2 Best Restaurants in The Amazon Basin, Peru



Conveniently located on the Malecón Maldonado, this restaurant specializes in traditional regional specialties such as cecina con tacacho (a smoked pork steak with fried plantain balls) and pescado a la loretana (fish fillet in a mild chili sauce). The restaurant occupies a historic building and has an air-conditioned room, an airy front dining room with ceiling fans, and sidewalk tables on the malecón.

Le Bateau Ivre

This tastefully restored rubber-boom-era mansion is well worth a visit—if not for a meal, at least for a drink or much-needed espresso—with sidewalk tables on the malecón and plenty more inside. The French-inspired menu features both basic bistro fare (think escargots, fish sautéed in butter, or chicken cordon bleu) and international favorites like hamburgers and pastas, as well as lighter salads and sandwiches. Try the doncella al ajillo (Amazon catfish fillet sautéed with garlic) or the tenderloin Chateaubriand.