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Very comprehensive packing list - almost ready to go!


Very comprehensive packing list - almost ready to go!

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Old May 10th, 2006, 07:51 AM
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Wow Linda! You are a jewel. This will be helpful for our trip in August.

Also, thanks for keeping up the East Africa Trip Report Index.

Thanks again,

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Old May 10th, 2006, 08:31 AM
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Thanks LyndaS. I'm impressed with your list...and I thought I was organized. This will give me something to strive for.

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Old May 10th, 2006, 08:36 AM
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Lynda, have you used Wrinkle Free before? If you have, and you like it, go ahead, but if not, try it out before you go. I used it once, and found it useless, so I banished it forever from my luggage.

I agree about the coffee. It'll be delivered right to your door in the mornings.
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Old May 10th, 2006, 09:01 AM
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I agree with everyone else. Leave the coffee paraphernalia at home and just have coffee delivered to your tent/room with your morning wake up. We've been pretty happy with the coffee provided at camps. The only thing I bring is a travel mug for our morning game drives.

If you want coffee to take home, Nairobi Java House is the best local coffee we've found, particularly their expresso roast. They also produce a Kenya AA and Ethiopian but we found these a little light for our tastes. We also tried some Dorman's last time and it wasn't nearly as good but perhaps we just picked the wrong variety. Kenya produces some good coffee but not all of the stuff that's sold locally is, so you have to be careful what you buy. There's a branch of Java House at the airport right next to the BA gate (prices slightly higher than in town).

I also bring enough underwear so that I don't have to wash, so no laundry stuff for me. Everything else goes into the camp laundry.

I too am puzzled by all of the stationary items.

Is your 8 lb bag a Micato issued one? We bought some inexpensive duffle bags that weighed just over 2 lbs each for our last trip.

From reading the packing lists here, I think I bring far more clothes than everyone else but far less other stuff
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Old May 10th, 2006, 12:16 PM
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Wow, this is fabulous feedback! Thankyou everyone! I printed this off before dashing around on some 'last minute errands' and read it in the car (Jim was driving, not me)- fabulous input. And, hopefully all of the input will be of value to others - maybe this thread can be the 'ideal Fordorite Packing list' by the time everyone puts in their input and we refine it.

So, yes, I do see the point, and agree, about about the coffee - as my mom would say 'it's like bringing coal to Newcastle' - never thought about that! The coffee is scratched.

As both pairs of my socks were ankle socks, one has been scratched, and a knee high has been added instead. They are the Tilley (yes, we support Alex Tilley singlehandedly) quick dry kind and I really hate wearing socks and shoes (as opposed to sandals) so I think two pair will be good.

The slippers, I should have qualified are not really slippers, but packed for the same reason that ShayTay & Sandi mentions - in the lodge and by the pol. They are Clarke's slip on sandals, I use them as house slippers as I have planterfastitus (sure, try & spell that right?) so I always have to have arch support. They double as pool shoes as they can get wet, no problem there. This getting old really is for the birds - makes the packing list grow!

Leely, yes, I agree with ditching the shoe brush and shoe sponge - who really cares if our shoes are dusty. And, the travel lint roller is gone gone gone - it was so 'cute' I just couldn't resist it - but nope, gone now!

Austkaye - just to let you know the 13lbs was ONLY my clothes - none of the 'stuff' was in the bag at that point!

Dennis, Kavey, Sandi and Patti - re the stationary items - I see now I went a little overboard there! You guys are right, I am NOT opening a stationary store here - I really do get carried away sometimes with my 'things'. Gone are the ruler, paper clips, glue and white out. I like that cute little stapler though, it's really tiny and one just never knows! Oh and gone is the clipboard - I was on a cruise once and wished I had one for writing stuff out on the balcony - but, I can always use my journal book to write on!

Kabey - the reason for the journals - one is a field journal that I have made up with notes (many) for the trip and room for writing notes while 'out and about'. The good leather bound one is the one I will write the actual journal in, back in the room, from the notes jotted on the game runs, etc. The other one is a very small spiral notebook with tear out pages for whatever, but probably Jim will use this for his photography notes.

Re the Deet - I promise I will be careful & not get it around my face - it's Muskol from my 'Manitoba' days where the mossies are so big that they can carry away your steak from the BBQ... But, maybe I will just bring those OFF wipes, instead of the Muskol.
Gone too is the Purell - you guys are right, the antiseptic wipes are good enough.

Shaytay - the clothesline does have the clips at the end, not those useless suction cups! Hopefully I will have something to clip it too....
And gone is the umbrella - you are right, my jacket and two of those cheap plastic poncho raincoats (which I forgot I bought for this trip!) will suffice. The sleeping aid is actually the Benadryl - doctor reccommended it to me years to sleep on the plane & it actually works! This is also why I have the non-drowsy antihistamine Sherry, - if the fly bites really bug me during the day I can take that and not fall asleep in the van! The dramamine is the Gravol. And, yes I do have a number on the both the film canisters and the films themselves, I travel there with the canisters, but throw them out as I use them and just bring the film itself home. Those numbers, as you mentioned, have been a life saver for me many times!

Gone are the wrinkle free and swimsuit wash, yes, I can see where the swimsuit wash is unecessary and I as I haven't used the wrinke free before, I will take Celia's advice and NOT use it. I can be such a wuss sometimes on presentation, but I really have to remember that we are ALL in the same boat (jeep?) on safari!

Gone are the face nets - what can I say, the guys at the travel store saw me coming....

Patty - thanks for the info on the Java House - I put this in my notes - and the 8lb duffle is indeed Micato issued - way too heavy in my eyes, it is TOO well made.

And thanks Dennis for the congrats on the 30th aniversary - I agree, it's a great place to spend it!

My favorite line here is Hari's - 'take the candy' - I like that advice!

I can just see all these pounds shedding as I write, it's like going to Weight Watchers - I LOVE it guys!


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Old May 10th, 2006, 12:41 PM
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Lynda - I am glad you learned some things from everyone here. I got some great ideas from you, some reassurance from others, so we all benefit! Happy Anniversary and happy safari!

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Old May 10th, 2006, 12:57 PM
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Don't throw away those film canisters until you're away from the dust! It gets into everything and don't know if it can make it into a film roll, but it's so fine it just might!
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Old May 10th, 2006, 01:11 PM
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Cooncat- have you started to pack yet? You leave the same day as me don't you - the 26th?
Dennis - that is is GOOD point, I have an xray-proof bag that I keep the films in, but that will be back at the lodge. Good point -I wouldn't have thought of it.
And thanks Kevin for your kind words on the list & the index - I do love to do 'organizing' things as you can tell by my office kit!!!
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Old May 10th, 2006, 01:37 PM
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Would you believe, when trying to figure our where on both of our itineraries Lynda and I might run into one another, she actually told me what she'd be wearing! Less than a month out and she knows! Sorry to tell Lynda, but I laughed so hard I almost "peed my pants" (of the Pirates of Pensance fame uttered by Richard Gere) Name the movie!

"Coals to Newcastle" - thanks Lynda, that was on the tip of my tongue but couldn't remember Newcastle!

Kavey - for 9-weeks, believe both Patty and I would find a local store and buy more "wears."

Though Sherry's idea for "au naturale" sounds good and we all look better without VPL and the clothes fits way better. Then there is what the army guys do, turn them inside out! Ugh! Too nasty! Pass on that one... rather au naturale with a sticky back sani-pad.

There are solutions to all situations.
Old May 10th, 2006, 01:56 PM
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Sandi, whilst I could have found a store for more "wears" during the first 2.5 - 3 weeks most of the rest of it was on safari and last I looked there weren't any department stores selling knickers in the middle of the game parks! Honestly, we spent 5 weeks straight on safari, a lot of that in Botswana flying from one small camp to another - there was NO place to buy underwear and packing enough for that length of time would have meant wearing nothing BUT underwear!!!

If "face nets" = mosquito head nets, I have to say I am very pleased we had ours. On our first trip, whilst I adored the mokoro experience, I sat with my winter scarf wrapped around as much of my face as I could manage, even when it got a bit warmer, and even then I inhaled more insects than I care to think about... On this last trip we wore our head nets and whilst the other guests giggled for the first minute we definitely got the last laugh as they choked on all the insects!
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Old May 10th, 2006, 03:06 PM
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But Lynda's going to Kenya/northern Tanzania where a head is definitely not needed
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Old May 10th, 2006, 03:07 PM
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That should be head NET
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Old May 10th, 2006, 03:17 PM
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Good point - then I'd definitely skip it. It's mainly only over water that the little critters gather in such high densities...
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Old May 10th, 2006, 06:52 PM
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Regarding leaving the film rolls in the canisters...

I used heavy-duty Ziplock freezer bags (quart size) to carry my film rolls in. I ran a couple rows of staples down the bag from top to bottom, creating three compartments that the film rolls fit into. The airport screeners especially loved it. They could see all the film rolls and didn't have to open 30 film canisters if I chose to have it hand-inspected.
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Old May 10th, 2006, 08:37 PM
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Yes, it was funny.

On our last trip, my 14 yr old cousin was with us to Livingstone and Botswana. While in Livingstone he bought 10 days supply of candy to take to the Kwando camps as he was sure he wasnt going to be able to get any candy for that duration of time. He stocked up on every brand he could get his hands on at a gas station near Songwe village. The only thing i remember is something called a milo candy bar, tastes like Malt balls.

Old May 10th, 2006, 10:30 PM
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So, you see guys - I can use my stapler on the trip to do what Shaytay suggests!! (I like that idea though - it does definitley appeal to the orgaznizer in me) I did the canisters in the plain ziplocks on the way home from our 7 week cruise in 2003 - 60 rolls of film, we were leaving from Rome - had them in ziplock bags VERY visible, no outside canisters and they STILL insisted on putting it thru the X-ray machine. By then, after 7 weeks of travel I had lost count of how many times they had been thru various x-ray machines - I, even though I am usually a very pleasant person, was really pissed at them for that! So for the next trip I bought the x-ray safe bags - only trouble is I was told in New Orleans that I couldn't leave the X-ray bags in my carry on as they couldn't see thru them! You just can't win.... No wonder digital was invented.
Inside out Sandi - now it was my time to laugh so hard! Oh, perish that thought! Poor army guys.... I've figured out the PL re Shery's au natural - but what's the V?
Re what I'll be wearing a month from now - I can take that organized thing too far though sometimes can't I! ;-)Actually, I just meant that I would have that vest on because I will by then have tons of souvenirs and be overweight again and have to stuff all I can in my vest pockets!
Patty, I was so relived to hear that a head is not needed in Kenya - now there's a few pounds saved! The face nets, Kavey, are indeed the mossie head nets. You know, they really don't weigh anything at all - maybe I will still keep those on the list - just in case!
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Old May 10th, 2006, 11:45 PM
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V=Visible as in Visible Panty Lines
sandi-TMI on the sticky back sani-pad
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Old May 11th, 2006, 01:11 AM
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Ew, I managed to miss the turn them inside out and the sani pad thing! ROFL!

Think I'll stick to a minute's washing every few days so I can have a fresh pair every day without filling my entire case with knickers. (What can I say, my knickers are large, as is my derriere!)
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Old May 11th, 2006, 04:19 AM
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This thread has taken a terrible turn. As the seemingly only serious person on board here I will get back to my lecturing.
Benadryl taken while flying is very dehydrating. If your wrenched up in a pretzel for hours on end in a tin box, drink gallons of water. This will not only prevent you from sleeping in hideous clot forming positions but will get the blood flowing by making you get up every 5 min. to wait endlessly in line for the til (loo).
If other drugs are avail. besides benadryl, take them instead - my flying fave is valium (diazapam) - it lets me get comf. enough to rest or not care without putting me in an ambien clot inducing, coma-like state.
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Old May 11th, 2006, 04:24 AM
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This has sure turned into a hoot of a thread.

Dennis - very good. Leave it to a guy to notice Visible Panty Lines, the reason for thong panties. Not all that comfortable, but no lines or go au-naturale. As to the "liners" - to avoid the dreaded laundry.

Kavey - absolutely, right on; nowhere while on a long safari to "shop" at least not for knickers. I'd opt for "wears only" big bottom or not... go native a la the Himba!

Still no one named the movie - "Pretty Women" when leaving the opera in San Franciso, Julia says to the elderly women when asked how she enjoyed, commented "I almost peed my pants." Taken aback, Gere reinterpreted the comment as "almost as good as Pirates of Pensance." I amaze myself with the minutea in my brain.


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