Hilton Head Island Gators

The most famous photo of Hilton Head's original developer, Charles Fraser, ran in the Saturday Evening Post in the late 1950s. It shows him outfitted with a cane and straw hat, with an alligator on a leash.

What you will learn if you visit the Coastal Discovery Museum, where the old photograph is blown up for an interpretive board on the island's early history, is that someone else had the gator by the tail (not shown) so that it would not harm Fraser or the photographer.

These prehistoric creatures are indeed indigenous to this subtropical island. Alligators can be found among the many ponds and lagoons in Sea Pines and islandwide. Spotting a live gator on the banks of a lagoon is a possibility while riding your bike or playing golf. But no matter where you happen to see these intriguing reptiles, do not feed them or attempt to get near them as they are fast and can be aggressive. Having respect for the gators in their natural habitat means keeping a safe distance, especially when children or small pets are involved.

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