National Anthems of European Nations

Old Jan 3rd, 2001, 03:27 AM
Posts: n/a
Jordie, <BR>Looks like others have answered your Q before me. Hope you can find it, - and enjoy it as much as I do! <BR> <BR>Sheila and Wes, <BR>Thanks! You beat me to it (- but only by 24 hours...!)
Old Jan 3rd, 2001, 03:30 PM
Posts: n/a
Bob, I do not watch three tenors' shows ever, they make me vomit; it is such shameless selling out and wrongheaded interpretations of music that should not be sung by opera singers. Pavarotti in particular makes me want to throw something at the TV whenever I see him, he is so shameless; he will duet with anyone for money (like Celine Dion). Although my all time favorite in that regard was Monserrat Caballe with Freddy Mercury of Queen at some festival in Barcelona, as I recall--definitely a collector's item. (Bernstein's operatic version of West Side Story with Kiri Te Kenawa was pretty bad, also). However, even though they are part of this trio, I do still like Domingo, and Carreras is actually my favorite singer of those three--I think those two have maintained some professional dignity and integrity. Anyway, Tower is not really the best onlin web site for searching or browsing CDs, I just mentioned it because it was easy. I use CDConnection which is far superior in browsing capability, price, and inventory usually. I always buy from them, so I can vouch for their reliability (not only are their prices generally cheaper than anyone, but shipping is completely free if you buy at least $100 or so, unlike other sites that really rack up the delivery charges.) So, go to and just type "national anthems" in the search box as title of CD. You will get several selections of albums entitled National Anthems of the World, including one for only $8 on BESCOL label by the Vienna State OO. I think it has every one mentioned on this thread.
Old Jan 3rd, 2001, 03:56 PM
Posts: n/a
I never learned the words (probably something really awful about the joys of labor and anabolic steroids) but I thought the melody to the former East German anthem was very beautiful, unlike Deutschland Uber Alles, which, while rehabilitated, still makes my skin crawl. <BR>And, Tony, has Scotland the Brave actually achieved anthem status? I thought it was still The Queen, Scots Wha' Hae, or, at least at old Corries concerts, Flower of Scotland. Also I'm waiting to see what the Russians make of "Unbreakable Union"...oops.
Old Jan 3rd, 2001, 11:29 PM
Posts: n/a
If I might pretend to b eTony John, technically our National Anthem is still GSTQ but unoffically it has become Flower of Scotland. Not hugely appropriate but taken to heart and adopted by the people
Old Jan 4th, 2001, 01:33 AM
Tony Hughes
Posts: n/a
I wouldn't stand for GSTQ as it certainly doesn't stand for me!

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