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Side Trips: Malaysia safe for Americans?


Side Trips: Malaysia safe for Americans?

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Old Jun 21st, 2002, 01:04 PM
Posts: n/a
Side Trips: Malaysia safe for Americans?

Hi,<BR>My (future) husband I will be spending 3 weeks in Singapore for our honeymoon. We would like to spend 10 days in Singapore & 20 days on several side trips to Malaysia and Indonesia via train/boat (no planes) <BR><BR>1. What 1-day or multi-day side trips are good from Singapore (in Indonesia or Malaysia??) <BR><BR>2. The other thing we were wondering about is whether Malaysia safe for Americans? We have been reading about some Taliban networks located in Malaysia and are a little worried we may not be safe as Americans. There has also been American kidnapping in some Asian countries so we are a little afraid of that possibility, too. (Probably wont happen but it's crossed our miind).<BR><BR>
Old Jun 21st, 2002, 01:47 PM
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Yes, Malaysia is safe for Americans. Have you heard that there are terrorist cells in the US? It's true, but we don't usually worry about staying in the US.<BR><BR>Airport security is has long been very good in Asia, especially Singapore and Bangkok (better than in the US, frankly), so I wouldn't worry about flying. I'd recommend Bali as one trip for you, and Maleka (Mallacca) in Malaysia is a charming town. There are also lots of beach resorts in Malaysia. If you are feeling more adventuresome, I'd recommend flying to Yogjakarta to see Borobudor and Prambanan. Personally, I consider Garuda to be one of the worst airlines in the world, so would recommend either Singapore Airlines for a flight to Bali or Silk Air (a subsidiary of Singapore Air) for a flight to Yogja. For flights into Malaysia, Malaysian Air is excellent.<BR><BR>While I love Singapore, I think 10 days there is too long. I'd spend more time on side trips.
Old Jun 23rd, 2002, 01:10 PM
Posts: n/a
Singapore is pretty small, so you don't really need 10 days to see it. (It's my country so I know it.. haha) I guess about 5-6 would be good unless you intend to make Singapore your "base" and travel to and fro to Malaysia and Indonesia. For a day trip in Malaysia, Johor Bahru is the nearest to Singapore - just connected by a causeway. You can go there for food and shopping. Perhentian isn't as near, but its a nice place too. Or Kota Tinggi waterfalls. For Indonesia, you can take a 45 min ferry from Singapore to Bintan, a nice beach place to relax. Treat yourself to a spa or something! <BR>Its really easy to get around by bus/train to Malaysia and Indonesia from Singapore. There are many bus companies (Golden Mile Complex) so you don't have to rely on tour agents. <BR>I would suggest going to Thailand, but since you don't want planes it would be a very long journey on train and that would be time-wasting. <BR>Hope all these helps.. let me know if you need more info on anything
Old Jun 23rd, 2002, 11:47 PM
Wu Kok Wai
Posts: n/a
Malaysia is a safe place to visit for American and European as well as for others races all over the world.<BR>There are NOT Taliban Network in Malaysia. If you do not beliver it just check with Malaysia Embassy in US or it office in LA or New York. OR go online to read Singapore newpapers where they have articles about Malaysia.<BR>Email to me if you could not find Singapore newspapers online. <BR><BR>If you are planning to come to Malaysia for your honeymoon or a game of golf in Malaysia golf club or to book online hotel room or to shop online for Malaysia department store goods,check out our web site:- www.emasonline.com/llb and click into the word Century Hotel Malaysia for Century Hotel online booking of hotel room in Melaka & Kuala Lumpur and others cities in Asia.<BR><BR>And go to the same web site as stated above for online shopping , click into the word Parkson or Shoponline Today Special with 10% to 50% Discount and 108 Cyber gifts icons which is found in our web site.<BR>For golf vacation packages ,just go into our web site and go into the word golf vacation packages.<BR>
Old Jun 24th, 2002, 01:15 AM
Alah no GOOD!
Posts: n/a
After watching the Pearl(WSJ journalist) execution video, widely available on the net, I will have a hard time going to an Islamic country again.
Old Jun 25th, 2002, 10:37 PM
Posts: n/a
Joyce,<BR><BR>I don't know much but part of Malaysia seems safe. There is a watch for Americans in Malaysia, especially in the eastern part; some have been kidnapped. You can read it at:<BR>http://travel.state.gov/malaysia_announce.html<BR><BR>I am thinking myself of going to Malaysia on my way to Singapore from Bangkok by train. I think it should be fine but who knows...
Old Jun 27th, 2002, 12:31 AM
Posts: n/a
If you do a search on this forum about the "is Malaysia safe" question you will find it has been covered about 18 hundred times since September. Sorry, but I live in Malaysia and the whole issue is getting kind of old. Absolutely nothing to worry about. Period. 99.99999...% of Muslims aren't lunatics, no matter where they are in the world. By the way, Malaysia isn't even purely Muslim, and the people are friendly as can be no matter what their religion. Like Singapore, Malaysia has a wide range of different ethnic groups - which means that despite some quiet grumblings, people are tolerant of everybody.<BR><BR>And why do people always ask about Malaysia? Indonesia has more Muslims than any country in the world, and is far less stable than Malaysia, but I think there are very few areas even there that need be avoided.<BR><BR>I think day-trips from Singapore would be tough, except to Johor Bahru, though I would say that there's probably not a lot to see in JB. Haven't been yet, but I hear it's your typical border town (which is why we haven't bothered going yet, even though we live only about three hours away by car!). <BR><BR>We live in Melaka/Malacca, which I adore. So much history and character, and easy to see, as much of the touristy stuff is central. You can search for it on this forum as well.<BR><BR>You are looking at longer trips for any other destination. I would consider giving S'pore five days, tops, and then jetting off elsewhere. Try SilkAir - they specialize in "get-away" destinations. If you fly from S'pore to anywhere in Malaysia you would do better to cross to JB and fly from there - you'll save on airfare. How about Malaysian Borneo?<BR><BR>
Old Jun 27th, 2002, 01:24 AM
Dato Ho Ho
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Malaysia has two ethnic group - Malays and Chinese. Fewer Chinese now a days, after the civil war in the 50s they have all move to other countries. Also, since Malays comprise the majority of the poppulation they are extremely prejudice towards people of Chinese heritage. One example, if a Chinese person want to list his company on the stock exchange he must give 30% of the shares to Malays!<BR><BR>Malaysia IS under Muslim laws and every Malaysian by law must be a Muslim - no freedom to worship any other religeon here I'm afraid. People in other part of the world have fought and die for lesser cause so you tell me if this is good or not? <BR><BR>One good thing about Mushlim laws is that a man can have 4 wives! On the other hand a women can only have 1 husband!
Old Jun 27th, 2002, 06:22 PM
Posts: n/a
I think the Prime Minister of Malaysia have just resigned and reassigned himself because of some crying supporter(soap opera antic). This could be a sign for more trouble in Malayland!
Old Jun 27th, 2002, 07:09 PM
Posts: n/a
"Dato's" (nice try, buddy - as if!) comments are not accurate. Malaysia is about 58% Malay, 24% Chinese, 7% Indian and then a smattering of Eurasians and East Malaysia ethnic groups. In KL and other western coast cities, the Chinese dominate the population. <BR><BR>Yes, the Chinese do get shafted quite a bit, which is why a lot of the young ones go overseas to uni and never come back. But they also rule the financial world, so they aren't that badly off. It's not like the Chinese are getting murdered and beaten on the streets - violent crime is minimal here. You'd more likely be beaten or mugged or worse in the US. The Malays grumble about the Chinese because as a whole, Chinese are much more driven and successful, and the Malays have been handed everything on a silver spoon and don't know HOW to work hard anymore. This is why poor Mahatir is so frustrated and had that little theatrical breakdown the other day. He's still in office until October 2003. Who knows what will happen to the country then, but for now (and probably in future) this has no bearing whatsoever on tourism. <BR><BR>There is complete and total freedom of religion - how does one account for all the many temples, churches, etc, all over the country? Malays are almost all Muslim, yes, but the Chinese and Indians mainly are not (some Indians are, obviously). "Malay" and "Malaysian" mean completely different things - Malaysians are not "required" to be Muslim. What a ridiculous thing to say! From what I hear, Malaysian Borneo is very much Christian dominated, even. And hell, even if every person here was Muslim, does that mean they are all raving lunatics like the terrorists that lived in the US prior to 9/11?<BR><BR>The portion of the legal system that is categorized as Muslim Law does not apply to everybody. The Chinese don't get divorced by saying "I divorce you" three times. They can drink all they want. Gambling is illegal, period, but the government has even made concessions for that particular Chinese passtime by providing the country with Genting. <BR><BR>Anyway, Joyce, I SWEAR to you, Malaysia is safe!! I feel more comfortable here than in the US, to tell you the truth. I have never even been given a dirty look by anyone in this country (okay, aside from the occasional lech on the street, but that happened more often in the US!). Usually the people are all smiles, honest!
Old Jun 27th, 2002, 07:36 PM
Dato Ho Ho
Posts: n/a
The Malaysian Government continued to <BR>arrest and detain citizens without trial, and prolonged pretrial <BR>detention is a problem. The Government sometimes limited judicial <BR>independence and freedom of assembly, association, speech, and the <BR>press. Partly as a result of these limits, opposition parties could not <BR>compete on equal terms with the long-ruling governing coalition. A <BR>Western correspondent was sentenced to 3 months' imprisonment for <BR>contempt of court in a case that raised questions about freedom of the <BR>press and judicial impartiality. A United Nations special rapporteur <BR>and a prominent jurist faced libel charges for their criticism of the <BR>judiciary. The trial and harassment of a prominent human rights <BR>activist on criminal charges under the Publications Act also continued. <BR>Religious worship is subject to some restrictions. The Government <BR>continued to impose long-term restrictions on movement without due <BR>process hearings. Violence against women and child abuse remain <BR>problems. Police did not always act on reports of domestic violence. <BR>Some discrimination against indigenous people and ethnic minorities, and <BR>restrictions on worker rights, persisted.<BR>
Old Jun 27th, 2002, 07:40 PM
Dato Ho Ho
Posts: n/a
Oh... I forgot the above was from the U.S. Department of State - Malaysia Country Report on Human Rights Practices<BR>
Old Jun 28th, 2002, 04:33 AM
Posts: n/a
Dato Hoho, you have gone the wrong way if you want to fight prejudice, injustice and violation of human right in Malaysia. By posting misleading information does not help your cause or credibility .<BR><BR>I do not condone what Mahatir's government did nor the unfair treatments of non-Malay (non-muslim) laid down by the Malaysian constitution, but as far as travelling concern, Malaysia is a safe and beautiful place to visit. If one wants to be politically correct and only visits countries which are free from social injustice or prejudice, one has a very limited choice.
Old Jun 28th, 2002, 08:35 AM
Posts: n/a
I guess people like Carrie vacation in South Africa during Apartheid. Who cares as long as the tourist are happy eh?<BR><BR>I know, I know, Malaysia is not as bad as that after all their tourist slogan is "Malaysia truely Asia!"<BR><BR>Scooby Doo... Where are you?
Old Jun 29th, 2002, 01:54 AM
Posts: n/a
Thank-you, Carrie! Well put!
Old Jul 2nd, 2002, 02:06 AM
Posts: n/a
No, I didn't visit South Africa until Mandela was released and had a jolly good time, thank you very much.<BR><BR>To compare the situation in Malaysia to Apartheid in South Africa is to trivalised the great man Mandela's efforts and struggles.<BR><BR>Thanks Jen. Are you still live in the good old Malacca?
Old Jul 4th, 2002, 01:44 AM
Posts: n/a
Malaysia is safer for Americans than America is for Americans. Only 40% of the population are muslims and freedom religion is in our constitution.
Old Jul 4th, 2002, 09:13 AM
Posts: n/a
I was in Malaysia biking in 2000, and while it is a beautiful country with a thriving tourism industry, I was "fondled" in public (he grabbed my breast) by a teenage boy. I was in biking clothes and was apparently advertising so it was supposedly acceptable for him to do that. So - i wouldn't go running alone in a jogbra or anything similar.<BR><BR>As far as the terrorism/kidnapping thing - I have no comment.<BR><BR>Pat
Old Jul 4th, 2002, 02:01 PM
Posts: n/a
I was in Malaysia when the Sep 11 incedent took place. At no time did I feel in any way threatened by the events. Malaysia is not a Muslim country ie it is a secular state (despite the eforts of PAS). The people are friendly and the fact that many are of Muslim religion is of no consequence to the enjoyment of your holiday.<BR>I recommend going to Penang - absolutely fantastic especially the food!
Old Jul 4th, 2002, 04:16 PM
Posts: n/a
WOW. it's getting politically heated in here, which i love. but I'll try too help theese folk instead..<BR><BR>10 days in singapore is way too much. I honestly stayed in S'pore for that long becouse I found a cheep dorm that had good bathrooms.. YEs i stayed for the bathrooms not becouse there is much too do in S'pore..<BR>if you arent flying, it makes it kind of dificult too get some of the places in indonesia.. <BR><BR>jakarto too bali is a 24 hours bus ride .. TAKE KARINA if you can it costs about $18 and is a super deluxe..<BR><BR>maybe kl is a better hub. many places are accessible by train and it's tons cheeper... and SAFE pluss most people speek english...as do the singaporians.<BR><BR>Of course for us travelers malaysia is just a pit stop too thailand.. <BR><BR>for a place that rains so much why does S'pore have many tiled sidewalks which makes them slippery as heck?.

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