
Benita In Paris

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Old Jun 9th, 2013, 04:33 AM
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Beverly's daughter works for her Mom in the summer and cleans rental houses. She comes every Saturday, changes all the linens, cleans bathrooms, washes and vacuums all the floors. I thought we were keeping the house rather neat until she left. It looks much better and was nice to have the sheets cleaned.

After showering, I came out of my bedroom, and there was 70 in her bathing suit, on hands and knees moping up water that was spewing out of washing machine. We now have a pail and bucket by machine, just in case.

Went into Gordes for some shopping and pizza at home in the evening. Also filled car with diesel gas


Went to Isle de l'Sorgue for the market. Very big and extremely crowded. Bought olive tree wooden salad tongs, soap, keys (old). Lavender and herbes for gifts.

Got lost from 70 and 71. I thought we were supposed to meet at Post Office. They thought the car.

I sat on a bench by the Post Office and an old French man came and sat down beside me. We exchanged hellos. Then he motioned that it was warm and pulled out the neck of his shirt while sniffing down his shirt implying he stunk. His belly was hanging down over his pants. He lifted up his shirt to his neck and patted his stomach again implying he liked to eat.

I tried to look in the opposite direction. But he was making noises. I couldn't tell which end they were coming from. Finally a beautiful collie came by and he was making sounds to get the dogs attention. He was not talking in French but was quacking like a duck. This was about all I could take. I said goodby and he put his hand out to shake my hand, I obliged and then he kissed my hand. I just wanted my sani wet ones.

Bought chickens with the potatoes and drippings for dinner at house tonight. Looked for cork lady at market, but didn't see her. Will have to check Gordes market on Tuesday.
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Old Jun 9th, 2013, 06:01 AM
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I am reading about your adventure and enjoying it Benita. But God love you, you truly are having a trying time some days.
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Old Jun 9th, 2013, 06:03 AM
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I am enjoying following along on your adventures immensely. I love how you roll... nothing gets you down or stops you. You're the bomb!

And from now on fuel up the van yourself... putting gas into a diesel vehicle is ... well... dumb. Remember that diesel is referred to as 'gazole' in French... that doesn't mean gasoline!
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Old Jun 9th, 2013, 09:12 AM
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Your hub must be related to maitaitom!
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Old Jun 10th, 2013, 08:08 AM
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70H wanted to sleep. I figure I can sleep when I get home, so the three ladies went to Apt. I had never been there and wanted to see what it was like. Nice town. Seemed like a working class town, although lots of shops. There were not many open on Mpnday but we found items to buy. Padded embroidered hangers, two small quilts for friends and more dish towels.

Stopped at Le Chant d l'Heure, Creperie-Grill, 88, rue Saint Pierre, Apt. Walked upstairs, open kitchen, sat outside. Very pleasant and kitchen was very clean. 70 and 71 ordered ham and cheese crepes, two tomato and lettuce salads (huge), and two beers. I ordered some kind of special, I wasn't sure exactly what it was but it had a choice of crepes so I ordered ham and cheese with a glass of wine. I thought I was getting a salad but 71 shared her salad with me. Crepes were delicious. I was almost finished with the crepe and the waitress bought me a large steak, lettuce and a wonderful baked potato with creme fresh. Holy Moly, was I surprised. We shared the potato, few bites of steak and then I had dessert which was shared. Scoop of creme brulee ice cream and a scoop of raspberry sorbet.. Bill was 44 Euros for everything.

There was a man and woman sitting near us and after we had finished he asked us if we would like him to take our picture. It was very nice of him. We think he was German but spoke very good English. As we were leaving, I walked past him as he was paying his bill. He asked me if I had been to some place near that was a mini Colorado. He had a discussion with the waitress and cook about the location. Then had the cook go downstairs to show me on the map where it was. Then he came down the stairs behind to have a further discussion on how much I would like it there. That there is a twenty minute walk, an hour walk and a three hour walk. (Trust me, we do not look like women who take three hour walking tours in the mountains). I thanked him and we were on our way. We are almost at the car and he came up behind me and opened two more maps to give me directions. Then went across the street and got the brochure out of his beautiful Mercedes sports car to give to me.

71 said, people just talk to you, don't they? I said now you understand what I mean about people talking to me. At least he wasn't like yesterday's man (who we refer to as a fixer upper or restoration or a make-over).

Sunday we saw a lovely wedding in Gordes. It was fun to see the bride and groom and guests milling around the square. 70 saw lots of good looking older gentlemen with their nieces (or so we thought. There were no fixer uppers at that party).

Back to house for swim and nap. Going out for dinner tonight.
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Old Jun 10th, 2013, 08:12 AM
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Oh, Benita, you do make me laugh! I am loving your TR.
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Old Jun 10th, 2013, 10:13 AM
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I am enjoying your report. It reminds me of the time my husband got us arrested in the wilds of Basilicata.

I didn't realize that 70 and 71 were both women. I thought they were a man and woman couple. Are they a couple, in any case?

Also, what is nuogot? Candy?

And man, you are one wold class shopper!

Loving your report; I seldom read every word of a TR but your's is different.
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Old Jun 10th, 2013, 11:03 AM
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Benita, there must be something about you that's very approachable. Love your daily updates.
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Old Jun 10th, 2013, 01:25 PM
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Love this report. I share your love for Paris, and your report also brings back memories of (mis)adventures exploring Provence by rented car.
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Old Jun 10th, 2013, 01:50 PM
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Google "nougat".... Montelimar in the Rhone Valley is famous for it...
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Old Jun 10th, 2013, 11:09 PM
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70 and 71 are best friends. 70 is a widow and her husband and my husband were friends in high school. 70 and her husband and my husband (before I got him) traveled together all the time. 71 is married but husband doesn't like to travel. They used to work together and enjoy traveling together. 70 is a wonderful cook and has prepared some wonderful meals for us here at the house. The other night when I bought the chickens at the market, I just cut them up, heated the potatoes and 71 cooked some frozen beans. A typical dinner at my house at home. I got the feeling that it was not normally what 70 cooks. Sort of a low class meal for her. But every meal is fun so what I eat doesn't matter to me.

Face timed my daughter, 40, yesterday and told her to bring some space bags to help get everything home. We are going to be back in Paris at the end of Provence for the sales. Heaven help me.
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Old Jun 11th, 2013, 10:21 AM
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71 took us to La Bastide de Gordes last night for dinner. Sat out on the terrace and had a bottle of champagne to celebrate the trip and 70H's upcoming birthday with the obligatory black olives and wonderful nuts. The three women had such a lovely luncheon here several days ago, we knew it would be great. Then downstairs for dinner in a beautiful rather small dining room. Started with crabmeat in a sauce. Delish Then 70 and 71 shared a huge prawn and 70H and I shared foie gras. I am not a great lover of the stuff but this was pan seared and absolutely wonderful. We all had veau for the main course, wonderful red wine from Bordeau and a decadent chocolate dessert with four extra little desserts for each of us. We asked them to box them up to bring home. Lovely, lovely evening.
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Old Jun 11th, 2013, 12:40 PM
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My husband has a medical condition that doesn't really limit him but can be rather messy at times. I won't go into detail but this morning he fell going down three stairs into our bedroom, then when I was trying to help him up he fell again. Horrible mess. He is quite bruised and extremely sore. I think he spent most of day in bed. He will probably be even more sore tomorrow. That was all before 9 a.m.

71, 70 and I went to Gordes to market to find the cork lady. She was there and bought two purses (did I tell you 40 and I have a shelf full of pocketbooks) and some small change purses.

Stopped at corner cafe in Gordes where we had pizza one night. After our cafe, I saw someone drinking pastis. I asked about it, it was grapefruit flavor. We ordered one to try and I liked it. Tasted sort of like Good & Plenty (one of my favorite candies).

As we were sitting a lovely German couple asked if they could sit with us. Guess that is common in Europe. but certainly not in US. We talked about 45 minutes. We wanted to order pizza but we were sitting at a drinks only table and would have to move to eat. That sounds so absurb to me. Imagine, turning away business.

We said our goodby and drove to Cavillion for grocery shopping. We were hungry so stopped at a place I had seen five years ago. It is in Robion on right hand side. Bicycle out front with lots of fake flowers and pots and pans. It is an ice cream shop also. 70 and 71 split a pizza. I have this feeling they are not as adventurous as I am towards food. I had the special. Lovely salad with melted cheese on toast. Might have been goat cheese but I am not sure. I don't know why goat cheese tastes so much better in France. I hate it at home. Then came a large thin piece of fried chicken with a delicious sauce, mashed potatoes (what the heck do they do to the potatoes here, OMG they are great). french fries, and some kind of sauteed mixture of onions, mushrooms and other ingredients, which was very good. FF and mashed potatoes? Too good to be true. I usually order the daily special. It seems to always be delicious and I want to try as many flavors of food that I can. 70 and 71 always seem to ogle my food and are happy to eat off my plate. But I always share with them because I want them to have an opportunity to taste lots of different things.

Then off to grocery store, I had a big list because 40 (daughter), 12 (granddaughter) and 8 (granddaughter) are supposed to be here Thursday. And daughter (26) is arriving on Friday.
I wanted to have groceries in the house that 12 and 8 would like. Pasta, cheerios and oreos. Shopping in the store was difficult because I have no idea where anything is and most of it I do not have the faintest idea if it is even edible. I walked past the fish dept and it was very smelly and it was beside the bras and undies. I just can't imagine my local Shaw's selling bras next to the fish area. Those puritanical Maine ers just wouldn't know what to do.

Went back home. 70H was taking pain meds all day, was a little more loopy than usual. Had pizza for dinner and put him to bed.

Now for the next situation.

40 has contacted me that the traffic control strike in France is when she is traveling here. I guess Air France has cancelled several flights to Paris from New York tomorrow but her flight from Boston is still ok. But there is no plane to Marseille. They said she can stay in CDG all night and they will fly her out Friday morning. She is optimistic that she can get here. She may have to take a train, but I have checked the train and there is very little availablility. So 40, 12 and 8 may spend a night at a hotel at CDG and I will pick them up Friday morning and 26 too in Marseille. I think my new motto is: Expect the unexpected!
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Old Jun 11th, 2013, 12:46 PM
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Please keep it coming! We spotted a wedding of a somewhat older man gamely picking up his youngish bride for a photo. His face was getting red.

Hope 70H will heal.
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Old Jun 11th, 2013, 01:00 PM
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Oh Benita thank you so much for your posts and the rest of you who make such good replies!!!..Am living vicariously with you right now as I sit with dh who had a stroke June 5th!!! Great care givers but I'd rather be having lifts break down than this guy.....Keep me elevated with your posts..
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Old Jun 11th, 2013, 05:19 PM
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Best wishes to 70H... hope he's up and around soon!
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Old Jun 11th, 2013, 05:47 PM
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Benita: i absolutely LOVE this report. You have the best attitude ever! In my next life I want to be like you when I travel. You have gotten thru things that would have flattened me, and you continue to give us great information about the places, people and food. Hooray for you, and please keep it up.

ParisAmsterdam is right. You ARE the bomb! And I love the way you identify people by their ages. I think it's a first on Fodor's.
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Old Jun 11th, 2013, 05:57 PM
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Really enjoying your TR! Loved the description of sounds from your friend on the bench.
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Old Jun 11th, 2013, 06:34 PM
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I've been highly entertained, thank you.
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Old Jun 11th, 2013, 07:55 PM
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Benita: you are a hoot!!
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