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Harrods January Super Sale


Harrods January Super Sale

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Old Sep 8th, 2000, 04:08 PM
Posts: n/a
Harrods January Super Sale

I've been to Harrods sale several times but always on the opening day or 2nd day. This year I cannot get to London until the second week of the sale. My question is does Harrods replenish their merchandise (can they possably have that much stock) or is the merchandise pretty much picked over by the end of the first week? Would it be a waste of time and money to go? Any knowledge of the sale would be greatly appreciated. <BR>Maura
Old Sep 20th, 2000, 04:00 PM
Posts: n/a
Hi Maura <BR>Sorry not to anwer your question, but maybe you can tell me how you found out the dates of the sale. I was hoping to go this year, but haven't been able to find the dates. Thanks
Old Sep 23rd, 2000, 06:45 AM
not a shopaholic
Posts: n/a
I too would love to have more information on the dates of the Harrods sale. I have been assuming that they would simply come right after x-mas/new years, i.e. jan 2, but maybe I've been wrong? checked out the harrods website and found no information there. can anyone share information?
Old Sep 23rd, 2000, 07:19 AM
Posts: n/a
I haven't been to the January sale, but I was at their spa a few months ago and asked about it. They told me that it gets picked over very quickly and that they do very little replenishing. Also, they said it's a madhouse so get there at opening. This won't help you, but they suggested going in before the sale to try on, make selections and go back the day the sale starts and simply pick up the items.
Old Sep 23rd, 2000, 07:34 PM
Posts: n/a
What is the big deal about the Harrods sale? I was in the UK (last week and for the sale last January). Clothes are soooo much more expensive in London than in the U.S. and a Harrods sale just means that the clothes are not outrageous, just overpriced. If Macys sells something in the US for 40 dollars and Harrods sells it for 85 dollars (about 60 pounds), why should I be excited about a Harrods sale for 50 pounds if I am not from the UK? <BR> <BR>I guess it is taxes, but why is EVERYTHING more expensive in the UK than in the US. A gallon of gas in the US (we bitch about it but it) is about $1.65 a gallon. In the UK, a litre (about 1/4 a gallon) is .85 pounds (about $1.45) or about $5.80 a gallon. There would be protests in the streets in NY. <BR> <BR>Is there anything in Harrods that a person in NY would be interested in??
Old Sep 24th, 2000, 04:12 AM
Nigel Doran
Posts: n/a
Jeff, you have hit the nail on the head. We have high taxes in the U K, and no matter what kind of government we get, it will always be more expensive over here than over there. <BR>But, our taxes mean that we have toll-free motorways, free National Health Service care, free dentistry for all under 16s and for pregnant mothers and certain other groups, free education to 18, cheap (no more than £1000 a year and then only for the more wealthy parents of students) university education for all manner of courses, including medicine, architecture, languages. <BR>It is true that the N H S and the education system is not perfect, but I am sure you would agree that any country's system always has room for improvement regardless of the way it is funded. <BR>Also in Britain, the tax is already on the price label. Prices do not change according to the whims of those in charge of a particular location. Foreigners can claim back their V A T, a tax that is not put on food, transport, books, newspapers or children's clothes. <BR>Tax is currently a hot topic here in the U K, but unfortunately, most people would prefer to have slightly cheaper prices than the services they have come to expect as a right.
Old Sep 24th, 2000, 07:05 AM
Posts: n/a
Thank you Nigel. <BR> <BR>I will keep it short for I do not know if an extensive discussion of the pros and cons of our two democratic systems is appropriate for this thread or forum, but it is an interesting topic. <BR> <BR>There are so many pros of the British system. It is disheartening to me in NY that most Americans say that they want national healthcare, but are unwilling to go through with their convictions. But looking at London and much of Europe, I do not have the strong convictions anymore (I think/possibly/maybe) because with our health care system, the vast majority of working people have good insurance that enables them to get immediate healthcare at any hospital and full dental care; both with only minor deductions. My mom had a stroke last summer(all is well but) she would have had a major problem if she did not have the options of immediate full care and the right to tell her doctor to go to hell and get treated at a different facility immediately with a different doctor (all later drs said that she was being poorly treated). If you are poor in this county, you do get immediate hospitalization benefits on the government (but it may not be up to par of someone with insurance). Also, it is just a fact that Americans have better dental benefits than anyone in Europe. <BR> <BR>In sum, both countries have their pros and cons when it comes to services, but you certainly can't tell Americans to pay twice as much to fund a health care system with they get (for the most part) (and about 75-100% is paid for) by their work. Also Americans have a reputation of being the most impatient people on the planet, so we couldn't move to a Canadian type system with requires a priority system of who is most injured (my stubbed toe is as important as your triple bypass). <BR> <BR>It is a lively and interesting conversation, maybe not on this Harrods string.
Old Sep 24th, 2000, 09:22 AM
Posts: n/a
yes, this is fascinating and as an American who thinks we can all learn to be a little more patient, i tend to agree more with Nigel. Nevertheless, I simply want to know when the Harrods sale begins. Can anyone address that issue?
Old Sep 24th, 2000, 06:34 PM
Susan Park
Posts: n/a
Jeff, I agree about the prices in London--Harrod's charged a pound to go to the bathroom and we laughed. But the really funny thing was the little sleeveless light weight cotton blouse for $500! But, the taxes over there according to some Brits I've spoken with, are to support the monarchy and all the cousins however distant they are. I love it there but the price of things are simply outrageous to me. Worse than N.Y.C. or S.F. It's just mind boggling to me too.
Old Sep 24th, 2000, 07:09 PM
Posts: n/a
Susan Park <BR>Here's a helpful tidbit. They won't charge you to use the restrooms if you spend at least 200 pounds on any given day. Now that's a bargain. <BR> <BR>Now, for Maura, someone PLEASE tell her when the January sale begins. I'd like the info too. Yes it's already way to pricey, but some things you just can't find anywhere else.
Old Sep 25th, 2000, 03:34 AM
Nigel Doran
Posts: n/a
I think your British friends who have been telling you about where our taxes go are, to put it politely, completely misled, and probably republican. <BR>It is true the Queen and certain other members of the Royal Family get tax payers' money, but they then use that to fund their trips, pay their staff etc. etc. Check out the Buckingham Palace website for more info. It is a relatively paltry amount when you consider the work they do and the kudos they bring. (Can you imagine a faceless career politician President getting the crowds in the same way Q E 2 can?) <BR>It is a matter of fact that the Royals have become increasingly aware of their fiscal responsibilities and are well-known for their frugality. A few months ago, Princess Anne showed up at a restaurant and paid with a coupon snipped out of The Times, just as thousands of others had been doing! <BR>B T W, I have never been to Harrods and so cannot pass any comment on it. <BR>If you want to find out how to have a cheaper time in London and in the U K in general, ask more questions on this site!
Old Sep 25th, 2000, 04:41 AM
Posts: n/a
Actually, there was an article in the newspaper 2 weeks ago comparing the cost of cities around the world and both New York and Chicago were more expensive than London, I think London was ranked 13th or so. I cant remember clearly as I dont have the article, but they compared the average cost of various different things in each city. <BR> <BR>Also, don't forget that exchange rates change all of the time. Two weeks ago the £ was at a 14 year low against the $ - so obviously things would have been cheaper for Americans visiting the UK this month compared to a year ago. <BR> <BR>In answer to the original question, people go mad for the Harrods sale and queue all night to get in. I think most of the good bargins are gone the first day. Its not just a case of half price sales, a lot of the time prices are completely slashed to ridiculous amounts, from £1000 to £200 for a sofa or whatever. That's why people go mad. I haven't been myself, it's not something the average Londoner would be interested in. <BR> <BR>And Jeff... not everything is more expensive in the UK - my boyfriend and I was shocked at some of the supermarket grocery prices in the US last year, as I always expect things like that to be cheaper than here. <BR>Clothes aren't soooooo much more expensive either. Some things are, like trainers and jeans, which is why Brits go shopping for them when in the US, but everyday clothes (not Harrods, they aren't realistic high street prices) are not that much different. <BR>I had a friend living in Washington DC who came over here one New Year and bought a lot of evening wear in the department store sales, because she couldnt get the same quality for those prices in Washington (dresses for under £50). Since then I've paid more attention when I go to the shops in the US. <BR> <BR>Nigel didnt mention this, so I will... a lot of big companies in the UK offer private medical care to their employees and their families. I have joined the scheme here at work, I dont pay anything towards it and not all medical conditions and treatment will be covered, but its nice to have the choice if I didn't want to wait on the NHS. <BR> <BR>OK rant finished <BR>
Old Sep 25th, 2000, 05:14 AM
Posts: n/a
1. When does the sale begin? <BR> <BR>2 While I understand the high prices in London to be a fact, do not take this for London bashing. NYers complain (and complain, and complain) about the high prices in Manhattan as opposed to most other areas, including the surrounding areas of this metropolitan city. This does not mean that I would want to live anywhere else. The fact that I am a Starbucks addict and pay $3.50 for my muffin and coffee each morning on Broadway and then go to Kensington High Street and pay over 3 1/2 pounds for the same thing is not bashing London, just surprised because I thought that I had the privelege of living in the most expensive city outside Tokyo. I have friends in London, raised in NYC, but he now works for Merrill Lynch in London (formerly Deutsche Bank in London) and she works as a nurse for Barclay's Bank. They will be in London for another 3-4 years. They are not complaining because it is a great city; all they complain about (other than family related normal home sickness) is the fact that they have to stock up when they fly home due to the high prices. As a democrat in NY, I see the merits of socialized governing, but I have to say that at least 50% of this country would not.
Old Sep 25th, 2000, 09:31 AM
Posts: n/a
Actually NY and London are expensive cities to live. If you want an "unbiased opinion" here is a list... <BR> <BR>-- Here's a list of the 20 most expensive cities for foreigners, with Tokyo as the most costly, as well as rankings of all American cities in a survey by private consultancy, Corporate Resources Group: <BR>1. Tokyo <BR>2. Hong Kong <BR>3. Beijing <BR>4. Osaka, Japan <BR>5. Shanghai, China <BR>6. Moscow <BR>7. Guangzhou, China <BR>8. London <BR>9. Shenzhen, China <BR>10. Seoul, South Korea <BR>11. Geneva <BR>12. Zurich, Switzerland <BR>13. Singapore <BR>14. St. Petersburg, Russia <BR>15. Taipei, Taiwan <BR>16. New York <BR>17. Oslo, Norway <BR>18. Copenhagen <BR>19. Vienna <BR>20. Paris <BR>Rankings of other U.S. cities: <BR>53. Chicago <BR>54. Miami <BR>58. San Francisco <BR>60. Tie: Los Angeles and San Juan, Puerto Rico <BR> <BR> <BR>
Old Sep 25th, 2000, 10:12 AM
Posts: n/a
So when does the sale begin??
Old Sep 26th, 2000, 01:06 AM
Posts: n/a
Old Sep 26th, 2000, 03:44 AM
Posts: n/a
ummmm unbiased? Seeing as I couldn't even remember many details about the survey I saw, why do you think it would be biased. If you think UK newspapers are forever telling us how great things are, think again. They are always quick to point out how hard done by we are.
Old Sep 26th, 2000, 06:35 AM
Posts: n/a
I didn't realize that this was in such dispute. Every reputable survey has London as one of the most expensive cities. It has nothing to do with what side of the pond you are on. In fact, the survey I quoted is a Swiss survey, NOT AMERICAN. Since you won't believe anything but a close to home survey... <BR> <BR>Economist Intelligence Unit's (inlcuding Economist Magazine)Annual Survey of Worldwide Cost of Living Survey finding Tokyo, Osaka, Hong Kong, Libreville, Oslo, Zurich, London, Paris, Geneva, Copenhagen, Vienna, Taipai, New York, Stockholm being the most expensive in that order. The next survey will be released in December 2000. <BR> <BR>Tokyo and Osaka head the list of the world's most expensive cities in which to live. <BR>European Union: London is the world's 7th most expensive city, and the most expensive city in the European Union, surpassing Paris and Geneva during the past 12 months. The weak euro, combined with the comparative strength of the pound, has pushed Manchester to number 20, making it more expensive than all of the German cities, as well as Amsterdam and Helsinki. <BR> <BR>Japan: Tokyo and Osaka remain the most expensive cities in the world, a spot they have retained since 1991. As the Japanese economy recovers and the yen appreciates, Tokyo's comparative cost of living index has risen to 26%, making it more than 30% more expensive than Hong Kong, which retains the number three slot despite negative inflation. <BR> <BR>Europe: Oslo and Zurich remain the most expensive cities in Europe, and tie for fifth place as the world's most expensive cities. Most euro-zone cities have dropped down the rankings, following the euro's inauspicious performance in 1999. Paris is the most expensive euro-zone city, at number eight, while Lisbon remains the least expensive, at number 68. Bucharest, at number 120, is now the least expensive city in Europe. <BR> <BR>India: New Delhi and Mumbai (formerly Bombay) have usurped Tripoli as the cheapest cities, with cost of living indices of just 41 and 42 respectively. Tripoli itself has made a monumental climb up the list to number 14 following the unification of the black market and official exchange rates, and the lifting of UN sanctions. <BR> <BR>North America: New York is the most expensive North American city, with Chicago now in second place. The comparative strength of the dollar against the euro has meant that the more expensive US cities have risen in the rankings as the euro-zone cities have fallen. Atlanta is the cheapest U.S. city on the survey with an index of 74. Montreal and Vancouver are the most expensive Canadian cities, in 70th place, and Calgary is the cheapest city in the North American survey. <BR> <BR>Australia: As the Australian dollar has strengthened over the past 12 months, Australian cities have begun to climb in the rankings. Sydney, at number 45, is the most expensive, with a cost of living equal to Cairo and Amman. <BR> <BR>
Old Sep 26th, 2000, 06:39 AM
Posts: n/a
One more thing. For those not geographically savvy, like me, I looked up number 4... <BR> <BR>One last thing. For those less geography savvy like me. I looked up number 5... <BR> <BR>Libreville, city, capital, and chief port of Gabon, on the Gabon River Estuary, on the Gulf of Guinea. It has a population of 365,650 (1993 estimate).
Old Oct 11th, 2000, 05:31 AM
Posts: n/a
I just recieved an email from Harrod in answer to my question about their January sale. Dates are 1/3-1/27.

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