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How do you respond to Europeans who don't treat you with the proper respect?

How do you respond to Europeans who don't treat you with the proper respect?

Old Jan 13th, 2003, 11:02 AM
Posts: n/a
How do you respond to Europeans who don't treat you with the proper respect?

Only been to Europe once before-1970's, multiple countries-and it wasn't a problem but now I here it is; that Europeans don't treat Americans with proper respect. I think I can generally exclude the English from this but not too many else.<BR><BR>How have people responded the looks, snide comments or being ignored?<BR><BR>Do I ignore it and just bring out a smile? I am tempted to bring up WW 1 and WW 2 and saving them (or conquering them if in Germany or Italy) but then think that while correct, it may just inflame the situation.<BR><BR>How have others handled it?
Old Jan 13th, 2003, 11:05 AM
Posts: n/a
So, that's why you're named Darryl.
Old Jan 13th, 2003, 11:07 AM
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I have a friend who claims to be planning a classic response that I only wish I could have done.<BR><BR>He will take his portable cd player and if ignored, insulted, etc, says he will take out the earpiece and change to play at full volume &quot;Born in the USA!&quot;<BR><BR>Classic! I wish I could be there and see jaws drop when this happens!!!
Old Jan 13th, 2003, 11:07 AM
Posts: n/a
Ignore it,if its true. I have had no problems after numerous recent trips. Why do you expect respect,anyway? You should respect them as a visitor in their country.
Old Jan 13th, 2003, 11:10 AM
Bob C
Posts: n/a
In my trips in the last few years to England, France, Switzerland and Italy we have been treated very well. Have we ever been rudely? Yes but no more or less than in the states. No I take that back, it was always less than in the states and that encludes Paris.
Old Jan 13th, 2003, 11:11 AM
Posts: n/a
Doc, I think what Daryl is driving at is the lack of gratitude many Europeans show Americans in spite of our saving their countries at least twice in world wars. Those people would be living much different and worse lives if we didn't decide to intervene. The Europeans should be thanking American tourists every day until the cows come home is, I believe, Daryl's point.
Old Jan 13th, 2003, 11:16 AM
Posts: n/a
I have never had a problem. Perhaps a better question is what do you do w/the morons that you see driving to work on a daily basis ??
Old Jan 13th, 2003, 11:17 AM
Posts: n/a
The only problems I've ever encountered have been at restaurants (snotty waiters) and hotels (snotty desk clerks). Usually I just ignore it and thank my lucky stars that I'm on a European vacation and they are low-paid service personnel.<BR><BR>On the few occasions that I have felt the need to complain, I have been satisfied. I complain to the restaurant manager or the on-duty hotel manager and say simply that I am unaccustomed to the inferior service I am receiving and ask if they can offer an explanation.<BR><BR>Like you, I have been tempted to tell several French waiters that if it happened again that we needed to save their butt in a war, my vote would be no.
Old Jan 13th, 2003, 11:19 AM
Posts: n/a
I understand that,Sarge. I guess I feel thanking and respecting are different approaches.Simply put,I'm sure they are thankful for WW1 &amp; WW2. But I feel we should respect them in their coutry as they would us in oure.
Old Jan 13th, 2003, 11:23 AM
Posts: n/a
Start by not believing what you hear before you go. Go with an open mind and learn a few words of the languages of the places you are going. How would you react if someone approached you in the USA and expected you to speak their language? I have travelled all over europe for the past 20 years and rarely was I treated rudely (this is true in Paris too). I always try to say please and thank you and learn a few words in the native language. It makes a difference. Also if you go expected rude behavior, you will find it. Go instead expecting to meet wonderful people and you will.
Old Jan 13th, 2003, 11:36 AM
Posts: n/a
Maybe because Americans are always late<BR>i.e. WW1 actually started in 1914 and WW2 in 1939!
Old Jan 13th, 2003, 11:44 AM
George Steed
Posts: n/a
Please, the question is out of order. You will be treated in any European country as an uninvited visitor. You are an intrusion and time using person. Some are in the tourist business and will greet you, others wonder who or what are you. What do you do with uninvited visitors to your home?
Old Jan 13th, 2003, 11:45 AM
Posts: n/a
Have you considered Daryl that the reason most europeans can't abide you arrogant Yanks is because you are fundamentally very rude and very very stupid.You did not save anyone in the world wars as you would like to think.You joined the first WW 1n 1917 just as it was about to end and you hung on till you could figure out which the winning side was going to be.You refused to come to anyones aid in WW2 until a load of japs came and kicked your arse since when you have had your arse kicked in vietnam, korea and the gulf.You couldn't nobble Castro or Saddam and you dont have a clue where Osama is.You now intend to invade Iraq simply because you are running short on gas and scared of terrorists.And you could not do that without Britains help because everytime you fire a missile you hit a school or a hospital.I've got a tip for you when you want to holiday next time; dont come near us europeans, stay at home and go kill some unarmed native americans and remind yourself of the one and only conflict you have ever won .... when you were invading someone elses country.You earn respect boy you dont demand it.And by the way dont think you can generally exclude the English from your observations.I am English and we are just as happy as the rest of our European cousins to hold you in contempt.
Old Jan 13th, 2003, 11:51 AM
Ass of Evil
Posts: n/a
Yes it is. You are wrong, Steve. And you are a fool. Please accept my offer of a one-way ticket anywhere on the globe. Just send me your address when you get there and I'll reimburse you.
Old Jan 13th, 2003, 12:01 PM
Posts: n/a
David,<BR>Not to turn this into a history debate, but the US involvement in WWI came at a critical time. Militarily, the US didn't really mobilize until April of 1918. However, it came at a critical time because both the English and French had no additional reserves. The ability to draw on reseves and supply new troops finally convinced the Germans to seek a peact treaty.<BR><BR>More importantly, the US reinforcements helped to prevent the very real threat of revolution in France, along the lines of what occurred in Russia. In several sectors, French troops were close to anarchy. As you might recall, there had been several attempted revolutions in France as late as the 1880's.<BR><BR>In terms of the rest of your commentary, I'll chalk it up as the rantings of someone who is still pissed about the whole loss of the empire thing. <BR><BR>I'd also be a bit careful about denying the responsibility that the English share for discontent in several parts of the world. Afterall, it was once known as British East Africa and the Middle East borders were determined quite arbitrarily by British Diplomats. <BR><BR>One could also point out the crumbling infrastructure in much of industrial North, the declining national education standards in the UK and the continued inability to resolve the Irish issue.<BR><BR>That said, each nation on earth has problems. Unfortunately, arrogance is one problem that can afflict both our nations.
Old Jan 13th, 2003, 12:05 PM
Posts: n/a
Why exclude the Brits? They seem to be as rude as anyone (including us yanks). Last time I was in London there were the average amount of creeps and twits. Although I love the dry humor, some brits are very clumsy at pulling this off.
Old Jan 13th, 2003, 12:07 PM
Posts: n/a
Dear Darryl.<BR><BR>Please come and visit me. I promise to show you PROPER respect.
Old Jan 13th, 2003, 12:07 PM
Posts: n/a
Been there many times and get exactly the same respect I give. Appreciate the culture and people and you get the same in return. The US just recently lost the last doughboy from WWI who would have had the right to say &quot;look what I did for you&quot; and the vets of WWII get heir respect when they visit, but they don't have to ask for it. I suspect David doesn't have many that respect him in the UK and that's a shame.
Old Jan 13th, 2003, 12:10 PM
Posts: n/a
As told to me by a friend who is an ex-pat &quot;You take the average Brit and put him in a room full of Americans and he takes on this air of superiority and culture. Yet, put him in a room full of members of the House of Lords, and his insecurities and feelings of inadequacy take hold.&quot;<BR><BR><BR><BR>
Old Jan 13th, 2003, 12:28 PM
Posts: n/a
Americans will get respect if they show due respect towards their hosts. Arrogance and mindless nationalism should be left in the soccer stadium, as that is all it is worth. American travelers will be on the receiving edge of the respect that the world will have for what our government does to others. If America is &quot;right &amp; just&quot;, the world will be standing by our side. However, if the American government is &quot;Just Right Wing&quot;, the world will become a danger zone for all Americans.<BR><BR>The coup in Florida was supported by a minority of American voters, and the Ass of Evil act supported by an even smaller minority. For those to go bolding forth and spew the policy of American imperialism, I have nothing but contempt for what you will bring upon the rest of us who remember America as a purveyor of peace. Ugly Americans are again crawling out from under their rock and thinking they should rule the world.<BR>

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