2 Best Restaurants in Piedmont and Valle d'Aosta, Italy

We've compiled the best of the best in Piedmont and Valle d'Aosta - browse our top choices for the top things to see or do during your stay.

Baratti e Milano

$ | Centro

In the glass-roofed Galleria Subalpina, near Via Po, stands one of Turin's charming old cafés. It's famous for its exquisite chocolates—you might want to buy their gianduiotti (hazelnut chocolates) or candied chestnuts to take home to friends. Light lunches are also served.


$ | Centro

This tiny café, decorated with marble and finely carved wood panels, is famous for its tramezzini (small triangular sandwiches made with white bread and filled with all sorts of goodies), which they claim to have invented here in the 1920s. Popular with the pre- and post-theater crowd, the café also offers a unique roulette system for clients trying to decide on who pays the bill—ask the cashier for an explanation.