
Swimmers have headed into the cold, swift Aare just before its U-turn around the Altstadt since Bern was founded. These days a hot Sunday may see scantily clad (or, in certain sections, naked) crowds of more than 10,000 sprawled on beach towels on the grass, swimming laps in the pools, or bobbing happily in the river (a system of handrails projected over the water prevents bathers from traveling too far downstream).

Bernaqua. About 10 minutes west of Bern, this indoor-outdoor water park is popular year-round, especially with families. It has several pools as well as the longest covered slide in Switzerland. Meanwhile, the spa area is a more sedate place to relax, as is the attached shopping mall with movie theater. Riedbachstr. 98, Greater Bern, Bern, Bern, 3027. 031/5569595; www.bernaqua.ch. 35 SF for 3 hours.

Marzili. Known universally as the Marzili, this sunny stretch of riverbank below the Bundeshaus presents a unique, and entirely free, take on the city. Marzilistr. 29, Marzili, Bern, Bern, 3005. 031/3110046; www.aaremarzili.ch.