Best Campgrounds in Great Basin

Great Basin has four developed campgrounds, all easily accessible by car, but only the Lower Lehman Creek Campground is open year-round. All are first come, first served, and can be paid for on-site with cash, check, or credit card. The campgrounds do fill up, so try to snag your spot early.

Primitive campsites around Snake and Strawberry creeks are open year-round and are free; however, snow and rain can make access to the sites difficult. None have RV hookups (but RVers can stay at Whispering Elms in nearby Baker).

After a few days of roughing it, grab a shower in Baker. Both Stargazer Inn and the Whispering Elms Campground offer them for purchase.

Baker Creek Campground. The turnoff is just past the park entrance, on the left as you approach the Lehman Caves Visitor Center. 2½ miles south of Rte. 488, 3 miles from visitor center.

Lower Lehman Creek Campground. Other than Great Basin's primitive sites, this is the only campground in the park that is open year-round. It's the first turnoff past the Lehman Caves Visitor Center. 2½ miles from visitor center on Wheeler Peak Scenic Dr..

Upper Lehman Creek Campground. About a mile past the Lower Lehman Creek turnoff, this camp fills up quickly in the summer. 4 miles from visitor center on Wheeler Peak Scenic Dr..

Wheeler Park Campground. This cool high-elevation campground at the end of Wheeler Peak Scenic Drive has stunning views and is near trailheads. Many consider it the nicest in the park. 12 miles from Lehman Caves Visitor Center on Wheeler Peak Scenic Dr..

Whispering Elms Campground. The largest camping facility close to but not inside the park is also the nearest to offer hookups for RVs. It is open year-round. Rte. 487, behind Great Basin Lodge, Baker 775/234–9900.

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