Robbed While Sleeping in Italy

Old Jul 23rd, 2001, 01:33 PM
Posts: n/a
Some of the travel catalog companies have door alarms. I will look some up <BR>when I get time and post it here.
Old Jul 23rd, 2001, 02:17 PM
Posts: n/a
So far I have found an door stop alarm <BR>at Magellans.
Old Jul 23rd, 2001, 06:24 PM
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What a terrible experience, Nancy, not just loss of belongings but of privacy and of time. I too was robbed, on a train. <BR> <BR>It was a business trip and took an overnight from Bologna to down south, maybe Naples or futher, do not recall. Was with my brother and we had one train room (for four). <BR> <BR>Since the sliding doors had no security we tied our belts threw handles. My body pouch was hidden in my clothes in duffle bag as we were traveling light at this point. My brother slept with his on his body. My lira was taken but passport in another location was intact. <BR> <BR>Did I see THEM? In my dreamy state I recall shadow moving, thinking it was my brother but paralyzing sleep kept me down, I did not care to talk to him at such a late hour. What if I had? <BR> <BR>Not only was it an invasion of privacy but knowing SOMEONE on the train DID IT which made it most unpleasant in morning. <BR> <BR>I prefer never to travel with overnight trains if no security is provided. I had, however, had good experiences with the overnight ship from Naples to Sicily. <BR> <BR>Fannie, I want to look into door alarm you mentioned as I am returning to Italy in Fall. Any other ways or stores to get one PLEASE POST on this thread for all of us. THANK YOU!
Old Jul 24th, 2001, 12:33 AM
Posts: n/a
nancy......... <BR> <BR>it just happend THIS NIGHT at our home. i wasn't there because i'm dog and houssitting the house of my lifepartners parents. but he called me a half hour ago, that during the night, thefes came into our house. we live in the second floor and there was a window open, our dog is with me... and they robbed laptop, loudspeakers, money and his telefonino (cellular). it IS horrible because you know, you are sleeping (in this case in your own home) and someone find a way to come through an open window. it's not that the access to this window would be easy. they need to build a ladder and this in the centerplace of our small spot. i'm sure we are not the only one and police will even point out to us, that this are the albanese people (beleve me, they are even in switzerland very popular for this *job*). but you loose your privacy and have to think, that they will come back (they left a lot of important things, there would be many things to robbe away). <BR> <BR>tanti saluti <BR> <BR>christina
Old Jul 24th, 2001, 12:38 AM
Posts: n/a
sorry forgott to tell, we live nearby firenze, in the chianti. <BR> <BR>christina
Old Jul 24th, 2001, 09:23 AM
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Nancy, <BR> <BR>I am so sorry to hear about your experiance. It is very disturbing. <BR>Did they take more then the car? You infer that there was more then one room - did they enter your bed rooms? <BR> <BR>So - what is the best thing to do. When I have gone to Italy I usually book places with AC in the cities, but it is not easy in the contry. What is the recommendation? Sleep with your valuables hidden? If you do are you provoking the criminals to possibly hurt you? The problem with alarms is how many do you bring and will they function in the random environments that you stay in. <BR>What did the police or rental company recommend? <BR>Thanks for sharing your experiance. <BR>Aileen <BR> <BR>
Old Jul 24th, 2001, 10:07 AM
Posts: n/a
I searched in google under motion alarms and came up with a number of <BR>ordering sites like: <BR> <BR>I don't know anything about these sites and am still looking for the travel site that sells over the door knob alarms. But try Google. If anyone knows of the sites recommended there please list.
Old Jul 24th, 2001, 09:47 PM
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to the top.
Old Jul 25th, 2001, 01:54 PM
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Aileen: <BR> Yes, they did take other items -- everything they could grab quick - backpacks, cameras and of course, anything we had left in the car. No, they didn't enter the bedrooms(2), which was a huge relief to us. I think they had gotten enough stuff and got out quick. I don't think they wanted a confrontation. <BR>I would definitely stay at places with AC next time - or ask about security. We stayed at another place that did not have AC, but had security cameras and an on-site owner. We did not get any recommendations from anyone there. <BR> I think Elvira's suggestions are on target.
Old Jul 25th, 2001, 09:24 PM
Posts: n/a
Nancy, I, too am sorry for what you went through. <BR>This is scary! We spend a lot of money to travel to these beautiful countries, with all their history, only to be victims of modern methods of thievery. Truly sad.
Old Jul 28th, 2001, 01:56 PM
Posts: n/a
nancy <BR> <BR>want to hear the newest news? and sorry now if i be rude. but you complained while no one react to the fact you got robbed. no one did it neather to my post. and i live here. i can't fly away back home and feel save. <BR> <BR>last night they come back and got into several houses around us. even the ones on the second floor. we do have ac. they entered anyway. thursday evening someone tried to get into my mercedes in the plenty center of firenze. guess what, i have to loose time, have to let fix my lock and last but not least i have to spend now a lot of money to let put into my car an antitheft system. <BR> <BR>can please someone feel sorry for me? but look, in these weeks this well organized groups are coming like bugs into italy, steal, rub, destroy and have fun to get other peoples things. i can't feel save at my own home. my lifepartner luckily didn't wake up! he found the next day on our kitchentable a very sharp knife which doesn't belong to our household. we diceded now to sell our house and find a new one. even if it can happen there again. but it's not fun to live in a house where you know they come back. <BR> <BR>for everyone who come now to florence. please take care, leave things in the hotel, don't get your hotel key with you. pickpockets are agressiv now. they are well organized, you or the police will enver ever get them. it's summertiem and they know due to the heat people get lazier and it's a short game for them. <BR> <BR>christina
Old Jul 28th, 2001, 05:35 PM
Posts: n/a
<BR>Christinaorry to hear such horrible things happened to you!I could understand the helpless feeling very well. And thank you for the warning.
Old Jul 28th, 2001, 07:26 PM
Posts: n/a
I can sympathize - there's nothing worse than having your own home broken into. I had it happen (bunch of kids, not much taken), but the worst part was spending the next few months wondering if I'd find them again. <BR>To follow up on this thread - in fact, have the police proven that thieves are using gas or something, or is this an urban legend? <BR>One thing I will say in favour of Europe over N. America, there IS less violent robbery (mugging). Sneak thievery is a problem everywhere.
Old Jul 28th, 2001, 08:50 PM
Posts: n/a
Yes, gas IS used, even on trains. Rick Steves mentions it in his book.
Old Jul 29th, 2001, 12:30 AM
Posts: n/a
buongiorno! <BR> <BR>no, unfortunately the gas issue isn't an urban legend. it is used by this organized groups. they know that often people sleep with open windows but the shutters (sp?) closed. so they spray something inside and then they have all the time to brake the wood and get into it. i just say: I HATE THEM!!! because it's actually not the fact that they steal things away from you, normally you can replace it. but the fact they enterd as non invited "guests" into your house, probably they looked in every single box and you know, they might come back. it's a violence against your person. phu! well, i didn't want to cry in anyones jacket here. i just read my last posting again and it wasn't very nice. sorry for bothering! but sometimes you have to write it down to feel better. <BR> <BR>have a nice sunday! <BR> <BR>christina
Old Jul 29th, 2001, 06:24 PM
Posts: n/a
To the top! <BR>Gas, that sounds pretty dangerous!
Old Jul 30th, 2001, 09:52 AM
Miss X
Posts: n/a
What is happening to Italy? What can be done. It is my favorite European country, and I want to sleep safely.
Old Jul 30th, 2001, 02:12 PM
Posts: n/a
Oh, dear. I too say, "what is happening to Italy"? It is the country of my parents and I have been many times. GAS? That is HORRIBLE! What are i cabinieri doing? Did I read the robbers are very bad Albanians, leaving the rest of Albania in goodness? <BR> <BR>We go to Italy in October and will rent a car. Do I really need to bring my bar? Have never seen the mini ones mentioned on this thread. Will keep all windows shut and look for high level rooms. This is pitiful but as a New Yorker my car and house are alarmed and never had bad luck yet. It is too bad I have to live this way; at least as a child we did not leave like this.
Old Jul 30th, 2001, 05:07 PM
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I'm a 30 something woman planning her 15th or so trip to europe. Some of my trips have been alone, some with a boyfriend, and some alone/together. I've managed just fine in every country I've been to when I've been alone. <BR> <BR>What does have me worried is going to Italy and Czech Rep. alone. I plan on going to Prague and Venice on this trip, and am quite nervous as to the whole "gassing" thing on overnight trains and thefts in hotels. How prevalent is it really?
Old Jul 30th, 2001, 05:22 PM
Posts: n/a
I know how scary this must have been for you. We had the same experience in a hotel in Williamsburg, VA, that someone came into our suite while we (2 parents, 2 kids) were asleep. They had already searched the living room in which the two kids were asleep and left with stuff they had found there since the bedroom door made a lot of noise when they tried to open that. <BR>As someone said, these things can happen everywhere, and at least chances of a violent attack are lower in Europe than in the US.

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