand why they felt compelled to read everything and then blast you. I've always believed that writing is therapeutic and am sure that you're regaining some of your sanity by sharing your trip with us.

Although I've never experienced a trip like this, I'm in the military and have done a lot of travelling throughout the world...often with people who look for the nearest McD's or bar when they hit a port...wherever it may be. So I can completely empathize with you when it comes to being amazed that people will travel halfway around the world in search of America. I just don't get it. Reading your story makes me thank God that I have an incredible travel partner (my hubby) that makes our journey's so memorable.

By the way, we're dying here...more story, please!
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Old Oct 31st, 2005, 09:39 AM
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Best way to salvage a disaster is through self-expression. Nice save, B!
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Old Oct 31st, 2005, 10:06 AM
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I really debated all weekend about whether to continue this report. I did it with really good intentions, mainly payback for all the good advice I've received from this forum over the years. I certainly did not want to upset anyone, so I'm really a little surprised at the few who after reading 300+ posts felt the need to critize and chastize me. I guess it's rather like J & D eating that whole basket of bread and then saying how bad it was. But,, because I started this, I feel compelled to see it to the end. I will say to those who think I am a bad person/friend and who is dispensing drugs without a license, that you might want to stop reading this now.

We did visit Capri. Since the last time I was there in 2002, you have to first line up to buy your tickets for the funicular, then line up for the funicular. When Diva chaos once again threatened to rear it's ugly head- KIA was indignant and talking about going into the tourist office and complaining, I told her she should, ha. I said I would stand in line for the tickets and maybe the rest of them could stay in the funicular line. Eiffel is now freaking out a little about the funicular -"How high is it?' how fast does it go?" Just as I am coming back to the funicular line with tickets in hand, KIA is coming back from the tourist office, saying "I think you have to go that line over there for tickets", duh. After 45 min. we arrive at Capri town. It is pouring rain, luckily we have our umbrellas. Eiffel's green plaid is going quite well with her green and orange ensemble. Despite the rain, it's wall to wall people. I suggested that maybe we could go up to Anacapri first and maybe the rain would stop by the time we get there. Another 10 min. standing in line for the bus tickets. I tell Eiffel that maybe she should sit on the left hand side of the bus just in case the heights bothered her. I was honest with her and told her that it might be too much for her. She said, well the funicular wasn't so bad, so I'll try it. Well we didnt' get to sit, we were packed in like sardines and poor Eiffel was wedged in between a man with garlic breath and two teenagers with spiked hair, AND, she was facing the wrong side. Oh no. But miracles to happen, she's fine, in fact, at one point I actually see her leaning to see over the edge!! She is very proud of herself and is saying " Ok,I did it, ok" as she leaves the bus. Well, it's still raining, but now it's more like pour instead of just rain. Huddled under our umbrellas, we decide to just find somewhere to have lunch and pray that the rain lets up, at least a little so we can see Capri before we have catch our ferry back. We found the most charming little place. La Trattoria Il Solitario, which is situated in a small vineyard where some of the vines covering the walkway are as big around as my leg. The inside is small, with lots of windows looking out into a grove of lemon and nut trees. There are only 6 tables inside. It's warm and cozy and so welcoming. It looked like maybe mother and daughter we waiting tables. Because the only two tables available were not big enough for all of us, somehow I got seated with D. I think because the other Divas almost ran to the bigger table so they would not have to sit with her. I was staring daggers at them. The only consulation is that I had the banquette with fluffy pillows right beside a big window. D is again like a little kid and is so happy with this place. I order the most delicious homemade pasta with mussles, clams, little tiny intact white fish and a very interesting shellfish that I have never seen before - the shell is pinkish and long and narrow, about the size of my little finger. It is sweet and very delicious. D orders the same thing. Funny, now that I know I don't have to "live" with her, I think I can probably take her in small doses.

Again, there is thunder and lightening and the little streets of Anacapri are now small raging streams. As we are waiting in line for the bus to take us back down the hill, Eiffel says, why dont' we just get a taxi and go down to the harbor, I can't take this one more minute. We finally all agree on something. 4 Euros later we are down at the harbor. I was feeling badly that they didnt' get to really the beauty of Capri and I didn't get to take the lift up to the top of the mt., but I knew I would return again.

So, back to the Lorelei to collect my bags, yahoo, with the staff looking on once again wondering what was going on. I have to say that I was really disappointed with the Lorelei. The rooms are very tired and bordering on being dirty. The staff is very weird, the breakfast is literally a couple of hard bread rolls, butter, jam and lukewarm coffee. I noticed that some guest would bring their own breakfast food. The price for a double is 97E, so I guess for the price it's ok, and the view is certainly worth it. You definitely want a seaview room though as the street-side rooms are noisy and you get the smell of gas fumes.

The taxi to Il Faro is 14E, but I dont care. I can't remember ever feeling so glad to be anywhere. The staff are wonderful, it's clean and bright, a big bed and very quiet. There is a large terrace on the 4th floor with lots of blue deck chairs and a fab view. There is a full, or half board restaurant and the breakfast, which is included is good. The only drawback to staying here is getting up and down the hill. After what I had been dealing with, it just was not an issue for me. It take a long hot shower with the yummy almond scented soap, slather myself with the almond lotion and wrap up in the warm fluffy white robe. Ah.. life is once more good!
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