Getting Here and Around

Antofagasta's airport, 30 minutes from downtown, is a regular stop on Sky Airline's northern run, about a two-hour flight from Santiago. From Caldera in the south, it's a six- to seven-hour ride up the Pan-American Highway by bus or car, but at least on this stretch you'll see some of the ocean. The bus terminal on LaTorre is just a short walk from downtown. Regular buses leave to Calama (3 hours), San Pedro (4½ hours), and Iquique (6 hours). The beaches of Juan Lopez are 45 minutes up the coast road, and the famous "La Portada" a mere 16 km (10 miles) from downtown—minibuses run there from LaTorre 2723 frequently. The Turbus terminal, one of the bigger bus lines serving all of Chile, is just down the street on LaTorre. Desertica Expediciones arranges trips into the interior, including excursions to Parque Nacional Pan de Azúcar in El Norte Chico.

Air Travel

Cerro Moreno Airport (Antofagasta) (CNF). 55/225–4998;

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