Bus Travel

The Luxembourg bus system carries passengers to points throughout the grand duchy.

Luxembourg City train station. Most buses leave from the Luxembourg City train station. Junction of Av. de la Gare, R. de Strasbourg, Av. de la Liberté, 49–24–24.

You can buy an horaire (bus schedule) to plan complex itineraries, visit www.mobiliteit.lu, or consult the tourist office. Tickets on any route, valid up to 2 hours, cost just €1.50. The Oeko-Billjee, a special day ticket (€4), allows you to travel anywhere in the country by bus (including city buses) or rail, from the time you first use it until 8 am the next day. They're available in Luxembourg City at any train station or at the Centre Hamilius (Av. Monterey 8A, at R. Aldringen), the bus station in front of the central post office.

Luxembourg City has a highly efficient bus service covering the town and outlying areas. Get tickets and details about services at the information counter of the Centre Aldringen. A 10-ride ticket costs €12.

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