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Has anyone every been pickpocketed in the U.S.?


Has anyone every been pickpocketed in the U.S.?

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Old Mar 5th, 2001, 10:14 AM
Posts: n/a
Has anyone every been pickpocketed in the U.S.?

I've never heard of anywhere in the states where there is a pickpocketing problem. Matters the fact, I've never heard of anyone having their wallet picked here. Does anyone have contrary info?..just curious...
Old Mar 5th, 2001, 10:41 AM
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You're joking, right?!
Old Mar 5th, 2001, 10:49 AM
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No, I'm serious believe it or not-it seems to be very much hyped in Europe, however, I really don't hear about it in the states. I've frequented Chicago, New York and L.A. and have used their subways, etc. I know people in large cities coast to coast. Don't get me wrong, I'm sure it happens-I've just never heard much about it. If you look at these European forums, it always comes up. It's my impression that purse snatching is a more common happening than someone getting their pocket picked.
Old Mar 5th, 2001, 10:57 AM
Posts: n/a
People--locals as well as tourists--often have their pockets picked on buses and in the subway here in NYC, though I'd hardly say it's an epidemic. I haven't witnessed it but I know many who have Ususally, the victims provide the opportunity, by leaving things exposed and not paying attention. It's amazng how blase even big-city dwellers can be, and then wonder, "how did it happen?"
Old Mar 5th, 2001, 11:36 AM
Posts: n/a
I am amazed to read how many are afraid of pickpocketing in Europe. Of course, it happens, as Caitlin mentioned, especially in public transportation (Métro in Paris!), departement stores, etc. But if you walk out of a bank in Florence, Rome or or wherever with a big bunch of Lire bank-bills, you take the risk that there will be a hord of small gipsy girls after you. <BR>On the other hand, in Europe everybody talks about pickpocketing in the States, esp. NYC subway. What about that? There is no need to panic, just be alert. I always say "where tourists are, pickpockets are not far".
Old Mar 5th, 2001, 11:38 AM
want the money?
Posts: n/a
Well, you see, there is one substantial difference between the street criminals here in the USA and those in Europe. Here they do not need to depend on stealth and sticky fingers. No, thanks to the NRA and the wide availablity of guns, they just walk up, stick a gun in your face, and demand your money, and if you are lucky they leave after you give it to them. Many times though the victim is then shot in the head to eliminate the witness. Since Europe is much more civilized and guns are very uncommon they choose to pick pockets. So, the next time you think about this just remember the good old NRA and their position that every gun is good and each citizen has the right to own pistols, rifles, machine guns, bazookas, etc. Ah, God bless Charlton Heston and the NRA, for they make the USA the crime ridden place it is.
Old Mar 5th, 2001, 11:59 AM
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Chuck - I think you're overcompensating for the loss of your virility and stamina due to how old and bitter you are. Viagra can't help huh? I hear you and John Wayne were closet cases - if you don't want people suspecting you're gay don't go trying to act "butch" - it only makes you look more suspicious of what you're condeming.
Old Mar 5th, 2001, 12:13 PM
Posts: n/a
I had my wallet lifted in Port Authority Station in NY many years ago. I was going from the bus to the train. I was stupid and had a purse that did not close - basket style. Anyway, I felt someone walking a tad too close and looked down just in time to see him put my wallet in his pocket. So I didn't say a word, just put my hand in his pocket and took it back! He noticed just as I was putting the wallet back in my pocket. He just smiled and faded into the crowd. I guess I was lucky he was a good-natured pickpocket or perhaps a novice. I've been careful ever since.
Old Mar 5th, 2001, 12:18 PM
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I think "want the money?" makes a very good point. While there does seem to be a fair amount of petty crime, like pickpocketing, in European cities, I'm not aware of any European city where violent crime is as prevalent as it is in many U.S. cities. <BR> <BR>Is anyone else? Is anyone aware of a city in Europe that is known for a lot of violent crime?
Old Mar 5th, 2001, 12:58 PM
Posts: n/a
I've been fortunate enough never to have had my pocket picked, in the U.S. or abroad. But I know several people who have been mugged here in the States, at gun or knifepoint. Fortunately, none were injured, but all were traumatized. <BR> <BR>I agree with "want the money" - there has just been yet another school shooting today, with 2 dead and 13 injured by a 15-year-old weilding a handgun. See: http://dailynews.yahoo.com/fc/US/School_Violence/ <BR> <BR>What is it going to take for our government to do something drastic about gun control? I'm guessing that if something like this happened at a school attended by one of the President's children or grandchildren, he just might be persuaded to stand up to the NRA.
Old Mar 5th, 2001, 01:52 PM
Posts: n/a
Guns are not the problem. People are the problem. If we would just inforce the laws we now have the situation would get better. Murderers should be locked up forever. It doesn't only take a gun to kill people. O.J.'s wife was killed with a knife. Some people purposely kill with an automobile. Its not the guns that are the problem, but rather the fact that laws are not inforced.
Old Mar 5th, 2001, 01:57 PM
Posts: n/a
I was with someone who was pickpocketed at National Airport in DC. What surprised me about it was that she had someone send her money via Western Union, that was the standard then. She had to GO to the western union office to get her money. this would be difficult with no money. Thank god for ATM's! I also got a call from my husband who was worried as an acquaintence was mugged in Chicago while I was there. I reminded him that I never dress like someone who is worth mugging!
Old Mar 5th, 2001, 06:51 PM
Posts: n/a
Madrid,Spain is the most violent city I have ever been in Europe (I go to Europe about every other month).I was mugged in the train station during daytime in Nov.1999 (I always dress very low-key ,never wear any jewelry when I travel). One guy choked me from behind,2 guys took my backpack and monybelt under my jacket and sweater ( So, moneybelt is not safe either, now I wear anklebelt).The whole thing was over than 30 seonds.I lost passport,credit cards, money,luggage, everything including the 2 sets of copies of passport, air ticket in my packpack and my packet. The police had to take me to emergency because the damage in my throat,I could hardly talk for 2 weeeks.I went to Amex to get replacement card next day. there was a long line up. A big guy in front of me was beaten so bad,almost disfigured, his wife told me it happened to them in the plazza Mayor during daytime too.The officer in the Embassy told me it happened dozen times a week,some people even had to stay in hospital for weeks.
Old Mar 5th, 2001, 06:58 PM
Posts: n/a
To: Guns. Sure, O.J. killed two people with a knife but consider this. Two Beatles -- John Lennon & George Harrison -- have been attacked, one with a gun (Lennon in 1980 in New York City), and one with a knife (Harrison, about a year ago at his home in England). Guess which one survived and which one didn't? <BR> <BR>Sure people pull the trigger, or wield the knife. But guns increase the amount -- and, I'd argue the certainty -- of the carnage that takes place. <BR> <BR>We're a violent, gun-crazy society and we pay a price for that.
Old Mar 5th, 2001, 07:06 PM
Posts: n/a
In the early 1990's my Dad (who was a native New Yorker) was leaving Grand Central Station and felt a hand go for his wallet. He tackled the guy and held him down, until the police came. Unfortunatly he already passed off the wallet to an accompliss. My Dad then noticed that the police in Grand Central were whispering back and forth with the pickpocketer! Needless to say he figured out pretty quick that the police were in on it. Lucky for him he grew up with numerous cops in the Bronx, so he was able to drop a few names. "Miraculously" his wallet was found within minutes (minus his cash!)So I wonder if the police in some European countries work with criminals too.
Old Mar 5th, 2001, 07:15 PM
Posts: n/a
Unfortunately, in the USA we tend toward the bigger, "better " crimes, eschewing simple acts like pickpocketing, although that does occur in major cities with some regularity. We are, unfortunately, associated more with larger crimes like carjacking, drive-by shootings, school murders, etc. But I bet if you lived in Europe you'd be warned about pickpockets in major American urban centers the way we are warned about them in major European cities.
Old Mar 5th, 2001, 09:32 PM
Posts: n/a
Just because you've never heard of it doesn't mean it doesn't happen - a lot! Unfortunately, tourists visiting the USA are more likely to be carjacked, stabbed or shot than have their pocket picked. Last I heard, the pickpockets in Boston are complaining that business is "slow" because no one carries cash anymore - just a debit card. Also, many jurisdictions have passed serious "laws against tourists", whereupon the sentence upon conviction for pickpocketing is way longer than murdering them for a few bucks.
Old Mar 6th, 2001, 09:14 AM
Posts: n/a
My cousin's husband had his wallet neatly lifted from his back pocket in the Atlanta airport. She said they had done everything wrong--his pocket didn't button, he was carrying quite a bit of cash, and they were returning from Hawaii tired and talking about their trip instead of being aware.
Old Mar 6th, 2001, 09:59 AM
Posts: n/a
I've never been pickpocketed in the U.S., but when I was living in NYC I dropped my wallet while getting out of a cab in Harlem in front of Sylvia's restaurant. A man came in soon after we were seated and handed me my wallet back. I was floored. I hadn't even realized I'd dropped it.
Old Mar 6th, 2001, 10:41 AM
Posts: n/a
I feel that it really depends on where you are in the United States. I live in Oregon and have lived most of my life in Alabama. I have never been harmed or pick pocketed. I have been to most major metroplitian airports.. Chicago, New York, San Fran, Atlanta and have never had a problem. I also don't ever "REEK" of being a tourist. The suitcase tends to be a giveaway though!! As with any large city, there are seedy sections and one must always be aware. I stayed in New York for 9 days and the only problem I had where men saying strange and graffic things to me. It can be a bizare city but, enjoyable if you are intuitive and safe..If you have a bad feeling about where you are or the situation you are in.. Pay attention! Jcat

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